Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2642: The sword field is not exclusive to Ji's name!

At the beginning of the Chen family hunting ground, Jiang Yun curtain can be said to be the first to live out of his sword field. Although he could not say that he broke his sword field, at least the sword field could not kill him.

The person who really forcibly broke through his sword field was Cheng Yu. Since then, Ji Yang has been concentrating on cultivation, and he has the current sword field. He vowed that he can no longer let others forcibly break open his sword field, but more What surprised him was that the sword field was awakened at this time.

However, at this time, Guan Zhixin even wanted to forcibly break open his sword field, which made him unacceptable. Especially this guy didn't know what the **** was doing, and actually suppressed his sword field, which really made him unable to figure out.

"Home, the expression of the four young masters seems to be something wrong!" A Ji parents saw the situation on the platform, and said.

"Yeah, the swords of the four young masters seem to be weakening. In theory, the four young masters have just awakened their blood, and his sword field should not have such strength." Another elder said with doubt.

"If I guess it is correct, Yang's sword field seems to have been suppressed by the Huangdi sword domain of Zhixin." Ji Xian said with a frown.

"Repression? How could this be?" The elders did not understand.

"If the Yellow Emperor Jianyu really exists, or the Zhixin Institute is the Yellow Emperor Sword Field, then it means that the sword field of our Ji family is only derived from the Yellow Emperor sword field. The Huangdi sword domain is the sword domain authentic. It is the ancestor of the sword field. How do you feel that our sword field can cover the ancestors of the sword field?" Ji Xian said.

"This... If this is the case, then isn't our sword field also suppressed by the letter?" The elders were shocked and said.

"It should be like this. There should be no necessary connection between the suppression and repair of the sword domain. As long as we all use the sword field, it will definitely be suppressed by the Yellow Emperor sword!"

"That said, in order to make our Ji family's sword field more powerful, we must figure out the Yellow Emperor's sword domain."

"Yes, maybe the answer of Huang Dijian domain is on Zhixin!" Ji Xian nodded.

"Just what about the four young masters now? Even the Yellow Emperor Jianyu is born, and the four young masters are afraid of danger!" said an elder.

"Even if Huang Dijian domain has suppressed our sword field, I think that Zhixin should not kill the sun, so he will not have anything!" Ji Xian said.

Originally saw that his son's blood was awakened, he felt that Ji Yang did not let him down, but also let him get excited. However, after seeing the Huangdi sword domain of Guan Zhixin, he knew what was called real excitement.

As a family owner, he knows far more than others, so he has long known that the sword field of their family is not limited to the family of Jijia.

However, even though he arranged so many outstanding direct disciples in the Ji family to comprehend the sword field, he never succeeded. This once made him doubt whether the things he knew were wrong.

Until today's Guan Zhixin exhibited the Yellow Emperor's sword domain, this also proves from the side that the information he has mastered before is correct. It is true that the blood of the non-ji family is indeed able to comprehend the sword field.

However, the secret of this may be on the Huangdi sword field. Of course, this secret is not ruled out in Guan Zhixin's body.

In short, after the end of the big ratio, he definitely wants to find Guan Zhixin to understand this matter well.

As for the safety of his son, he is not very worried. Because Guan Zhixin is not his surname Ji, but also their family, he does not believe that Guan Zhixin will kill Ji Yang in his face.

This time, compared to the trial, even the Yellow Emperor Jianyu, whose Ji’s family has been lost for a long time, has appeared. Jiyang may eventually become a loser.

However, for his family, it is not very concerned. Because no matter who wins this test, he is the person of his family. Moreover, Guan Zhixin has the Yellow Emperor's sword domain, and he has more confidence in the fight behind Guan Zhixin.

Anyway, as long as they get bigger than the top three, they are all eligible to enter the dead zone, so Jiyang lost only lost the big name. Perhaps there is a chance to make a name forever, but this may be better for the future growth of Jiyang.


At this time, there was a loud noise coming from the ring, and the whole person of Jiyang flew out.


Jiyang spurted out a blood, and his face was incredible. He couldn't believe it. This Guan Zhixin even directly blasted his sword field.

It turned out that when he saw Guan Zhixin's strange sword field able to suppress his sword field, he felt that he could not harden with Guan Zhixin. I wanted to use the sword field to wrap Guan Zhixin in the sword field, so that the sword domain of Guan Zhixin could not continue to expand.

However, he never imagined that although Guan Zhixin was indeed wrapped up by his sword field, he did not last long, and his sword field was directly smashed by Guan Zhixin's sword domain.

At this time, above the ring, Ji Yang was injured and fell to the ground, while on the other side of the ring was only a group of blue swords!

Under the ring, everyone looked at the circle. They are not like Ji Yang and Guan Zhixin. They are not like the high-level members of the Ji family. They can understand everything in the ring.

They only knew that Guan Zhixin had been trapped by the Jijia four masters, but now how the Jijia four young masters seem to have been injured, the Guan Zhixin disappeared in the ring!

"What is going on? The Guan Zhi letter is gone. Is it killed by the Jijia four masters?"

"No, the surname is also the family of Ji, should the Jijia four young masters not do this kind of thing?"

"You just didn't listen to the Jijia four young masters? If he shot another ~www.ltnovel.com~ even he couldn't control the sword field. The death of the surname is not convinced, even the forced Ji family The four young masters shot, this is clearly what you are looking for, I think he is really likely to be killed!"

"You are right, but what happened to the blue sword field on the platform? It seems that it was not the display of the four masters of the Ji family?"

"This..." The people in the downstairs saw only one Jiyang on the stage, and suddenly all kinds of speculations began.

"Look! The name is off from the blue sword field!" At this time, the blue sword field on the ring slowly disappeared, and it was the disappearance of their mouth that appeared in front of everyone. Guan Zhixin.

"He is still alive! And still in the blue sword field, what is going on here?" At this moment everyone has such a question in mind.

"What the **** is going on here? Why can you use the sword field? And it can suppress my sword field? What is going on in the end?" In fact, the doubts in the heart stop the spectators in the downfall? Even Ji Yang, who is a contestant, feels inexplicable.

"The sword domain is not only the talents of the surname Ji can comprehend!" Guan Zhixin looked at Ji Yang faintly said.

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