Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2437: Great movement!

The scattered fairy found himself trapped by nine purple runes, and suddenly his face changed.

At this time, he realized that the magic weapon of Cheng Yu had just circled around him. It turned out that the nine purple runes were laid out at that moment.

The positions of the nine runes are seven around, two up and down, and there is no way for anyone to escape from it.

"Oops, the ancestors seem to be trapped!" After the rune under the fairy devil, the golden light dimmed, so Chen Qiuhan, they just saw the situation of their Chen family's ancestors being trapped by runes. .

This made Chen Qiuhan anxious. If he can leave here safely today, he can only hope for this ancestor. However, even the scattered fairy has been trapped by Cheng Yu, the situation is very bad.

"Hey! I don't believe that you can still trap me in a small Mahayana period!" Sanxian did not think that the situation would become like this, and he still underestimated Cheng Yu and his magic weapon.

However, now that I regret it anymore, I can only find a way to forcibly break through.

"Yes? Then you can try it, see if your fairy can save you this time!" Cheng Yu sneered, and the law in his hand changed quickly.

At the same time, the nine purple runes fired purple light and connected with other runes. Others saw it as if it were a huge purple prism, with a spire above and below, seven in the middle. The top corners are all connected by purple light.

And the Chen family's scent is trapped inside this huge purple prism.

Everyone saw it clearly, and the Chen family scattered in it was moved, and he saw that he once again raised the fairy axe and smashed it toward one of the runes.


I have to say that the power of the fairy is not to be underestimated. The powerful force is bombarded on the purple rune, and the purple rune is shaken.

However, it was just a sway, but he was not able to open the purple rune. On the contrary, other people only felt the ground shaking, and their feet were actually shaking, and even the ground cracked.

At the same time, because of the explosive power of the fairy and the power of the purple runes, they feel like they are the end of the world. They even feel that they have not seen any hope of life. At this moment, everyone must be shredded by this powerful force.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!" Chen Qiuhan muttered in his mouth, and he didn't know whether he was talking about the strength of Chen's ancestors or Cheng Yu's seal power.

However, no matter what he meant, he was really scared. This power is beyond his imagination. If the ancestors of Chen’s ancestors were the most powerful attack he had ever seen, then Chen’s ancestors seemed to be squatting on the purple rune. It is more than a few times stronger than before.

Moreover, every time he cuts it, the hunting soul field is swaying. He feels that the ancestors are not cutting the seal at this time, but the whole space.

He is even worried that if this is done again, will this space collapse?

"Yu Shidi is very strong, and now even the scattered immortals are trapped by him, and this time he is dead!" Xinluo is also very worried that this hunting soul field will be smashed by both of them, but now see Cheng Yu Dafa Shenwei, even the scattered fairy was trapped by him, his heart is excited and excited except shocked.

Sanxian! Although it is only a sacred avatar, it is no longer an ordinary monk can handle it. But now, Yu Shidi has actually trapped the scattered fairy, which is already a miracle.

Xinyao was so excited that she couldn’t speak, but her eyes were full of pride.

This is his man, who was able to trap the man who stood in the sky at the beginning of Mahayana.

Sanxian is too far away in their eyes, even if they are already in the Mahayana period, but it is very difficult to take this step.

Not all Mahayana can be robbed in the late stage. If you want to rob, your strength must be recognized by Heaven. Only when Heaven approves your strength will it be reduced.

However, many of the Mahayana were poor for the rest of their lives, and they were not able to wait until the day was over.

Therefore, even if the failure of the robbery became a fairy, it is their unreachable dream. It is such a peerless powerhouse that it was incredible that Cheng Yu was trapped by a detachment today.

Moreover, Cheng Yu now uses all the arrays that she has never seen before, which seems to be a new formation.

"I don't believe you can't open you! 劈 碎 碎!" The celestial avatar is obviously angry, and his ability has not been able to incite this seal half-point, he is really reconciled.

In the avatar, all the forces are gathered on the axe. I saw that this phantom has become transparent at this moment. It can be seen that this time the loss of the celestial avatar is not small, he has to give the most powerful in himself. The power of this opened the seal.

"Come on! I will see how you can open my squad!" Cheng Yu saw this situation, did not dare to underestimate the enemy, and quickly changed the fingerprints, urging the fairy tower to the top of the array. Hanging above the top purple rune.

This purple rune seemed to be linked to the fairy tower at once, and the more powerful seal was passed down from the fairy tower, and then passed through the purple rune to the other eight purple runes.



Just when the fairy was split into an axe and squatted on the purple rune, the celestial body split directly and flew out, while Cheng Yu spurted the blood directly.

The entire hunting soul field is actually shaking more and more powerful, has not stopped for a long time ~www.ltnovel.com~ This will not really be destroyed? "Seeing the continuous cracking of the ground, Chen Qiuhan's fears are getting worse.

At this time, in other places in the hunting ground, those who participated in the test also felt that the hunting ground was shaking violently, and could not help but be curious.

"What is going on here? How do I feel the earth is shaking?" Feng Gaohua, who is hunting the ghost, feels the abnormality of the hunting ground. It is very doubtful.

"I am afraid that there is something big about this hunting soul field, or else there will never be such a situation!"

"What can be done in this hunting field?" Feng Gaohua is somewhat puzzled. There are only some ghosts in it, and there is something big to happen.

"Maybe other people who are trying to fight are fighting!" Feng Sheng said.

"This is impossible. How can the fighting method have such a big movement!" Feng Gaohua shook his head. This is absolutely impossible.

The strength of those people is not much different from him, even if it is better than him, how can it make such a big move!

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