Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2736: A long-lasting family!

Ji Xian looked at the golden sword in Guan Zhixin's hand, and his mind was very complicated at this time.

Before the Huangdi Jianyu was learned by Guan Zhixin, he learned it. After all, this thing was found by Guan Zhixin himself, and he also had this talent, just to be learned by him, as long as he handed over the cultivation method of Huangdi Jianyu. Even so, the Yellow Emperor Jianyu he learned is a reward for him.

However, this magic sword is different, this is the end of the day. If this thing was not left by the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor, it would be impossible to marry a disciple, as the elders said.

But this was left by the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor. If they gave this to a foreigner, it would make him somewhat unacceptable.

However, although he wants to take the scorpion sword back, but now this sword belongs to Guan Zhixin, he can't pull this face!

At this moment, his entangled! What should he do?

"Uncle Shi, what do you say about me now? This sword is left by the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor. Should we come back?" Ji Xian really felt very embarrassed, and finally fell on the old man around him. I couldn’t help but ask.

"You are the owner of the Ji family, how do you decide that you have the final say!" But the old man did not seem to care much about these things, even his eyes did not open, just a faint saying.

"But I really can't make up my mind. I want to take something to a younger generation. This is really a bit of a faceless face!" Ji Xian said helplessly.

"This sword has already recognized the Lord!" However, the old man was silent for a moment, but in the end he simply said a word!

"Recognition of the Lord?" Ji Xian felt a sigh in the heart, first did not understand, and finally looked at the sword of Guan Zhixin's hand again, this reaction.

"Uncle Shi, do you mean that I can't go back to this sword?" Ji Xian asked.

"Although this sword is left by the ancestors of the Yellow Emperor, since it chose its own master, it proves that it agrees with this master. If you bring this sword back, you think that if you bring the sword back Isn't that against the ancestors?

What's more, isn't he also a family member? The old man opened his eyes and said a few words, but once he finished speaking, he closed his eyes again and stopped speaking.

When I heard the uncle, Ji Xian and several elders didn’t know what to say.

Yes, they always think that this is the ancestor's thing. If you don't get things back, it is equal to the ancestors. But after listening to the words of the uncle, they also let them think more.

Since this sword will recognize Guan Zhixin as a statement, it proves that the ancestors all agreed with Guan Zhixin. If they have to forcefully take the sword from Guan Zhixin, it is not to give the ancestors a face, but to humiliate the ancestors!

"I understand Uncle Shi! I will not mention this matter for the time being. You should not mention it in the future. Since the Sword has already recognized the letter as the mainstay, it has been recognized by the ancestors on behalf of its strength.

The old ancestors left this sword, perhaps not letting us keep it, or supply it. But the ancestors had hoped to find someone who would let him approve.

What's more, Shi Shu said that it is true. Although Zhixin is not Ji, but he is still a disciple of our family, that is Ji family. We have no reason to take his things, or else, I am afraid that the ancestors knew that they would be angry with our descendants! Ji Xian thought for a while but completely figured it out.

The 斩 剑 sword is important to the Ji family, but more important is the continuation of the Ji family. Guan Zhixin may be an air transporter. He has such a chance and got a sword. This may be God's will.

If they are chilling because of the swords of the scorpion, but the disciples of the Ji family, especially the foreigners, then the Ji family is truly losing the future.

This scorpion sword may be very powerful, but it does not mean that having this scorpion sword will enable the Ji family to prosper forever.

Therefore, although the sword is important, the Ji family is more important to the Ji family. Because only them, Ji Jiacai can continue forever!

"Homeowner, are you sure you don't take the sword back? If you don't take it now, you will have no chance in the future!" said the elder who agreed to take the sword.

"Let it keep following the letter! Compared with the scorpion sword, it is the most important thing that Zhixin has been loyal to Jijia. If it is because of this sword, and lost the outstanding disciple of Zhixin, it is the biggest loss for Jijia. .

Moreover, if we really bring back the scorpion sword, how will the Ji family's disciples see us? In particular, there are so many foreigner disciples in Ji’s family. How do they treat us? Will they really work for our family?

They are afraid that they will get a little bit of good things to hide, for fear that we will grab them. If even the most basic trust of this point is gone, how can we continue to develop and how can we prosper?

So don't mention this matter later. Since the disciples have this chance, then whatever they get, it is their own! Ji Xian shook his head and said with emotion.

If they even grab something from their disciples, then every disciple will not take the good things out again~www.ltnovel.com~Because they know that once things see the light, they will be snatched by them, and in the long run, fear that it is all Everyone wants to leave the Ji family, who will work hard for the Ji family?

Although the old man around Ji Xian closed his eyes, but listened to Ji Xian’s words, he nodded with satisfaction.

And the elders listened to the words of the family, and they began to silence for a while. They did not really think so much about it. It’s just the immediate benefit of getting back to the magic sword.

However, once they get back the sword, what will Guan Zhixin think about Ji family in the future? Will he still regard himself as a family member?

If this is the case, I am afraid that it will be difficult for him to be a family member for the first time.

Therefore, the words of their owners are very reasonable. Only by firmly grasping the hearts of the disciples can the Ji family continue for a long time.

Perhaps this is the true will of the ancestors of the Ji family. If the roots of the Ji family are destroyed by a sword, they are the sinners of the Ji family.

"Homeowner wise!" Before this, I disagreed with the person who brought the sorcerer's sword back. At this time, my heart was even more happy. I felt that Ji Xian made the most wise decision.

"Homeowners are wise!" Other elders don't know what to think in their hearts. Maybe some people have already agreed with them. As for whether they think so, they don't know, but they are at least superficial. Ji Xian!

Ji Xian saw that the people finally no longer opposed it, and his heart was relieved. He was afraid that these people were too persistent!

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