Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2430: backbone!

Chen Qiuhan’s screaming anger made Cheng Yuxin Luo suddenly stunned, and the reaction of this guy was a little too aggressive.

They are not the first time to grab the ghosts of others, but they have not seen such a strong mood swing like Chen Qiuhan. As far as Chen Qiuhan’s current expression is concerned, it is entirely possible to describe it with the word crazy.

"Is this guy really happy to be happy?" Cheng Yu said in his heart, thinking that Chen Qiuhan is as important as his life as a life, is it because he is too infatuated with Chen Xinran?

However, even so, he can't be soft. Perhaps Chen Qiuhan really likes Chen Xinran. This is not wrong, because love is right or wrong.

However, Xinluo and Chen Xinran were originally two lovers, and it is naturally impossible for him to give up Chen Qiuhan to surrender the ghost.

However, what they don't know is that it is not because of his love for Chen Xinran, how infatuated. But because he entered the hunting ground, he has been robbed twice by others.

It’s hard to think that Cheng Yu is the weakest team, and finally can grab someone’s ghoul, but I didn’t think that Cheng Yu was so powerful, he had to be robbed for the third time.

This kind of gap makes his heart really unbearable, he feels that he wants to collapse, to be crazy.

This world is too unfair to him. He managed to hunt up more than 600 ghosts in these days. So many ghosts have to be handed over to people. How did he accept it?

It was too fast to get up and down. Not long ago, he thought that he was already a stable winner and could win the victory of this test, but this joy is too short.

He is not satisfied! He does not recognize it!


Suddenly, Chen Qiu-han, who is mad, doesn't care if he has been injured, but at least he still has the power to fight again. He didn't believe that Cheng Yu was so powerful, he didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Therefore, he took the initiative to attack. It is absolutely impossible to let him surrender the ghost.

I have to say that if it is not because Cheng Yu is too abnormal, Chen Qiuhan’s own strength is still good. Even if it is not as good as Jiang Yunmu and Ji Yang, but the difference in strength is not too far.

It is a pity that Cheng Yu's strength can't be judged by common sense. Even the powerful over-the-counter combat powers such as Jiang Yunmiao and Ji Yang are easily lost to Cheng Yu. Chen Qiuhan's fiasco is naturally taken for granted.

I saw that Chen Qiuhan’s shot was very fast, and it was also very fierce. There was a great tendency to put Cheng Yu’s sword in a dead place.

However, he is really underestimating the strength of Cheng Yu. In the face of absolute strength, all the tricks are nothing but paper tigers.

In the face of Chen Qiuhan’s sudden mad attack, Cheng Yu couldn’t retreat. He just stood there and flicked his fist. It turned out to be a positive confrontation with Chen Qiuhan’s next product.


Chen Qiuhan’s face changed greatly, and even Chen Liang and Chen Cai were scared by Cheng Yu’s means. Although Cheng Yu's strength was too strong before, he would blow the three people at once, but at that time, the three of them apparently did not think of it.

But now, the two of them are witnessing Chen Qiuhan’s attack, and Cheng Yu is also fighting back. But the power he showed was really to make them both.

"The strength of this guy is really strong, the young master is using the next product, but this guy is actually a meat fist, and the young master will be repelled. This person is not like the early Mahayana!" Later in the Mahayana, but even he did not dare to use the flesh to pick up the Horcrux.

However, Cheng Yu not only did this, but also done quite neatly. It was actually using the meat fist to knock back Chen Qiuhan. This power is beyond their imagination.

Their hearts are really depressed, even the weakest Promise Palace, which they have always thought of, has such a powerful force.

At this moment, all of them feel that this time the test is so desperate, perhaps they are the weakest team in these tests.

"You are not my opponent, I advise you to surrender the ghost, at least you do not have to suffer from this flesh!" Cheng Yu punched Chen Qiuhan and opened his mouth and persuaded him.

After all, he can't kill like this. If he can persuade him to take the initiative to hand over the ghost, it is the best result.

"Hey! Just because you want my ghost, you don't deserve it!" Chen Qiuhan's mouth blood flowed out, he wiped away the blood, but did not care.

Perhaps he has admitted that this guy's strength is indeed much stronger than him, but he will never surrender the ghost.

Not for anything else, just for your own dignity.

He has accepted the humiliation of being trampled twice for his own living. This time, he can no longer accept it.

"It seems that you really don't see the coffin without tears. I don't want to hurt people, but since you want to force me, then you can't blame me!" Cheng Yu said coldly.

He did not think that Chen Qiuhan was so arrogant, but the more he did, the more he would not be happy. If he really wants to get the ghost of Chen Qiuhan, it can only make routine means.

"Although you are here, I will never be afraid of you!" Hearing the cold voice of Cheng Yu, Chen Qiuhan felt that his body had entered the cellar and was cold.

To be honest, when confronted with a strong person like Cheng Yu, it is impossible for his heart to say no fear. Moreover, the shock that Cheng Yu brought to him was too strong. He felt that in front of Cheng Yu, he had almost no chance of rebellion.

Even in front of Jiang Yunmiao and Ji Yang, he has never been helpless.

However, he still did not admit defeat, and he must stick to his teeth.

"Very good! Since you are so sturdy, then I will fulfill your temperament!" Cheng Yu is no longer polite ~www.ltnovel.com~ The figure is flashing again, and Chen Qiuhan is slamming out.


Although Chen Qiuhan had already prepared, but when Cheng Yu came again, he was still scared. With both hands forced to block, the whole person, such as a broken kite, floated out directly, and the blood sprinkled half a sky. In such a dark environment, it was particularly bleak.

"Young Master!" Chen Liang and Chen Cai quickly rushed to catch Chen Qiuhan, who is about to land, and his heart is both angry and helpless.

Cheng Yu is too powerful. They are opponents at the moment. Now Cheng Yu wants to hurt people, they can't stop it!

“I don’t pay?” Cheng Yu took the first two steps and asked again.

"Do not pay!" Chen Qiuhan is full of blood, but he is not willing to let go.

"Very good!" Cheng Yu's voice fell, and once again shot toward Chen Qiuhan.

"Block him!" This time Chen Cai and Chen Liangheng in front of Chen Qiuhan, as Chen Qiuhan's followers, this time they just want to let it!

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