Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2968: I also want to go in, can I?

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For those who have gone so far, Yi Ming does not feel that there is anything wrong. On the contrary, he feels that it is better to leave so many people.

The palace can't accommodate so many people, and now it's time to leave. The people who stayed are basically the ones who are going to explore the palace again.

“Yes, although the palace looks dangerous, the more it is, the more it proves its value!” said Cao Yuncai of the desperate square.

"You have seen the situation just now. It is too dangerous. If you just go in, you are afraid that the result will be the same. We have to think about other ways to go in!" Yi Ming said.

"Can there be any way? If you want to know the situation in the palace, you must have someone to go in!" Deng said.

"From the situation just now, perhaps there are terrible existences in this palace, such as the treasure guards. If we all send more people to rush in, I think it may be successful!" Shi Linhe proposed .

Just now, he has been watching everything that Bai Yulou has done. When he wants to come and think, he still thinks that there are too few people to go in.

If there are too many people, even if there is any danger inside, everyone will have a care.

"But in this case, if the situation inside is worse than we think, or even more terrible than we think, then our people are not very dangerous?" Cao Yuncai said.

"If you don't go into the tiger's den, you won't be a tiger! If there is no danger, then the things in this palace may have been taken away."

So, if we still have something inside, there must be sacrifice. But the most important thing is that even if we make some sacrifices, we have to pay back. Said Shi Linhe.

No one wants his own people to make unnecessary sacrifices, but from the current situation, the more dangerous the palace is, the higher the possibility of having important treasures.

Therefore, even for these treasures, sometimes it is necessary to make some necessary sacrifices.

If only one of their forces is placed, perhaps they are not too daring to do so. However, there are at least a dozen forces here. As long as everyone is united and does not need to send many people, you can solve this problem.

"I think this brother said that there is reason. According to our current forces, there are almost twenty. If every force sends two people, there are more than forty people coming in together.

There are so many people, even if there is any danger inside, I believe it is enough to take care of each other. It is even possible to directly remove the danger inside, so I agree to do this! Zhao Xueyi stood up and said.

He has been holding back for a long time, but with so many forces, he does not want this head.

Now, it’s hard for someone to come up with what they think. He naturally has to stand up and support.

"I also agree with one force and two people. Don't waste any more power. It doesn't make any sense to consume it any more!" Unexpectedly, Wei Hong of Tiandao also stood up to support Zhao Xueyi.

Although Tiandao had suffered a loss in front of Ziyang Waichao and Feihongguan before, it is not the same now, but it involves the interests of all.

Therefore, he naturally will not find Zhao Xueyi's trouble at this time.

Moreover, if they want to send someone to Tiandao, he will naturally not agree. Now there are so many forces to send people together, even if Ziyang Foreign and Feihongguan are their enemies, but at least the joining of these two forces has relieved them of pressure. They don't need to send too many people to go in and see.

Zhao Xueyi looked at Wei Hong, and then looked at the cold flying dust that could not be seen in the distance. Although he felt that there was some accident, he did not say anything.

Anyway, now everyone is acting together. Even if there is any baby in this palace, Tiandao may not be able to grab it.

"We are also willing to have two people in Feihongguan!" Cold fly dust nodded to Zhao Xueyi and stood up and said.

"Well! Since everyone supports this, there are two people who want to enter the palace. Let's go in together! As for the unwilling forces, we don't force it!" Deng said loudly.

They also have seven people in Bai Yu Lou, and now they don’t know whether they are born or dead. Therefore, they are sure to send people in again.

However, if only the people of Bai Yulou enter, it is too dangerous. Now there are so many forces to go in together, of course he is very happy.

When Deng Yan said nothing, he directly assigned two people to come out. Others also sent two people out of their own.

Although these assigned people are not very happy inside, but under the pressure of their own leaders, there is no way, only to go with other unlucky ones to try their luck.

Some forces are more refreshing, and they say that they send people. However, there are some forces that are not too simple. Even if so many people enter, they will not take the risk, so they remain silent.

However, everyone did not force them, they did not go in, if there is any baby inside, they certainly have no share.

Only, even so, they have made more than forty people!

"People who are willing to go in should be here, then everyone will go in!" Deng Yan looked at some of the forces that did not send people and never responded again. He did not say anything more, he had to let more than 40 people Entered the palace.

"Wait a minute! I want to go in and see together, I don't know if it is okay?" But at this time, one person came out of the crowd.

However, after several people who saw this person, they suddenly changed their faces.

This person is not someone else~www.ltnovel.com~ It is Cheng Yu!

"Yu Shidi, you are not impulsive, it is not very safe, but let them advanced to explore the situation!" Xinluo saw that Cheng Yu stood up at this time, suddenly rushed, and quickly pulled behind him. His robe, whispered.

"Do not worry, I am sure, there will be no accident, you are waiting for me here!" Cheng Yu said softly.

Originally, he really wanted to see the situation again, but now that there are so many people going in, he is in a hurry.

If he wants to prove that the palace is what he saw in his dreams, then he must go in and see what is in the palace, whether it is the same as what he saw in his dreams.

But now that there are so many people coming in together, it is very likely that the danger inside will be lifted by them. At that time, even if there is something in it, it may be taken away by these people. At that time, they will only go in afterwards, and they will not see the real thing in the palace.

Therefore, he must follow these people to go in!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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