Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2975: There will be a period!

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For Shi Linhe, in fact, the safety of the two people he sent out did not care so much. The fact that he was most concerned about was Cheng Yu’s situation.

He knew that the palace was not simple. Even the masters of the late Mahayana did not react at all. Cheng Yu’s strength was so powerful. He wanted to get rid of Cheng Yu obviously very difficult.

If you can let Cheng Yu go in, then he can easily remove Cheng Yu without a single pawn?

Therefore, when he saw Cheng Yu appearing and even offered to enter the palace, he suddenly thought of a plan and tried his best to help Cheng Yu enter the palace.

Originally, he was worried that the palace could not get rid of Cheng Yu. Now he saw that he did not come out, and he was completely relieved.

If Cheng Yu is still alive, willn't he follow them out?

Since he did not come out, it must have died.

It was so easy to get rid of a strong enemy, and his heart was particularly refreshing.

Looking at Cheng Yu’s companions, Shi Linhe’s heart was somewhat proud. Now there are too many people. When they find a chance to kill them all, they can be revenged for those who have been killed by Cheng Yu.

"What predecessors? What is there in the end?" Everyone saw that the people coming out of the palace were not in a normal state. They were all crazy and crazy. Everyone was curious about what they experienced in the palace.

"Terror, it’s too horrible, all of them are bones, no one can escape!" Some people talked intermittently, their faces were full of horror, and everyone did not know what they were saying, what they were afraid of.

"You said clearly, what is the situation inside?" Some people couldn't help but anger. These guys, all of them are crazy, and they can't say clearly, so they grabbed one of them and shouted loudly.

"There is a mysterious person inside, it is terrible, everyone is killed by him, and all of them become dead bodies!" The man said with trepidation.

"What does he look like?"

"I don't know, no one saw him, only a horrible voice, no one can see him."

"How did he kill people?" The people were very confused.

"I don't know, but everyone will be sucked into a corpse, and those people will become dead bodies!"

Deng Yan said that they looked at each other and their eyes were full of doubts and doubts.

Because these people now feel that the spirit is not normal, and what they say is unclear. It is hard to believe whether they are really true.

"What did he say the same as what you saw?" Cao Yun asked another person.

"Really, what he said is true, the mysterious person is very powerful, no one can escape his palm!" said the man.

"So how did you come out?" Someone wondered.

"It is his own to let us, or else no one can escape, those who want to escape are dead!" The person thought of the scene inside, the whole person is not good.

"Since other people have been killed, why does he want to let go of you?" Hearing them, the people outside are more and more confused.

Before Bai Yulou sent seven people to go in, no one came back alive.

Now more than forty people they sent in have only returned halfway, but they all want to understand that since those people have been killed, why should they be released?

"We don't know, we apologize to him. He may have accepted our apology, so let us out!" Those people thought about it.

In order to be able to live, they are all kneeling on the ground for mercy. However, they will not say this, after all, it is quite shameful to say it.

Just in that situation, who cares about their dignity?

If there are no more lives, more dignity is useless!

"Then did you find any baby inside?" Yi Ming asked.

"There is nothing but a throne, a crown and a scepter. There is nothing else, only countless bones and dead bodies!" said those people.

"What are the thrones of the throne, the crown and the scepter?" asked the crowd.

"I don't see the order, I don't see any value!" The people shook their heads.

Anyway, they don't want to go in again, and there are only three things in it, even if they are taken, it is useless.

"What kind of strength is the mysterious person you mentioned?" Yi Ming asked again.

Although they are not detailed, he does not think that these three things have no value.

If there is really no value, then why are people who are going to die? And there is such a powerful mysterious person inside?

Obviously, the mysterious person is the treasure guard.

If there is an opportunity, he still wants to send someone in to get the three things out.

"I don't know, we don't even see people, but where do we know his strength? But so many of us go in and have no ability to resist. Anyway, I think his strength is definitely better than the scattered fairy!" The impression that mysterious people left on them was too deep.

At least they never want to meet this mysterious person again in this life, because it is terrible.

If they know who the enemy is, then at least there is a chance to shoot. However, they did not even have the chance to shoot, so many people were sucked into corpses. In this case, apart from horror, they did not know how to describe their feelings.

"If this is the case, I don't think we need to send anyone in. Anyway, there is no treasure. But if you send someone in, the sacrifice is too great.

And just three things, even if we got it, there is no way to divide it. I don’t think we can go in the valley.

There will be a period after you! Yi Ming smiled and took the person away.

He is not stupid, although they are not very clear about the situation inside, but at least he can be sure that the palace is really dangerous.

And there are only three things in it, even if it is really a baby, they will fight for the three things for you to die.

Although he left ~www.ltnovel.com~, it does not mean that he really gave up these things.

He can let these people take the three things first, and then they will find a way to take them from them. Compared to the mystery in this palace, he feels that it is more reliable to grab things from other people's hands.

"We have to say goodbye to Hu Xiaomen, and there will be a period after you!"

"We have also resigned, and everyone will have a period!" With Tiangu Valley taking the lead, other forces leaders have also begun to leave.

There is no way, they are not willing to follow everyone to do this fearless sacrifice.

Even if only one person is sent, it is worthless.

How much can be helped in this Sanctuary in the late Mahayana, they are very clear. It’s too worthwhile to go so far in vain.

Moreover, there is nothing good in it. As for the mysterious person, even if it is so powerful, they don’t send people in, what is the relationship with them?

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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