Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2942: Magical little tree!

In the next moment, Cheng Yu instantly turned into a giant sword.

The speed of the giant sword is very fast, so that people can no longer see the trace.

However, the public giant scorpion is clear about Cheng Yu's trajectory, so it quickly blocked the remaining pliers in front of himself.

It is already familiar with the power of Cheng Yu, and this pliers is enough to withstand this human attack.


However, it may not have been thought of. This time, Cheng Yu’s power is more than double that of any previous one.

I saw a big hole in the huge pliers, and the hole started from its pliers, then passed through its body and finally came out of the back.


This huge public giant smashed into the ground instantly!

Cheng Yuli was on the side, looking at the first giant scorpion that fell in front of him, his face was full of satisfaction.

Perhaps this giant spirit is very strong, but he is not vegetarian. It has been against this guy for so long, and its defenses have been controlled a lot.

So this time, the strength he has condensed is stronger than any one time, and it is definitely the power that can be achieved by the real level of the fairy.

If you can't kill this big guy, it would be too shameful.


However, Cheng Yu has not come and is happy, the whole person's face began to distort.

In the next moment, Cheng Yu flew straight out, and countless three-tailed coffins rushed toward him.

Cheng Yu was encircled by the coffin.

Just like the original heart, countless coffins wrapped around and wrapped him into a huge dumpling!

Cheng Yu killed the public giant scorpion, which is definitely a major blow to the mother giant 蝎. Cheng Yu’s behavior naturally caused its anger. When Cheng Yu was wrapped in three-tailed scorpion, the female giant scorpion once again stabbed his six tails toward Cheng Yu.

As long as he stabs in, Cheng Yu's end will be the same as the one that he killed just now.

However, unlike the heart of the sea, there is no way for the heart to resist these coffins, but Cheng Yu has his own means.

Just as the six tails of this mother's giant scorpion had just stabbed in a part, suddenly there was a fire that was transmitted from the countless three-tailed coffins.


Then there was a loud noise, and all the three-tailed coffins wrapped in Cheng Yu instantly turned into ashes.

Although this female giant scorpion was not as vulnerable as the three-tailed scorpion, but it was directly blown out when the force rushed out directly flew out.

At this time, Cheng Yu's real body reappeared, but at this time he was curled up on the yellow sand, and most of his body color became black.

Cheng Yu was poisoned!

Although he does not invade, detoxification also requires a process.

So many three-tailed coffins were encircled, and countless toxins were injected into Cheng Yu's body, so that Cheng Yu obviously had no way to detoxify at once.

Although the mother giant scorpion was bombed out, but it also has its own wisdom, seeing Cheng Yu's situation, knowing that he is not good, once again rushed up.

Every time I shot Cheng Yu, I failed, but this time I believe that I can never fail again.

This blow, it is necessary to completely kill Cheng Yu and avenge his partner!


However, just as it rushed to Cheng Yu again to prepare to kill him, a green light flashed, and it was blown back again.

At this time, I saw a young tree in front of Cheng Yu. This young tree was constantly shining green.

If someone is here, it will be shocked by the scene.

I saw that the original part of the skin color has been wrapped in highly toxic Cheng Yu at this time turned out to be toxins, but this time the toxin is not detoxified by the blood of Cheng Yu.

Instead, these black toxins were all sucked away by this small young tree in front of Cheng Yu.

Even more amazing is that this little sapling tree is growing up, although the speed is not very fast, but it is seen growing up.

Cheng Yu's skin color returned to normal, and he could not feel any signs of poisoning.

He stood up, incredulously looking at the little sapling in front of him. Just now this little sapling tree was almost one meter in front of him. Now it seems that although it is not much higher, it is definitely higher than just now.

However, this did not end, it was just a beginning.

Numerous three-tailed cubs sensed the aura of this small young tree, and the madness came over. Cheng Yu’s face changed and he was preparing to use the dragon to burn these coffins again. The saplings have already taken the shot.

However, the way it is shot is very special. The whole tree emits a green light and turns the whole sky into green.

And its roots are like hair at this moment, constantly growing, dense, and the number is unclear.

These hair-like fine roots extend in all directions.

Soon, Cheng Yu felt that the surrounding aura was constantly coming here.

"Is it absorbing aura?" Cheng Yu felt incredible. The young sapling tree was actually taking the void and sucking all the surrounding aura.

At this moment, those three-tailed coffins that have rushed over seem to have sensed something horrible~www.ltnovel.com~ turned all the way and madly backwards.

However, it is late!

These coffins are also full of aura, and they are all sucked back by this young tree.

However, the little sap trees absorb only the aura of their bodies, and all of these bodies fall on the yellow sand.


Looking at the countless three-tailed coffin was sucked back, and then the body's aura was sucked out, and finally the body fell on the yellow sand, Cheng Yu felt great fear.

Fortunately, this young tree did not absorb the aura of his body, or else he would become a human being?

"This guy is really growing up, what is this stuff?" Cheng Yu looked at the young saplings that were constantly absorbing aura. This time it was obvious that he was growing up. He was completely shocked.

This guy is not only growing up, but also seems to be very intelligent. So many three-tailed coffins have been sucked up by the aura, but they are not sucking him.

The mother giant cockroach was obviously scared by all the things in front of him, and the animal intelligence at this level was not low.

It knows the horror of this young tree, and if there is no chance to run it again, it will go straight into the yellow sand.

Just, such a good opportunity, how can Xiaoxiaoshu let go?

The thick roots were directly inserted into the yellow sand, and the huge giants were caught.

Cheng Yu can't help but marvel at the ability of this root, such as the hair of the thin roots actually hanged such a huge six-tailed giant spirit.

And no matter how the giant scorpion struggles, it has no way to break free.


When such a large body fell in front of Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu could not help but hit a beggar!

"Just so dead?" Cheng Yu couldn't believe the huge body in front of him!

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