Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2440: The lessons of the car!

"Afraid! Of course I am afraid to offend Chen. But I have already advised you. It is your own desire to break the rules and intervene in the test between us. If so, then I Cheng Yu is really not afraid of anyone, so today I am I want to seal you!" Cheng Yu sneered, but Chen is just a family that bullies and fears hard.

If he doesn't have enough skills today, he might be killed directly by this sinister singer. Unfortunately, he is not really short-lived.

Anyone who wants to kill him will eventually eat his own fruit.

He will not break with Chen, so he does not intend to destroy this sacred avatar, he just wants to seal this avatar.

I didn’t wait for Chen’s scattered fairy to say something, only to see Cheng Yu’s hands on the handcuffs quickly change. Suddenly, the huge prismatic shape composed of the nine purple runes began to shrink, and it seemed that the scattered fairy was wrapped up. It's normal.

"Not good! This guy actually wants to seal me!" Seeing this situation, the scattered fairy is in a hurry, constantly attacking in all directions, but it does not help at all, the nine runes are still constantly As he approaches him, the space within the seal becomes smaller and smaller.

"Are you crazy? You can't afford the consequences of angering Chen's family!" The fairy tales are really scared. The power of strong seals makes him more and more powerless. He feels like a man. Lambs that are tied all over the body can only be slaughtered by Cheng Yu.

However, Cheng Yu’s determination has been fixed, no matter what kind of roar he has, he can’t stop Cheng Yu from sealing his heart.

I saw that this prismatic seal was once reduced to a large palm shape, and then directly flew into the fairy tower hanging above.

"This...this...the ancestors were sealed!" Chen Qiuhan's upper teeth were smacking, and the whole person was a little embarrassed.

He has fantasized about many possibilities, but he has never thought about this possibility. A scattered fairy was actually sealed by a kid in the early days of Mahayana. This is really over.

Even the scattered fairy is not an opponent of Cheng Yu, who else can cure him?

At this moment, he seems to understand the intention of the owner. Perhaps he already knew the strength of Cheng Yu, so he would suggest that everyone can bring two followers.

As long as Cheng Yu is there, who will be the opponent of Cheng Yu?

"That old thing is clear is to hang me!" Chen Qiuhan's heart is roaring. Before that, he still felt that Chen Tianxing was fair to this person and did not give him any privilege. Instead, he fulfilled him.

However, he never imagined that the biggest killer he released was actually Cheng Yu. With Cheng Yu, he can sweep everything in the hunting ground.

This is a test, he lost!

"Yu Shidi, I really admire you, and now even the scattered fairy is not your opponent, it is so exciting!" Seeing Cheng Yu retracted the fairy tower back, Xin Luo said excitedly.

Cheng Yu smiled and didn't say anything, just put his eyes on Chen Qiuhan.

Chen Qiuhan's gaze on the Cheng Cheng Yu Ling, suddenly trembled in his heart, the whole person's legs were a little soft. Cheng Yu is now even more terrible in his eyes than the devil.

Before that, he felt that Jiang Yunmu and Jiyang had good strengths and threatened him. Even after being robbed by them, he was still worried about these two people.

But now that I met Cheng Yu, I realized that what is called real horror. It’s really terrible that a young man can’t stop his early Mahayana.

He didn't dare to look at Cheng Yu's eyes. He felt that he would look at Cheng Yu again and he would be killed by Cheng Yu's fierce eyes.

"You.....you...what do you want?" Chen Qiuhan said with a low head and shuddered.

"What I want to do, you should be very clear in your heart. Now your ancestors of Chen's family have been sealed by me. If you don't want to be sealed by me, you will honestly hand over the ghosts. Otherwise, you will be at your own risk! Cheng Yu said coldly.

This Chen Qiuhan is really not ignorant, and I don’t know if he should say that he does not know the time? Still, he really has a bone.

I have arrived at this share. Does he feel that he has other ways to live besides surrendering the ghost?

The reason why he sealed this sinister avatar is to let him see that in front of him, all intrigues and tricks are useless. He is not afraid of even the singer, will he be afraid of his early Mahayana?

"Cheng Yu, you sealed my Chen family ancestors, Chen family will not let you go, even if I hand over the ghost to you, he can not be happy!" Chen Qiuhan suddenly looked up, facing Cheng Yu Say loudly.

Cheng Yu this guy is really too arrogant, but he should not forget, this contest is to compete for qualifications who can reach Chen Xinran.

However, the Cheng Yu guy actually gave the seal of their Chen family's ancestors, and such a big thing happened. Even if Xin Luo really won the test, Chen Jia could never marry Chen Xinran.

Therefore, he has more than 600 ghosts in his hand, and is the most likely to be the final winner. He will never hand over the ghosts easily.

"My brother can not be happy to take care of you, you only need to surrender the ghost, I will let you leave safely! Otherwise you know how I will treat you!" Cheng Yu said with disapproval.

He does not believe that Chen Jia dares to eat, because he has the means to let Chen's family.

"Haha! Cheng Yu, you are too naive. You admit that you are not your opponent in strength. However, I can't beat it, but I can escape from your hand. This is the only test. Destined winner!” Chen Qiuhan suddenly laughed and saw that his hand had a yellow transmission.

Obviously, he also wants to use the transmitter to go back outside like Jiang Yun.


However, ~www.ltnovel.com~ just in the moment when Chen Qiuhan took out the transmission symbol, a residual image flashed, and the transmission symbol of Chen Qiuhan’s hand disappeared.

"Yes? I really want to see how you escaped from my hands!" Cheng Yu shook with a transmission, watching Chen Qiuhan smile faintly.

There have been precedents for Jiang Yun’s curtain. Will he be like this again?

Therefore, he has been guarding Chen Qiuhan from the beginning to the end. Now he is robbed by him. What should he do?

"You...you.......you mean!" Chen Qiuhan looked at the transmission character on Cheng Yu's hand, and then looked at his own hands, and his face was white, this tricky egg. It was so fast that he robbed his transmission, and it was really finished.

I knew it was like this. He used the transmitter directly when his ancestor was sealed. It was only that time he had a bit of fantasies, maybe things could be reversed.

And he wouldn't have thought that Cheng Yu was so refined, he even took the transmission off the moment he took out the transmission.

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