Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2621: Round champion?

"Let this guy take up such a big bargain, the old days are not long-eyed!" Although there are not many people who know Chen Qiuhan, but no one knows him.

In addition to the Chen family, at least some people who went to the Chen family to participate in the test will recognize this guy. When I saw this guy getting the wheel, they were certainly uncomfortable in their hearts.

After all, who wouldn’t want to advance without having to do it? For this genius master like a cloud test, in fact, each test is not a simple matter.

Moreover, all of them are here, whether you are a strong person or a weak person, and they are all in it. If you are not lucky enough, you will encounter the strongest ones when you step on the stage. You will be eliminated directly. Isn't that bad luck?

Therefore, if you can take turns, it is a big step closer to the top three. Because this round is the knockout, after the first soft down, only half of the number of people who can continue to stand on the ring.

"Autumn cold, congratulations to you, I did not expect that the wheel will let you get it, this first round you can be safe!" Chen Hongyuan looked at Chen Qiuhan, who was excited around him, and his heart was very helpless.

Even in the late Mahayana, he hopes to get the wheel. After all, they didn't know how strong their opponents were before they played against their opponents.

He now only knows that his opponent is a **** family named Jiang Yunsheng. At least the realm of the other side, what strength, I have no way of knowing.

However, he knows that Jiang has two powerful characters, one is Jiang Haoran and the other is Jiang Yunheng. These two people have heard that they are all in the late Mahayana, and there is great hope for the Big Three.

This Jiang Yunsheng has not heard of him. When he wants to come, the strength of this person should not be too strong. At least in Jiang, he is not the first genius, so his chances of winning should still be great.

Although he does not like Chen Qiuhan very much, he is also a Chen family. Moreover, they are now coming to participate in Dabi, and they are all vying for the Chen family. Now that he has got the wheel, he still wants to congratulate him.

In fact, with Chen Qiuhan's realm and strength, he wants to get the top three, the chance is still relatively small, at least compared to him, the opportunity is much smaller.

Of course, this is not absolute, because after this round of trials, a total of twenty-nine people will enter the second round. Therefore, there will still be people in the second round.

If Chen Qiuhan’s luck is good enough, and it’s empty in the next round, it’s really amazing. Although the probability of this situation is very small, it is not impossible.

And he may encounter the strong in the next round, so it is still early to say anything. And he also believes that in this first round of trials, there must be masters who play against the master.

For such a situation, it must be said that the weak side is really bad luck. Because there are definitely many people who are weaker than them, but they can advance, and their strength is much stronger than others, but they are eliminated. Who is this reasonable? I can only say that my luck is really bad.

"Thank you!" When Chen Qiuhan heard other people's bad comments about him, his heart was actually very angry. But in this case, he still has to take care of his face and not get angry.

However, after receiving the congratulations from the Chen family, his mood was much better.

At this time his heart is still very proud, after all, in such a situation, his luck is really good. Although he also knows that Chen Hongxing and Chen Hongyuan are stronger than him, sometimes luck is also part of the strength.

Therefore, although they may be stronger than themselves, they may not have to go far. If you are in the next soft and then go round, then you can really make a big profit.

If you dismiss some masters in the first two rounds, it would be too easy for him to enter the top three. If you are not good enough, you can still win the championship of Dabi!

Now Chen Qiuhan’s heart is really excited to die. His heart has already floated to the final of Dabe, and it seems that he has seen the excitement of being bigger than the first.

"I have to say that sometimes luck is also a part of strength. This guy is not very good, but luck is really good, when it comes up, it will be less than half of the opponent!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

He is now gambling his own bet on the Chen family. Although from the strength of the Nine major families, the hope of winning the Chen family is not great, but he still chose Chen, because Chen is the most suitable. he.

Although Chen Qiuhan, this guy doesn't look like a drop, but this luck is really no one. In fact, no matter who it is, as long as the Chen family can win, it is a good thing for him.

So seeing Chen Qiuhan's turn, his heart is still very happy. At least the people of other families are at least empty.

"The next round is also singular. If he can still take the next round, then I will take him." Xinhai laughed.

"This is unlikely, this kind of chance seems to be no different from him to get the championship. It is already very lucky to have such a time, how can it not be done every day?" Xinhe shook his head and said.

"Haha, if he is in the air again, it will be really interesting. When the third round is fifteen people, there is still one person who wants to take turns. If this is a constant round, then this guy can’t use it. Directly into the top three, and even get the first?" Xinluo thought that if Chen Qiuhan could continue this round, then this time the ratio is interesting.

"Haha, Xinluo~www.ltnovel.com~ Your thoughts are really amazing. Under the circumstances, I am afraid that there is still no one to win the championship through the wheel?" Xinhai heard the idea of ​​Xinluo, could not help Laughing.

If you really get the first of the nine-nation ratio through constant rounds, then does the nine-nation ratio become a joke?

Originally, this was a genius-like test, but the result was defeated by all the people who did not lose strength, and it was not a kind of irony for the Nine-Dabe ratio.

"This is just a joke. After the finals, it is a turn of the game. How can it be possible to take turns? If this is the case, then what is the significance of the nine-nation ratio? The people of their nine family are not fools! Cheng Yu also smiled.

Although this may sound like this, it is actually impossible to do so. Because the front is the knockout, but the back is a turn to play, so one person's luck is good, the front may be able to enter the finals through the wheel, but it is absolutely impossible to take the final round.

"Haha, this is indeed a joke. But now Chen Qiuhan got the wheel, which is a good victory for Chen, I still hope that he can continue to maintain this kind of good luck, at least to the finals!" Said with a smile.

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