Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2963: This fool!

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In fact, the forces that emerged with Feihongguan naturally saw some problems.

Although they don't know Cheng Yu, they are very interested in choosing to sit and watch, because the situation is obviously too confusing, and they are all afraid that they will be involved in this melee without any reason.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" However, when everyone is standing in the distance, I don't know who is shouting in the crowd.

But this voice was too weak in the melee of thousands of people, and it was suddenly drowned in the sea.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" However, this person apparently did not give up, shouting again. Only this time the sound is resounding to the heavens and the earth, and the voice is much more terrifying than the Hedong Griffin.

Some people with weak strengths were forced to retreat directly by this voice. I saw that the strength of this person is really not to be underestimated.

In this case, the melee of thousands of people actually stopped because of this loud noise.

"What do you mean?" Someone looked at the man and was dissatisfied.

"Do you think it makes sense to play like this? You open your eyes and look around, how many people are waiting to see our excitement? I still advise you to calm down, no matter what the problem, everyone can discuss Why bother to lose yourself, but finally let others benefit?" The person who sent the griffin was a middle-aged little fat man, but his voice was more powerful than his body.

This is the real sound like Hong Zhong. Every word he said seems to be blasting in the ears of everyone.

Others looked around and there were already many people who were watching them. When I saw this scene, many people began to get angry.

They are fighting here to break the blood, but these people actually want to come to a fisherman to profit, this is not very kind.

"Hey! What's the big deal? It's a big deal to kill!" But some people have a big tone. If these people want to watch the fun, then pull them together.

When I heard this person, the onlookers suddenly became nervous.

If these thousands of people really attacked them, then they would really suffer.

"Why then? If you pull them together, everyone will not be able to benefit!" said the pudgy man named Hong Ruzhong.

"What good way is there for that brother?" asked the crowd.

"In fact, everyone wants to enter the palace. It is so worthless that it is so hard to fight here here and it has caused great losses to all forces.

The most important thing is that you don’t even know anything about this palace. Just killing you here, will you be too innocent? "Hong Ruzhong said.

"If you have anything to say, don't bend around here." Someone was impatient.

Some people think that they are really embarrassed. They just take people through here, but they don't know how to get involved in this dispute.

Some people saw that there was a melee and wanted to sneak into the palace. But the final result is obvious, and they are also involved in it.

Of course, the most innocent thing is the two forces at the beginning. Because from the beginning, only two forces discovered this place, so they started to fight.

However, what makes them inexplicable is that they are playing more and more people, and in the end they become like this.

Now that the melee has stopped, they look at the number of people under their own hands. They are only half of them, and their hearts are bleeding.

"It's very simple. Every force sends a person. Everyone enters the palace together. Let's see what is inside the baby. If there is nothing inside, let's play here, what is the difference between it and the fool?" Hong Ruzhong said.

"Why? Here is the first thing we found. Why do we go in together? It is also the advanced person of our Bai Yu Lou to go in!" However, Hong Ruzhong’s words did not get everyone’s approval. The first one stood up against it. A force that appeared in this palace.

"Fat? What are you first discovering? This is the first thing we found in the desperate square. When you haven't come yet, we are already here. We have to go in. That is also the reason for our desperate people to go advanced. "The second person stood up again against the road.

"Since you have come early, why not go in? Is it waiting for us Bai Yu Lou? You are clearly squinting and talking.

Today, we will go ahead with our Bai Yu Building. Otherwise, who will dare to kill me? "The head of Bai Yulou, Deng Yan, said murderously."

When his murderousness came out, he actually forced many people to retreat directly!

"Is it comparable to the strength of the scent?" Although it is just a casual show, it has already surprised many people.

Although everyone is in the late Mahayana, not everyone can achieve the strength of the comparable, this requires a very high talent.

As for the strength of these two people, many people dare to provoke.

"Hey! Don't think that it's great to be like a fairy. This world is not only if you have such strength!" But Cao Yuncai, the leader of the desperate square, also put his breath out, killing and ignoring the momentum. Deng Yu of Bai Yu Lou.

"Then I will learn to teach you the best tricks of the desperate square!" Deng Yan said that he was going to take another shot.

"Although you are stupid, it does not mean that I will be as stupid as you are! Now that there are so many people, you think that if you win me, can you go in?" But Cao Yuncai suddenly gave his own murderous After receiving it, I looked at Deng Yan with a contemptuous look.

It was because this stupid bird ~www.ltnovel.com~ turned this inexplicable war into a melee, and they lost a lot.

Now this guy wants to provoke the battle, but now people know what is going on, and will others still inexplicably participate in the war?

They will only be like a person, be a bystander, when they both have to die here.

Therefore, even if he can't wait to directly kill Bai Yulou, but now there are so many forces appearing here, they kill again, it is really a stupid bird.

"What do you say?" But Deng Yan did not do it. This guy actually insulted himself in front of so many people. Can he bear it?

"Hey, I don't want to talk nonsense with you now. Anyway, I agree with the idea of ​​this brother, no matter who found it first, since there are so many people in the same place, then everyone will come together."

If there is any baby inside, then take the treasure from the skill, and don't say who is bullying! "Cao Yuncai is really afraid of this idiot. In this case, they are fighting alone, or are the people on both sides killing you, are you interesting?"

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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