Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2630: The haze of Feng Gaohua!

"Flying dragon! Come on! Come on!" Dongfang Feibai saw his cousin's situation is not good, and he was very worried. He saw that the dragon was not working, but he still hoped that his cousin could persist. Turn defeat into victory.

Especially if the other party is still not very good with him, he is even less able to tolerate his cousin losing to the other side.

"Hey! Even if you shouted his throat, he couldn't turn over!" Feng Gaohua heard the sound of the white flying in the east, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth.

I saw that the speed of Feng Gaohua’s shot became more and more fierce. The opposite side of the dragon was defeated. He had suffered internal injuries and his breath began to be unstable.

Under the rapid attack of Feng Gaohua, he obviously has some problems.


The mouth was constantly breathing heavily, and it was too expensive to play with the other party, but it never caused too much damage to the other party, which made him somewhat unacceptable.

However, after all, the other party is in the middle of the Mahayana, and he is even higher than him. Although he has done his best, he has no way to overcome the gap in the realm, which also makes his consumption much faster than Feng Gaohua.

Nowadays, the consumption of the Oriental Dragon is too large, and it is already too much to make ends meet. It is difficult to recover in a short time. However, Feng Gaohua does not seem to consume much now. He knows that he will inevitably go out in this way.

However, in the face of Feng Gaohua's fierce attack, he has no ability to stop the other side.


Under the heavy blow of Feng Gaohua, the Eastern Dragon lost to the other side and was directly attacked by the other side.


The Oriental Dragon spurted a drop of blood and fell to the ground, but fortunately, he was still on the ring at this time, just two feet from the edge!

However, he has been seriously injured now, even if his body is still on the stage, it seems that he has no ability to fight again.

However, as long as the contestants are on the downfall and have not taken the initiative to admit defeat, the contest will not end.

Therefore, now that the Oriental Flying Dragon knows that it has no ability to persist, it does not make sense to not admit defeat.

Therefore, he is ready to confess.

"Flying dragon! Be careful!" However, at this time, the Oriental Flying White shouted loudly toward the Oriental Dragon, and at the same time he had already rushed toward the No. 4 ring.

However, it was stopped by the array of the periphery of the ring, and there was no way to rush in. This is to prevent the opponents from being tried in the middle of the ring, but this method is one-way, but the people in the ring can come out directly.

It turned out that Feng Gaohua saw that the Oriental Dragon did not fall outside the ring, and the corner of his mouth showed a sneer again. How could he let the Oriental Dragons admit defeat? Therefore, after he landed in the East Dragon, he even attacked the Eastern Dragon once again without giving the other party a chance to admit defeat.

At this time, the Oriental Flying Dragon also saw the action of Feng Gaohua. He knew that even if he screamed and confessed at this time, it would be useless, but he had been seriously injured at this time, and there was no way to fight back.

However, Feng Gaohua did not leave his hand because of the serious injury of the Oriental Dragon. His speed did not slow down at all, and his sword had already shot and attacked the Oriental Dragon.

"Flying dragon!" Seeing this situation, the East is flying white.

If the Eastern Dragon can't stop this blow, he is afraid that there will be danger to his life. However, at this time, Feng Gaohua has already taken the shot. Even if the Dragon Flying Dragon concedes defeat at this time, there is no way to stop the attack of Feng Gaohua.

The Nine-Family Big Ratio does not stipulate that it cannot kill people. However, many times, if there is no private enmity, it will basically not kill each other.

However, before the Eastern Dragon did not take the initiative to abstain or admit defeat, so now Feng Gaohua shot even if it killed the Oriental Dragon, there is no violation.

This situation on the 4th platform is obviously beyond the expectations of many people. In fact, everyone knows that even if Feng Gaohua no longer shoots, the Oriental Dragon is already lost.

Because the Eastern Dragon after the serious injury is impossible to fight again, so in the general case, the other side will wait for the other party to admit defeat.

It’s rare to see an eager shot like Feng Gaohua. Does this wind Gaohua have anything to do with this oriental dragon? Even if the opportunity for the other party to admit defeat is not given, it is obviously going to kill.

Everyone has brought his heart to the eyes of the blind man at this moment. If it is not expected, Feng Gaohua is obviously higher than the Eastern Dragon, and the Oriental Dragon is seriously injured, as long as he is a sword. Going down, the Oriental Dragon is definitely dead.

At this moment, even the people of the Eastern family stood up, including Dongfanghong, the owner of the Eastern family.

"Family! Do he want to kill?" Dongfang Hong looked gloomy at this time.

Although the Oriental Dragon is only the beginning of the Mahayana, it is also a rare genius of their Eastern family. Now maybe he is worse than the middle of the Mahayana, but I believe that with his talent, it will take a long time to move forward again.

In the first five hundred years, he will reach the genius of the early Mahayana. Later, he will be the pillar of the Eastern family. Now he is going to die in the hands of the wind home. If his face can look good, he will see the ghost.

In fact, the behavior of Feng Gaohua not only surprised and shocked everyone else, but even their Feng family had some accidents.

They did not think that Feng Gaohua was so embarrassed that he wanted to kill in the first game. However, the Oriental Dragon did not admit defeat, so Feng Gaohua's behavior did not violate the rules, at most it is easy to be criticized.

At least the wind has not felt that there is anything wrong with the behavior of Feng Gaohua. Although the nine major families are divided into two ends, one end is the powerful three major families ~www.ltnovel.com~ and the other end is relatively weak. The six major families, however, although the six major families have shown signs of decline, but the competition between them is still very intense.

If you can get rid of the geniuses of other families, it is still very good for their own family. Therefore, nowadays, such behavior as Feng Gaohua can be said to be the default.

Besides, Feng Gaohua is very clever and does not give the opportunity to confess to the Lord. In this case, even if he kills the Oriental Dragon, no one can feel that he is wrong.


Feng Gaohua raised his sword and fell with a sword. The huge sword shadow, like the light and shadow, generally shot toward the Oriental Dragon!

A loud noise was uploaded from the ring, and everyone stared at the downfall.

"Flying dragon!" The East is flying white and shouting loudly. In this case, can the dragon survive?

"Damn!" Dongfang Hong pinched his fists tightly, showing how angry he was at the heart.

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