Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2627: Luck is very important!

Second, the words of their homeowners actually have the meaning of encouraging them. As long as they work hard, they can actually stand on this platform like Guan Zhixin and decide their future.

This is actually the dream of many people. Whether it is the family of Ji’s family or the disciple of a foreign surname, there are actually such thoughts. However, they feel that this kind of thing is basically impossible.

But now there is such a living example, and Guan Zhixin uses his own efforts to achieve what they want to achieve but cannot achieve.

When I heard the words of my family, their hearts were both blood and sorrow, and they did not work hard but criticized others. This is really shameful. They should work hard to cultivate as the owner said.

If they work harder at the time, maybe they can get so many envious eyes and worship of so many people just like these foreigners who have participated in Dabi today.

When I think of it, many people even think that after this time, they must work hard to cultivate, and then they can't be slack off like this.

Ji Xian is so simple and simple, but it makes everyone more agree with the Ji family. Whether or not Ji Xian can become the owner of the Ji family relies not only on his strength, but also on his wisdom and means.

Even Guan Zhixin, who stood on the ring, listened to Ji Xian’s words and felt a warm flow in his heart. I feel that Ji Jia is not as cold and ruthless as he imagined, at least their homeowners are still very fair and generous.

"Since you have been waiting for so long, what are you waiting for now, let's take it!" Ji Yang said to Guan Zhixin.

He did not feel very surprised that Guan Zhixin did not abstain. Moreover, his father did not help him to speak, and he did not feel that there was anything wrong with it.

Since he is standing in this ring, he should face and accept everything he should face. If he can't win even Guan Zhixin, how can he face the next battle?

Moreover, everyone is also in the middle of the Mahayana, he has absolute confidence to believe in his own strength. Because compared with the surname of the Ji family, the direct blood of their family has an important factor, that is, they have sword fields, but the foreigner disciples have no way to own the sword field.

As for why, they did not figure out the Ji family, but only because of the blood. According to legend, their family is a descendant of the ancient Emperor Huang Di, so their direct disciples of the Ji family are all in the blood of the Yellow Emperor.

Perhaps it is for this reason that these direct bloodlines can make them understand the sword field. At least, Ji family has not yet realized the sword field from people outside the bloodline.

In fact, even the direct blood, not everyone can understand the sword field. The real ability to comprehend the sword field is actually only a very small number.

However, those who possess the sword domain will have a much stronger strength than those who do not understand the sword field. In addition, the strength of the Ji family directly to the blood, the strength will be stronger than other people in the same realm Ji family.

Therefore, for Guan Zhixin, who is also in the middle of the Mahayana, Ji Yang still has the confidence to defeat him.

"Four young masters, offended!" Guan Zhixin is also not polite, not so much nonsense, it is not as good as a real shot.

He needs such a test, because he has to prove to all the family members that the strength and talent of his Guan Zhixin can not be compared with the direct name of Ji.


Guan Zhixin's speed is extremely fast. When his voice falls, his whole person has disappeared in place.

After a loud bang, everyone saw a long and deep sword mark on the place where the four young master Ji Yang stood, but Ji Yang had disappeared at this time.

Fortunately, this platform was made of special materials, and it was blessed by the masters of the Nangong family. Otherwise, with the strength of his previous attack, it is feared that this downfall will be directly crushed.

The Jijia disciples under the stage only felt the same face with the same shaving, which was actually a painful feeling. It can be seen how powerful the sword of Guan Zhixin is. Until this time, they really feel the power of Guan Zhixin, and then think of their previous irony and ridicule about Guan Zhixin. They really feel this moment. Ashamed.


However, at this time, Guan Zhixin felt a dangerous atmosphere, and he turned back in an instant, and the long sword on his hand went along with him.


Just as he turned around, he saw a long sword with a strong sword and smashed from top to bottom.

Fortunately, his reaction and feelings are normal, and his long sword is also drawn together, and the hard-skinned collision with this sword. However, although his counterattack helped him to remove some of his power, there was still a powerful force that passed to his hand and then passed on to him.

I saw Guan Zhixin rolling backwards. After several consecutive tumblings, his right foot finally stood on the platform and stopped the body rolling backwards.


At this time, there was a loud noise under the ring. The original Guan Zhixin had already reached the edge of the ring. If it had not stopped the body, it would fall directly outside the ring.

The big ratio stipulates that once the body is outside the ring, it is lost. So, this battle has just begun, but it almost ended.

However, on the other side of the time, Ji Yang, who had just given Guan Zhixin a blow, was also repelled by Guan Zhixin’s counterattack.

It’s just that his situation is not as dangerous as Guan Zhixin, but he is standing directly in the ring.

When everyone saw such a scene, they only felt that the blood was boiling. Ji Yang was not the fourth master of the Ji family. He just won the test just by one stroke.

However, the luck of Guan Zhixin is also very good~www.ltnovel.com~ actually stopped the body rolling backwards at the last moment, and if he is one step later, he will go out directly.

However, although Guan Zhixin had a good luck this time, everyone thought that Guan Zhixin would still lose. Because he can't be so lucky every time, as long as the Jijia four masters come back for a few more rounds, Guan Zhixin will be defeated!

Of course, most of the people are watching the lively, because the two people above are all Ji family, no matter who wins or loses, in fact, Ji family is a loser.

Because this one is over, the Ji family has one person to go out.

"You are lucky!" Ji Yang saw Guan Zhixin, who was half-squatting on the ground, and said with a smile.

"Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength. I have to say that the martial arts of the four young masters have indeed become a big success, but luck is still worse!" Guan Zhixin stood up and looked at the situation behind him, only the difference Half a step, I went straight out.

"Oh, although luck is also a part of strength, but in the face of absolute strength, no matter how good luck may not be able to help you!" Ji Yang did not care to smile.

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