Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2713: Not optimistic!

"You all give me a shut up!" Seeing this one is arguing endlessly, Jiang Wuya suddenly became angry.

It was already annoying that he had such a situation. They even had a quarrel here, which made him upset.

"But the owner..."

"No, do you think that opposition will be useful? You don't want to think about how many people want to see when our Stuart family is eliminated. Do you think they will agree with our opposition?

Moreover, the Chen family did not admit defeat, the referee has the power not to announce the result, you will only make people look down on our Stuart family and feel that our Situ family can't afford to lose!

Do you want our family to be jokes of others? Jiang said nowhere in anger.

"This..." The elders suddenly turned their faces and felt that they seemed to think too simple.

Now the two people in the Situ family are not very good. I don't know how many families can't wait for them to go out. Even if they raise objections, those family members will help them? Naturally, it is a downfall, and they will never agree to win qualifications.

Moreover, the people of the nine great families are now, if they really did, and the matter spread, their Stuart family would really throw their faces away.

When I think of it, their backs are cold and sweaty. If the owner reminds them, they are really ashamed of the Situ family.

"Don't say this again, lest people feel that our Stuart family has no temperament and lost their face!" Jiang Wuya saw several people finally wake up, and suddenly put down the anger in his heart, his face also eased. Many, tell everyone.

"The owner said that we are too impulsive, and almost shame to the Situ family!" said several elders.

"You understand, no matter what the outcome, we will wait patiently, maybe the situation will not be as bad as we think!" Jiang Wuya said.

When everyone nodded, they didn't say anything more. They just watched the tribes of the two men in the ring. The fear in their eyes was always difficult to eliminate.

For this, Jiang Wuya is also very helpless. At this time, the honor and future of the Situ family can be on both of them. Even if the two can't advance at the same time, it is good to have one person to advance!

No. 1 on the stage!

Although Wu Chenggang did not want to happen in his heart, his reaction was very rapid. When I saw the familiar giant shadow breaking out of the ice, I immediately shot again, and several ice arrows rushed toward the giant shadow again.

"The same means can't be done twice!" Chen Hongyuan saw the ice arrow flying again. There has been a shadow, but this time it is already clear.

I saw the giant shadows under the hands, and forced to sink down, suddenly the ground in front of the giant shadow flew directly, forming a soil wall in front of the giant shadow.


All the ice arrows released by Wu Chenggang were blocked by this earth wall, but this earth wall turned into an ice wall in the next moment!


Just when Wu Chenggang felt that his attack did not achieve the desired effect and was angry, suddenly the ice wall was directly broken, and a giant shadow instantly rushed from the ice wall.

Wu Chenggang's face was tight, and when he was shot again, the two shadows were already in sight, and the figure flashed back. When looking at the land that was just built again, two huge fists were hitting the ground, and several cracks on the ground extended from under the fist.

Wu Chenggang also squeezed a cold sweat for himself. The attack power of this giant shadow is too strong. I feel that every time the opponent has a landslide, if I accidentally be hit by the other party, I am afraid that the guilt will be crushed.

What is even more terrifying is that such a large block is actually quite fast. Perhaps Chen Hongyuan also knows that Wu Chenggang’s ice-fired swordsmanship is not too small, and the threat to him is quite large.

Therefore, once he was once, he was almost unwilling to give Wu Chenggang any chance to hurt himself. Therefore, the attack continued and he did not give the opponent a chance to fight back.


Wu Chenggang was panting and sneaking in the ring, and the mixture of Chen Hongyuan and the giant shadow was constantly attacking in the back. Every attack seemed to be a mountain shake, and even the spectators under the ring were all destroyed by this astonishing destruction. The force was shocked.

"Is this still human? This is simply destroying God!"

"Yeah, when Chen calls out this giant shadow every time, this downfall is basically about to be destroyed."

"Fortunately, this Wu Chenggang escaped quickly, and was not caught by this giant shadow. Otherwise, he is afraid that it will be destroyed once so many years of cultivation!"

"Isn't it? I didn't think that Chen's refining technique is so horrible, it seems that it is not at all weaker than Ji's sword field and Situ family's swordsmanship!"

"That is natural. Didn't you see that Wu Chenggang's swordsmanship has been broken by Chen's family? So, this Chen family's soul refining technique is not stronger than Fujian, but it is certainly not weaker than it!"

"In the current situation, Chen Jia is very likely to enter the semi-finals. It seems that this time the Nine-Clan is bigger than the Chen family and hopes to get the top three!"

"Can you get the top three and dare not say it, but in the current situation, it should not be a problem to enter the semi-finals. This Wu Chenggang is not Chen Hongyuan's opponent!"

"But the situation of this round of Situ family is not very good~ www.ltnovel.com~ Especially the confrontation between Situ Yongwen and Nangongke is really unexpected. I did not expect this Nangongke to be so powerful, Situ Yongwen can Win it!"

"Haha, isn't that more interesting? Their Situ family and Ji family have been occupying the top two for many times. If the Situ family is eliminated this time, I don't know how many families are happy!"

"I don't think it's necessary. Now there are four families left in the quarterfinals. The other five families have already been eliminated. And after this round, there will be new families to be eliminated.

So in my opinion, if the Stuart family was eliminated in this round, the most happy ones should be the Ji family and the Nangong family and the Chen family.

Especially Chen, without the Situ family, their chances of getting the top three are even greater. Everyone looked at the situation in the four platforms. They talked about who is likely to advance, who will be eliminated, and who is the final winner.

However, many people have also seen it, and the Situ family is in a quagmire. It is even possible that in this round they will be eliminated directly, so they have been gloating.

The people of the Situ family heard the talks of these people, but they were all face-to-face. Some of the disciples of the near Situ family wanted to refute a few words.

However, when I saw the situation on the ring, even they themselves felt that there was no hope for this time. The Situ family did not have hope. For a time, they did not know how to refute it. They could only suffocate their unhappiness in their hearts and wait for miracles to happen. !

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