Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2944: Play pigs and eat tigers?

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Cheng Yu’s behavior is simply despising them, which can anger everyone. Favorite ┏X4399┛Verse fiction us.

"I was going to let you go, but you don't cherish it yourself, then you can't blame us!" Lu Wen rushed toward Cheng Yu.

No process is not flustered, but a small tree in the hands of the mind, I hope that it can be as powerful as before, and these people will be settled in minutes.

However, Cheng Yu’s wish is very good, and the reality is indeed cruel.

The other side of the sword shadow rushed, Cheng Yu had to hide the other side's attack. However, Cheng Yu still did not choose to fight back, but continued to use the idea to communicate with Xiaoshu, hoping to wake it up and make a big splash.

The opposite person saw that Cheng Yu only knew to avoid, thinking that Cheng Yu did not have the ability to do so, which also made everyone feel relieved.

However, they are very puzzled. What are the many corpses of these coffins?

"Maybe it is caused by the baby in Cheng Yu's hand!" Thinking about it, everyone's only explanation is on the small tree in Cheng Yu's hand.

Just, if this baby is so powerful, will they be in danger?

But they saw that Cheng Yu had been avoiding it, which made everyone temporarily relieved.

Cheng Yu’s heart is also very depressed. Was it not a cow? Why can't it be so for a while?

"You are giving a reaction!" Cheng Yu yelled in his heart, but the small tree still stood quietly in his hand, and there was no reaction at all.

In front of Lu Wen, he thought that Cheng Yu was afraid of himself, so he could only hide and hide, so his shots became more and more fierce.

"See when you can hide?" Lu Wen said proudly.

In the early days of a great Mahayana, if you want to take his life, it is a breeze.

He is not in a hurry, he finally found such an opponent, he will have a good time to play!

Cheng Yu knows that the other party does not look at himself, and even deliberately teasing himself. But he is not in a hurry, just let yourself study how this small tree is going.

If you really let him figure it out and know how to control this little tree, then you will get a big boost.

"What are you waiting for, hurry up to end the battle, get the baby back!" But when I saw one, I kept hiding, and one continued to tease each other. Shilinhe was impatient.

"Have you heard it? Now I will give you another chance. If you don't know anything, then I can't help you!" Lu Wen heard the voice and couldn't help Cheng Yu again.

In the early days of a Mahayana to bully a great Mahayana, it was not a big face. However, I have played almost as much as myself. If this guy takes the initiative to hand over the baby, it is impossible to let him go.

"This baby, you don't think about it, but I am willing to send you a ride!" Cheng Yu saw that there was no way to control this thing. If so, he would no longer play with them, and he would take back the small tree. Among the fingers.


There was no sword, but just a punch and hit the long sword that Lu Wenzhao came.

Lu Wen did not put Cheng Yu in his heart. He even saw that he did not even use weapons. He only used his own fists, and his heart was even more contemptuous of Cheng Yu.

Could it be that he felt great in the early days of Mahayana, and he could ignore the late Mahayana.


However, he is wrong, he is really wrong.

It turns out that the early days of Mahayana really can despise the late Mahayana.

In the face of everyone, Lu Wen was actually shot by Cheng Yu, and even his sword fell to the ground.

The blood in the mouth is directly sprayed, and the yellow sand in front of it is dyed red.

"Lv Wen, you are fine!" Everyone did not think that the original good way would become like this at once?

Looking at Lu Wen's face pale, the blood flowing out of his mouth dyed his clothes, and everyone quickly supported Lu Wen.

"This guy... there is a swindle!" Lu Wen was lying in the arms of the Shilin River, and said weakly.

Although Cheng Yu did not kill Lu Wen with a punch, it is clear that he has no power to fight again at this moment.

"You give it to me, kill him, and grab the baby back!" Shi Linhe saw that Lu Wen was not hurt, and his heart was both shocked and angry.

This guy is actually playing pigs and eating tigers. He must not let him go.

Lu Wenke is his right arm, and he often needs him to help himself. Although it is his own follower, it is good for him.

Now it was actually like this in the early days of a great Mahayana. How can he make this tone for Lu Wen.

Before everyone saw Lu Wen deliberately teasing the man, he was already impatient. Now he heard the brothers giving orders, and more than a dozen Mahayana rushed to the past.


However, although they want to kill Cheng Yu, it does not seem to take Cheng Yu seriously. Even if Lu Wen had fallen in front of them, they didn't think too much, but Lu Wen was not careful.

It’s time to solve the other party’s problem, and the result is to let the other party attack. Otherwise, how could the early Mahayana be like this?

However, when they played against Cheng Yu, they only knew that Lu Wen was hit as it was not unreasonable.

"This guy is really swindling!" In the late stage of a group of Mahayana, he couldn't take the early stage of a great Mahayana.

Even more frightening is that this guy did not come up with his own weapons, just relative to the meat fist. Even so, Cheng Yu shuttled among the dozens of monks and late monks, and suddenly more than a dozen people flew out.

Good luck was affected by some internal injuries, but those who had bad luck were killed by Cheng Yu directly.

"Brother, is this guy not the beginning of Mahayana?" The rest of the people were completely shocked by Cheng Yu, and Huaiyuan felt that he was a little trembling.

"Don't he hide the realm? It doesn't look like it!" As the master of the peak of the Mahayana, he was only a step away from the post of Mahayana.

According to the truth, with his cultivation, it should be able to see whether Cheng Yu has hidden cultivation.

However, how does he see Cheng Yu’s realm is indeed an early stage of Mahayana, but he sees his shot, especially when his same door is beaten by the other side, and even more is actually directly killed by Cheng Yu, this It is very doubtful that Cheng Yu's true strength.

"Who are you?" In the late ten days of the Mahayana, Cheng Yu was killed and wounded, and Shi Linhe was no longer eager to let his own people take shots.

There is a lot of danger in this sanctuary~www.ltnovel.com~ there are some masters with great strength.

This person does not seem to have a high level of realm. Is it such a superb master?

However, it may not look like it, but it is best to ask the other person's identity first!

"Want to know my identity, let me talk about your identity first?" Cheng Yu clap his hands, it seems that fighting these people is a bland thing.

However, Cheng Yu is really curious about the identity of these people.

They said that they did not know what dynasty, he believed that these people should not lie!

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