Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2946: Can't afford it!

Shi Linhe ordered, and the remaining two hundred people were all rushing toward Cheng Yu.

Although they still don't understand Cheng Yu's identity, they will not be able to make the same mistake again if they rush to his previous means and strength.

Each of these people is his most dependent force, so every sacrifice of a person is a great loss to him.

Just because I didn't understand the strength of Cheng Yu, Cheng Yu got it. I knew that Cheng Yu was so powerful. He wouldn’t just let a dozen people go together at the beginning, and more than two hundred people would rush to it.

Even if Cheng Yu is so powerful, it is impossible to defeat two more Mahayana later.

In the face of more than two hundred Mahayana late, Cheng Yu really can't ignore it.

He has been used to a dozen or so late attacks, but more than two hundred are still encountered for the first time.


This time, Cheng Yu did not dare to empty his hands and took his own god's wake up.

So many enemies must be a protracted war, and the resurrection of God has a good ability to recover.


"Phantom!" Cheng Yu is also welcome, more than two hundred masters have been killed, he naturally should release his own killings in the first time.

Although Cheng Yu is only a person, but at this moment, they have seen countless Cheng Yu, and everyone's heart is also shocked.

In fact, everyone saw that Cheng Yu did not escape under such circumstances, but chose the courage of hard warfare and admire it.

However, seeing so many "Cheng Yu" appear, and everyone's eyes can still be seen, so many "Cheng Yu" are actually fake.

There is only one real body. As long as Cheng Yu’s body is killed, so many “Cheng Yu” will disappear.

However, although this truth is understood, it does not mean that they can find the ontology of Cheng Yu.

And Cheng Yu's next means quickly made them become scared, and Cheng Yu killed people just to cut vegetables.

Although he can't do it one step at a time, but so many people can not only take Cheng Yu down at the same time, but let Cheng Yu kill a lot of people in one breath.

Seeing this scene, Shi Linhe’s face was green.

His body is shaking, these people are his most important strength. In this sanctuary, if there are not enough people, it is simply impossible.

In the later period of more than two hundred Mahayana, it was impossible to take a big Mahayana early, and where to go.

"Brother, this is not going to work, this guy is really evil!" Huaiyuan did not know how to describe Cheng Yu.

However, he knows that it will not work in this way. It is not good for everyone to die here.

Although this situation seems unlikely, just now Cheng Yu is too crazy, watching one after another the same door down, this moment, he wants to retreat.

Shi Linhe was also completely shocked by Cheng Yu, did not expect this guy to have such horror. More than two hundred Mahayana did not win Cheng Yu in the late stage, but was also killed by Cheng Yu so many people.

"Brother, this guy will not be a fairy?" Huaiyuan could not help but wonder.

If Cheng Yu is really just a Mahayana period, then it will not become such a situation anyway.

Only Cheng Yu is a singer who can explain everything now.

How strong a scent is, they are difficult to estimate, after all, there are strong and weak.

However, even if it is a bad scent, it is very difficult to kill them in a large number of Mahayana periods. However, it is extremely simple to kill the immortal to kill the Mahayana period.

Seeing everything that Cheng Yu has shown, is he really a scent?

Think again about the dangers of the Sanctuary, but here is only Cheng Yu alone. Together with the coffin of the earth, and two six-tailed coffins, they all died in front of Cheng Yu alone.

You know, the scorpions they met before more than 300 people seem to have not been so much, but they have almost made them all here.

And is the scorpion here killed by Cheng Yu or killed by the baby in his hand?

He can't tell.

However, regardless of who killed these scorpions, Cheng Yu is an extremely dangerous person.

"Withdrawal!" Shi Linhe knew that his decision was not reconciled, but he could not see whether Cheng Yu was a sin.

However, the strength he has shown so far is really too much like a fairy.

If Cheng Yu is really a fairy, then they are all likely to die here.

Although Cheng Yu killed some people, they still have more than 200 people. He really wants to let everyone kill, maybe Cheng Yu will eventually lose.

However, he did not dare to gamble again.

Even if Cheng Yu is not a scent, let Cheng Yu kill like this, their losses must be great.

Even if Cheng Yu grabs it, they will find it hard to make a difference in this sanctuary.

Therefore, in order to preserve the strength of everyone, we can continue to sway in this sanctuary, and they will first withdraw.

"Senior brother, he killed so many people, have we evacuated this way? Maybe he can't hold on for a long time, we can take him down!" Although Huaiyuan is somewhat afraid of Cheng Yu, but they are so many people have to withdraw This makes him a little unwilling.

"Don't worry so much, and we will lose even more if we don't withdraw!" Shilinhe once again drunk everyone to withdraw.

Although there are more than two hundred people, it is not easy to kill Cheng Yu, and they still want to catch Cheng Yu, it is even more difficult.

Looking at my companions one by one, everyone’s heart began to fear.

Now I hear the signal that the brothers want to retreat. If everyone gets a big bang, they all jump into the battle circle and go back.

They are very afraid that Cheng Yu will be killed, so the speed of retreat is very fast. More than two hundred people ran a glimpse of it.

However, where did they know that Cheng Yu did not catch up with the idea.

After more than two hundred Mahayana, he may not have killed. Originally he was still thinking, is it necessary to call out the fire phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​a beast ~www.ltnovel.com~ If there is it, then it is no longer difficult for these people to kill.

However, seeing that these people have already retired, he did not intend to kill them.

"The people of different circles, interesting!" Cheng Yu did not go in the direction of their escape, but flew away in another direction.

Finding a relatively calm place, he quickly released everyone.

"How is the heart of the sea brother?" This is also the main reason why Cheng Yu did not continue to pursue those people.

Before the heart of the sea, the poison of the three tails of the coffin, although there are rhymes they went in to take care of, but he still does not trust.

Because he himself was poisoned just now, what kind of feeling he is very clear.

If these toxins are not discharged or resolved in time, it is very dangerous.

"We have already exhausted some of the toxins from his body, but this poison is too powerful, we can't help him clear it, only you shot it!" said the heart rhyme.

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