Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2674: Soul beads!

Because the Nangong of the Nangong family is empty, there are only seven groups in this round.

Now, the people who have already decided to advance to the quarter-finals are Nangong Shijia Nangong and Nangongke, Jiang Haoran of Jiangjia, Guan Zhixin of Jijia and Wu Chenggang of Situ Shijia.

That is to say, there are still three trials in the ring and there are no results.

These four games are respectively on the 1st, and the match between Ji Tian and Situ Yongcai.

Chen Hongyuan on the 3rd stage against Jiang Yunheng.

Chen Hongxing on the 4th stage against Situ Yongwen!

Among the remaining families, there are still no ones who have been promoted. Chen’s two people are still on the stage. However, as far as everyone is concerned, Chen’s most round of this round is that only one person can advance.

Because Chen Hongxing has become increasingly invincible to Situ Yongwen at this time, and persisted for so long, his consumption has been great.

It’s just that Chen Hongxing always thinks that his younger brother is on the third ring, and he has never lost his battle. His heart is particularly unwilling.

He is not comparing with others now, but is comparing with his younger brother Chen Hongyuan. As the young master of Chen, he can't lose, at least he can't lose before Chen Hongyuan has not lost.

It is because of this strength that he knows that he has some gaps with Situ Yongwen, but he does not admit defeat.

Now Chen left him and his brother two people. If he loses, then he will lose to his brother, which is unacceptable to him.

So even if his current situation is not good, he must insist on it. He must not lose before Chen Hongyuan.

And Chen Hongyuan here! Although he occupies some advantages, Jiang Yunheng's strength is indeed extraordinary. He wants to win this guy but he has never succeeded.

Therefore, this battle is also a drag and drop, and the consumption of the two people is huge. And because the time is too long, he has already given up the speed war, because the consumption is too large, so high-speed consumption is obviously not affordable.

Nowadays, several families have already been promoted, and even Jiang has a promotion. His heart is really unwilling. He came for the first three. In order to break through the realm to the late Mahayana, Cheng Yu took them for his real life.

He also promised to process them, they must win the top three places, take them into the dead zone to see. However, Chen’s situation is not good now. If he is not good, he will stop here. His mood is getting more and more anxious.

He promised the process of the process, he did not want to lose faith. If he can't even do this, then he is really too disappointing Cheng Yu and they have paid for him.

He can't let Cheng Yu's efforts be wasted. He must stick to it anyway, at least he can't lose to Jiang Yunheng.

As long as he enters the quarter-finals, he can enter the semi-finals through a victory. When he reached the semi-finals, he had a 75 percent chance of getting the top three places.

Therefore, he is already very close to the top three. As long as he moves a few more steps forward, he will be able to pocket the top three places.


I saw that Chen Hongyuan’s eyes were red, and suddenly a crystal clear bead flew out of his chest and floated on his chest.

"What is that? Is it the magic weapon of Chen Hongyuan?"

“It doesn’t look like a magic weapon?”

"That should be the soul beads!"

"The soul beads? What is that?"

"I heard that Chen's refining spirits have a soul bead. If I guess it is correct, this should be the soul of Chen's refining soul!"

Everyone saw that Chen Hongyuan suddenly released the soul beads, and everyone was very curious.

The soul bead is the most important thing of a refining soul. The soul absorbed by the refining soul is carried out through this soul bead. If there is no such soul, the refiner can absorb only a small part of it, even if it can absorb the soul. If you want to cultivate it, it is almost impossible.

Why the Chen family's refining spirits can be cultivated so quickly by absorbing souls such as ghosts or souls, the most important of which is because they have this soul beads.

However, everyone is very curious. Since this soul bead is the item they cultivated, what is the use of Chen Hongyuan to get this thing out? This stuff does not seem to be a magic weapon.

"Don't you...has he really cultivated successfully?" However, unlike others, Chen Tianxing saw his son's move at this time, and he was both excited and confused.

"Homeowners, have you already realized the soul refining technique?" Several elders could not help but become excited when they saw this familiar scene.

Soul refining is a very high Tao of the Chen family refining soul. For the soul cultivator, the soul bead is the place where the soul or the **** is living.

Unlike ordinary monks, the monks of other monks are in the purple house. However, their refining spirits are different, and their gods are in the soul beads.

Therefore, they are constantly nourishing souls, but they are nourishing their gods.

For ordinary monks, the gods have a very powerful force, but at the same time, the gods are extremely fragile. He does not have a strong defense like the flesh, and with a little bit of damage, he can cause great damage to the gods.

Therefore, ~www.ltnovel.com~ monks must protect their own gods from harm. Once the gods are injured, it is difficult to recover.

Moreover, the Yuanshen exists in Zifu, and it is not easy to leave the body. Because it is too fragile, once you leave the body, it is easy to be destroyed.

Therefore, when a monk's body is destroyed, the gods will flee. Once the gods are caught, it is really a ghost.

However, Chen's refining spirit has a special ability that is different from all monks, that is, their gods are living in their soul beads.

With this soul bead, the souls of the refining spirits are no longer as fragile as ordinary monks, and their gods can be preserved even if they leave the flesh, because there are soul beads to protect them.

Although the soul bead is not a magic weapon, but this soul bead is very special, there is no way to destroy the normal attack.

So with the protection of the soul beads, the soul of the soul refiner is very safe.

However, at this time Chen Hongyuan suddenly released the soul beads, but in order to let his gods escape.

But in addition to the place where the gods lived, the souls absorbed by the refining spirits are all in the soul beads. Therefore, this soul bead is also the place where the gods practice.

But now, Chen Hongyuan is obviously not released to make the Yuanshen practice. Under normal circumstances, the gods in the soul bead can not blend all the souls.

But now, Chen Hongyuan's soul beads are obviously new changes, and the changes are extraordinary!

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