Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2688: Anti-sleepy!

"How could this be? This Ji Tian actually broke the hybrid swordsmanship of Yong Cai?" Situ Shijia thought that this big ratio would end like this, everyone's face filled with a proud smile.

However, no one thought that this Ji Tian suddenly suddenly killed from the fire dragon. Looking at the smaller and smaller fire tornado, although it is still hitting Ji Tian’s sword field, and still rumbling from the explosion, but the power of these explosions has obviously weakened too much. There is no way to pose any threat to Ji Tian’s sword domain.

Seeing such a situation, everyone in the Situ family will suddenly vomit blood. Didn’t they have an absolute advantage in the Stuart family? Why did it become what it is now?

"It seems that we are still underestimating the strength of the Ji family. Their sword field is not a kind of decoration. Even the fire and swordsmanship has been broken. This is always dangerous!" Situ Yuanxiong’s face at this time is also Not very good looking.

Although at the time of the war, he also believed that Situ Yong’s chance of winning was smaller than that of Ji’s victory, but the attack of Situ Yongcai was very good, even he thought that this game was bigger than their Situ family. Won it.

You must know that if you win the game, you will be locked in at least two places in advance for the Situ family.

Because Ji Tian is out, their Situ family basically has no opponents.

If Wu Chenggang becomes more competitive and squeezes into the top three, then they will get three places.

Of course, for the Situ family, it is possible to send more people into the dead zone. The most important thing is that their Stuart family will eliminate the Ji family and other families through this big comparison, then in the next five hundred years, their family will inevitably usher in the fastest leap period.

In this case, after 500 years, Ji family is even less qualified to fight with their Situ family. The other eight major families will respect the Situ family, this is the most important.

But now there is a reversal in the ratio, so that his good hope is once again shattered, how can his face look good?

I was excited for a long time, but the result was just a daydream!

"It’s a pity, it’s a bit worse. If Yongcai can double the power of the fire dragon, it will definitely break the sword field of Ji Tian. Now everything is in vain, and even Yong It’s also dangerous!” said an elder of Stuart’s family.

From his tone, he can hear endless unwillingness, but there is no way. After all, it is not them who participate in the fight, but Situ Yongcai.

If you change to them, this time Ji Tian naturally has a chance to fight back.

Different from the angry mood of the Situ family, at this time, the Ji family was showing an eyebrow, and all the unhappiness disappeared at this moment without a trace.

"Haha! For a good day, I didn't think that his sword field has reached the second realm, and he has come to a beautiful counterattack. This is how the Situ family fights with us!" This time, When I saw the sword field of Ji Tian on the ring, the first thing I couldn’t help was Ji Xian.

The sword field is divided into three realms. The first realm is the sword, the only one. The second realm is the sword, and the last realm is the sword. I am the only one!

Now Ji Tian’s sword field has realized that the second realm has broken through the sea, and the power is more than doubled. What is the difficulty of breaking the Swordsmanship of the Stuart family?

In such a situation, Situ Shijia will not be unbeaten this time.

"Homeowner, Tianer is really talented. I didn't think that when I was so young, I had already learned the sword field and broke the sword. This game is bigger than our family!"

"Yes, their Stuart family thought they could defeat us, so the family would be more than three places. The desire of them was completely defeated. If the next round let Tianer touch Situ Yongwen, we can first It’s too cool for Situ’s family to get rid of it.”

"Haha, if this is the case, Situ Shijia is afraid of vomiting blood that is irritating!" The elders said with a smile.

Originally, their Situ family wanted to eliminate the Ji family in advance, but now Ji Tian can definitely eliminate Situ Yongcai. As long as the second person of the Stuart family is eliminated, then they will have one Situ Yongwen and Wu Chenggang.

Wu Chenggang is naturally not within their consideration. If their Ji family can eliminate Situ Yongwen in the quarter-finals, then the Situ family will be completely cold this time.

"Look at the appearance of Situ Yuanxiong. At this time, I am afraid that I have already vomited blood!" An elder pointed at the direction of the Situ family.

On the stage!

Ji Tian’s sword field is still getting bigger, even if Situ Yongcai’s fire dragon roll disappears completely in the ring, it has not stopped expanding!

Situ Yongcai’s face changed, and Ji Tian wanted to trap him with the sword field!

He did not think that he changed his position with Ji Tian so quickly that the other party was his own prey, but at this moment he became the other's prey.

Seeing that this sword field is coming towards him, Ji Tian has once again appeared on the ring from the sword field.

Under his control, this sword field seems to have disappeared at this moment. Everyone is wondering. Isn't Ji Tian not ready to use Swordfield to deal with Situ Yongcai?

Seeing this scene ~www.ltnovel.com~ even the people of the Situ family are secretly happy, as long as Ji Tian does not use the sword domain, then Yong will not necessarily be Ji Tian's opponent.

Only a few of Ji’s elders and Ji Xian’s heart sneered, how could Ji Tian’s so smart people have such a good chance?

The disappearance of the sword field does not mean that Ji Tian gave up the use of the sword domain. On the contrary, the reason why the sword field of the Ji family can trap the enemy is not to trap you in the sword field in front of you.

Everyone has not come and thought about it, and found that there was another abnormality in the ring!

"Oops!" Situ Yongcai was originally relieved when he suddenly felt that something seemed to be wrong around him.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

At this time, Situ Yong discovered that his body was attacked!

"This is Jianqi!" Situ Yong was not stupid, and soon reacted. However, he had not come and responded, he had already found his surroundings began to become blurred.

"Not good! This is the sword field!" Seeing this scene, Situ Yong finally realized what it was? This is the sword field of Ji Tian!

The reason why the Jijia's sword field can trap the enemy is not to form the sword field and then to put people in, but the sword field has already entrapped the enemy within the scope of the sword field.

When the enemy reacted, the sword domain had already formed, and he was completely trapped inside the sword field!

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