Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2730: Will not admit defeat!

"Pull up! Pick it up! Look, the big clock was directly picked up by Nangong!" Everyone was shocked when they saw the move made by the Nangong Temple in the ring.

Nangong Yu actually took a ribbon on the big clock, and then directly smashed the big clock that was carrying a powerful force and flew quickly!

Seeing the moment when the big bell was picked up, even Guan Zhixin was incredibly full of faces, and his face looked incredulous. He was completely shocked by the means of Nangong.

"What does this **** want to do?" Guan Zhixin suddenly felt a sense of uneasiness in his heart. He knew that Nangong Temple would never be just as simple as taking the big clock.

Looking at the big clock that was picked up, the heart felt a great sense of oppression.

Nangong珏 constantly swayed his right hand, and the originally dangerous big clock was followed by him. However, taking this big clock is not his ultimate goal.

His purpose is to let Guan Zhixin completely lose!


At this time, the big clock whirls around the head of Nangong's head, because the speed is too fast, and the buzzing sound is constantly making people feel scared for this momentum!

"The method of this Nangong Temple is really unpredictable. I didn't think that the original horrible clock was so easily picked up by him, so that the crisis was solved smoothly. It is really amazing!"

"This big clock was originally his, maybe he thought of countermeasures. But he has taken the big clock now, so Guan Zhixin is afraid of danger."

"Yeah! You listened to the sound of the big clock, it was just creepy. I don't know what Nangong is going to use to deal with Guan Zhixin?" Someone said curiously.

"No matter what means he uses to deal with Guan Zhixin now, it is always dangerous to be concerned."

"That's not fake, look out. Just now Guan Zhixin is going to hit this big clock back, fearing that he has used up all the power. If Nangong is going to attack him again, he will not be afraid to throw it away." Half life can't!"

Everyone saw that the big clock was in the hands of Nangong, so the initiative of the two men’s duels was completely in the hands of Nangong, and everyone felt that Guan Zhixin was dangerous this time.

"This Nangong Temple is really too difficult. I don't know what he wants to do now?" Seeing that Nangong Temple is still swaying the big clock, the elders of the Ji family are also anxious.

Nowadays, in their view, Nangong Temple is simply a enchanting in their eyes. No matter how Guan Zhixin can make trouble to him, he can easily resolve it.

And now the initiative in the ring is in his hands, how he will deal with Guan Zhixin, this has to make them anxious.

At this time, they no longer expected Guan Zhixin to win the victory of Nangong, winning the match, and successfully entered the semi-finals.

At this moment, the most worrying thing is the safety of Guan Zhixin.

Nothing else, because Guan Zhixin has the secret that they most want to know - Huang Dijian!

This is how many years they have pursued. Now they appear on Guan Zhixin, they have to figure out this. Therefore, before this, Guan Zhixin is absolutely impossible.

"I don't care what he does. I only care about the means by which the letter can be taken over by the other party!" Another elder worried.

Obviously, Guan Zhixin has been seriously injured at this time. If this Nangong Temple is still premeditating something more powerful, then Guan Zhixin can be really dangerous. They are very worried that Guan Zhixin could not catch the Nangong Temple. of.

Especially the big clock itself was made by the guy from Nangong, so this time, if Nangong is to shoot again, it is definitely not easy.

"No matter what happens next, Zhixin can't die." Ji Xian said with a calm face.

He also knows that Nangong’s move will not be simple. He even foresaw that this blow is crucial for Guan Zhixin. But he can't do anything until everything has happened!

He even wanted to admit defeat for Guan Zhixin, but with so many people present, he could not pull this face.

Moreover, before Guan Zhixin had not lost consciousness, even if he shouted out and confessed to Guan Zhixin, it would be invalid, and only the relevant letter would admit defeat!

However, he saw it. Guan Zhixin, this guy has obviously suffered internal injuries, but he did not admit defeat. This is also his headache.

"Homeowners, if Zhixin really has life-threatening, do we want to take it?" asked an elder.

"At any cost, we must keep the life of Zhixin!" Ji Xian said coldly.

"Understood!" The elder nodded.

Although Ji Xian did not say so, this is already very obvious. Think about it too. Guan Zhixin has such a big secret. How can they see Guan Zhixin’s accident?

"Hey! Ji family wanted to see the good play of our Stuart family. Now we have to look at the play first. Although Guan Zhixin is not an important person in the Ji family, it is also a rare genius of the Ji family. But in In front of this Nangong family, isn’t it right?” Situ Yuanxiong has been paying attention to the situation of Ji’s family.

At Ji Tian, ​​he knew that there was no way to block him from advancing, but another person from Ji’s family, Guan Zhixin, is absolutely sure to lose.

Only the strength of ~www.ltnovel.com~Nan Gongyi is greatly beyond his imagination. However, this is no longer important. As long as the Ji family does not have two people to advance, then their Situ family will have a place for the first three.

It’s just that the situation of their Stuart family is not very good now, which makes him very worried. So he was very happy to see the Ji family being eliminated.

"Homeowners, this Guanzhi letter is inevitable. It is only the strength of the Nangong family that is beyond our expectations. They not only have a Nangongke, but also a Nangong Temple that seems to be better than Nangongke. This is very good for our Situ family. Not good!" said an elder of the Situ family.

"There is another way? This Nangongke has been such a difficult role, and now I will not give up, and this is going to be a great consumption of Yongwen!" Situ Yuanxiong is the most angry is Situ Yongwen and Nan Gongke’s matchup.

Originally thought that their Situ family had a big bargain, but did not expect it to be the most difficult person to meet a person, has reached this point and willing to admit defeat.

As long as Nangongke does not admit defeat, this is an unknown number for the Situ family to advance to the semi-finals!

"Now I can only see who can hold it to the end!" The elder sighed helplessly.

"Oh! Anyway, there are no two people in the Ji family to advance, which is a good thing for us!" Situ Yuanxiong said very uncomfortably.

"That is impossible, the strength of this Nangong Temple is too strong, Ji family can not knock him out again!" Ji parents said!

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