Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2649: Round 2!

As the number of draws became less and less, the people who had not yet drawn the lottery began to get nervous. When they saw the people in front of the draw, they were praying: not him, not him.

When they saw the disappointing number and their own name, they also felt a sigh of relief: Fortunately, they still have a chance.

However, when it was his turn to smoke and did not draw the coveted number twenty-nine, the whole person was like a smashed eggplant, and was disappointed.

However, everyone did not think that the secrets already filled in the battle table, even the only twenty-nine is not out, this twenty-ninth was actually left to the end.

"Scorpio! This twenty-ninth is actually at the end. I knew that I shouldn’t have smoked so early. Wait until the last twenty-nine is not mine?"

"I am so embarrassed, I have been left until the end!"

"I didn't seem to have saved this luck. I took the second to last. I had half the chance to get to the 29th, but I didn't get it. It was really bloody!"

"I don't know which **** is so lucky, I don't have to pump it. On the 29th, I added him!"

"Yeah, this luck is too good. I knew that I didn't smoke anymore. Just wait for the results to be not good?"

"Right, what is the name of the man in the last round? Isn't that going to be him?"

"No, I remember that he is a Chen family. It seems that Chen is cold. Is there a name for this person?"

"What kind of cold is Chen? It seems that there is really no!"

"It won't be so clever? Is it that he has been drawn to the wheel?" No one pulled out on the 29th, and everyone talked about it, whether it was the contestants who had already drawn the lottery or all the spectators under the stage.

"Who else hasn't drawn the lottery?" The referee who organized the draw suddenly shouted.

Everyone is quiet at this moment, I want to see which lucky one is able to fly directly!

But everyone waited for a while and no one was speaking, which made everyone start to wonder? Is it wrong to make a mistake, how can anyone stand out when there is such a good thing?

"Who else hasn't drawn the lottery?" The referee waited for a while and found that no one responded, and shouted loudly again.

"Yes... it's me!" But at this time, suddenly a weak voice rang in the crowd.

When I heard this voice, everyone felt that it was a bit strange. This is the twenty-ninth. It is a good thing that can be directly promoted by the wheel. How can this person feel unhappy at all, and what is the feeling of fear?

I saw everyone watching the sound. When I saw this slowly coming up, the people froze again.

"What! It's him, isn't he the guy in the last round?"

"Yeah, this is incredible. The last round of rounds will be lost. This round is again empty, and this luck is too good!"

"Scorpio, God really has no long eyes, how can it be him?"

"If I had this luck with me, wouldn't I be able to get the top three of Bigby?"

"Get it? If you really have the strength, even if you really make you empty, you may not be able to enter the top three! But I have to say that this kid's luck is really good, the last round of the wheel, this round is again, he If you don’t do anything, you will go directly to the third round. Hey, it’s really more human than the dead!”

"Look, I said it really is him. I have watched it several times. The name of this guy is not on it, so I already knew it was this guy!"

Once again, I saw that Chen Qiuhan was in the air. Whether it was on stage or under the stage, he was talking about it. He really envied hatred and what kind of emotions there were.

However, although there are many envious people, as the party's Chen Qiuhan, the expression of the whole person is very complicated, but it is not a joy or a sadness.

In fact, Chen Qiuhan’s own mood is also very contradictory. Is it unhappy to say that he is once again drawn into the wheel? No, he is very happy.

But because he got the wheel in the first round, many people looked down on him. He thought that he was able to enter the second round because he was lucky enough to get to the wheel, which made him feel that he could hardly lift his head.

So this time he draws a lot and deliberately hides at the end, let others smoke and say. And his heart, I hope that I can easily get promoted in the round, and hope that I can win a game with strength, a bright and upright promotion.

It is because of this ambivalence that when the referee screamed for someone, he did not dare to respond.

Sure enough, as he thought in his heart, although they could see their envy and jealousy from the expressions of those around them, they could also hear irony and contempt from their words.

Moreover, after two rounds of promotion, even he himself felt a little guilty, and the voice of natural response was weak and lacked confidence.

"Sometimes, luck is also a part of strength. You can get two rounds. This is also your skill. Why care about what others think?" However, when Chen Qiuhan stood in front of the referee, the old referee was a face. He said to Chen Qiuhan.

"Hey...thank you for your predecessors!" Chen Qiuhan did not think that the old man would say such words, and he was a little excited and moved.

The blood in my heart is slowly coming back. As the old man said, luck is also a part of strength. It is also his strength to be able to draw the wheel twice. Why should he be guilty? Do they want to have this strength in the wheel?

Thus, the name of Chen Qiuhan appeared in the last one of the battle table, twenty-nine!

Others can only look at that name with a blush! In addition to envy, is there any way? Who makes people's lives better?

"Dao brother, it seems that sometimes a person's luck can't be judged by common sense. Your Biyuan Dan seems to be mine!" A young man looked at Chen Qiuhan on the stage and said with a smile.

"Hey! This kid is really a dog!" The Stuart family’s heart was unhappy~www.ltnovel.com~ It’s also refreshing, and when he sent a sorrow, he directly threw the Biyuandan to the other party. I left without saying anything.

"Thank you, brother, if there is a chance, we can come back again in the next round!" This person is also happy to take over Biyuan Dan, and his heart is full of comfort.

After all, it’s impossible to think of a good value of Biyuan Dan.

The Situ family did not respond to him and left. Apparently his mood was not good. He thought that he could get a magical level of defense magic, but he did not expect to steal the chicken instead of eclipsing the rice. Naturally, there is no good mood.

All the contestants have already drawn the lottery, then the second * ratio will officially begin.

The procedure is still the same as yesterday. The same is true for the four platforms. This time, it is not the first and last battles, but the first to the second, the third to the fourth...

The first eight people have stood on the ring, and everyone in the audience is excited to look at the four platforms.

Compared with yesterday, today’s big ratio is obviously more exciting!

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