Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2605: Open solution!

Although it is only a quota, it is already very good for them. After all, it is almost impossible to get the top three in terms of their strength.

Therefore, in fact, although the ratio has not yet begun, they can almost certainly predict that they are out of the top three.

If you follow the previous rules, then they can only watch the people of the first three families enter the dead zone. But now, although there is only one place, they are at least eligible to enter the dead zone.

Moreover, Situ Yuanxiong also said that as long as they are willing, they can let their family members enter the dead zone and follow them to experience.

If this is the case, then they will be guaranteed if they send a family to enter the dead zone.

If you force them to hand over two places for each family, then they won't care so much. Think about it, they even feel very dangerous for twenty people. If they only have two people, how dangerous it is.

Those who can enter the dead zone are naturally the best among their families. Even if they are not the best, they will certainly be very good people in the family.

If they enter the dead zone and there is no protection for the three major families, if they die inside, it will be a huge loss for the family. By that time, it was really lifting a rock and licking your own feet.

Therefore, it is because of these many factors that they think that a quota is a quota. At least in this way, it will not be able to stiffen the relationship with the three major families, and when they have their protection, they will have only one quota. I believe that they should also have a lot of opportunities and resources in the dead zone.

Especially as a family owner, it should not be so impulsive. Because they now represent their own family, not just him alone.

Therefore, they saw Dongfanghong like this, but they were a little happy. In any case, they have already received tangible benefits, and if Dongfanghong is to be so persistent, it is to bring their Eastern family to the gutter.

Think about it, if there is a genius child in the family of the East, they could have emerged in the big ratio, but now he is so confused, it is possible that even Dabi does not participate, then it is not to take people Did you hurt?

Therefore, Dongfanghong is so stupid, they will not be foolish with the fate of the family.

At this time, there is still one person in the hall who did not express his opinion, that is Chen Tianxing, the head of the Chen family. In the face of such a situation, he is also very helpless.

It was because these guys were not united and finally made the situation look like this. Looking at these people's appearances on the three major families, he also despised his heart.

At this time he did not say anything because he did not want to be so dignified like these people.

Although everyone said that they are gathered together for the sake of benefit today, he will not sell his soul for the sake of benefit, but he will laugh at others.

"Everyone, if you are not feeling well, you will leave!" Chen Tianxing did not want to stay here again, and directly found an excuse to leave.

"Hey! I don't know how to lift!" However, looking at the back of Chen Tianxing's departure, Situ Yuanxiong said disdainfully.

"Why should Stuarts have a general knowledge of them? If they really quit the Nine-Family Ratio, then it would be better. At that time, you can enter a few more people into the dead zone!" Jiang Tianyi said with a smile.

"This is true, but I am afraid that they are just talking about playing. I will know it tomorrow. I really don't believe that their Eastern family and Chen family don't participate in the big ratio!" Situ Yuanxiong sneered.

Do not care how they talk about themselves, Chen Tianxing did not hesitate, and left the palace of the Nangong family directly.

As soon as he got out of the hall, he saw a familiar person standing by the lotus pond.

"The Eastern Brothers is a good Yaxing, and there is still a mood to enjoy the load here?" Chen Tian walked over and said with a smile.

"How? Tianxing brother also fell out with them?" Seeing Chen Tianxing coming out, Dongfanghong asked with some curiosity.

For those inside, he also felt that Chen Tianxing still had some temperament, at least several times he was helping himself to speak. However, he does not think that Chen Tianxing will stand in line with him.

And he just took the gas out, it really is a complete face with the three major families. He knew that he was somewhat impulsive, but he was not convinced.

These families have mastered the dead zone, but they are not willing to let them drink even a soup, which really makes him unbearable. In particular, the Situ Yuanxiong, taking advantage of the wind and water of their Situ family, is really thinking that these nine families will respect him.

Humph! Although his Oriental family has now begun to decline, but it will not be so willing to let Situ family ride on the head.

However, I am so impulsive, but Chen Tianxing does not seem to be such an impulsive person. How can he follow himself?

"I don't have the freedom and freedom of the East brother, I just told them to leave in advance!" Chen Tianxing shook his head and said.

"Don't make fun of me, I know that I look silly. I just have some things, I don't spit. So, even if you know that this is too stupid, I have to do it!" Said.

"Dongfang brothers will not really want to give up the big ratio of tomorrow?" Chen Tianxing naturally understands the idea of ​​Dongfanghong doing this, but he does not quite agree with Dongfanghong to solve the problem in too extreme ways.

Because there are too many interests involved in this, they can't allow Dongfanghong to do this for their own benefit.

By the time ~www.ltnovel.com~ those who originally stood with Dongfang Hong will choose to leave him, and may even become the enemy of the other seven families, which is not worth it.

And Chen Tianxing also saw that Dongfanghong was indeed a man, and he didn't want to watch him do this stupid thing.

"Does Tianxing brother think? Is it just my joke?" Dongfang Hong looked at Chen Tianxing and smiled. It seems that he did not feel regretful about his behavior.

"Whether it is a joke, I hope it is really just a joke!" Chen Tianxing said earnestly.

"How do you say?" Seeing Chen Tianxing's so serious expression, Dongfang Hong is not so cynical, and his expression has become serious.

"Although we did not succeed in convincing them to sell two places to our six major families, they finally chose to compromise. At least we still get a place, although a place is really rare, but Situ Yuanxiong said this sentence. There is nothing wrong with the words, there is better than nothing!

In addition, you are not responsible for the Eastern family, even if you do not want to participate in the big ratio, but do you think the children of your Eastern family? Do you think they think so? Chen Tianxing asked!

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