Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2980: Horrible tree!

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This big tree is like the air is the soil, its roots are constantly growing, in all directions, as if to root in this world.

Everyone looks at the rapid growth of these roots, and these roots continue to grow and send fine roots, so in the past.

When they looked up at the sky, they only felt that there was a huge net on their heads, and this net shrouded the world.

"I have an unpredictable feeling!" Shi Linhe did not know what was going on.

But looking at the roots of this big tree infinitely extended, which made his heart begin to feel uneasy.

"Is it not going to grow up?" Huaiyuan said curiously.

"I don't know, but I don't think there is a good thing. I don't think we can let it go any longer. I will cut off its roots!" Lu Wen said.

Shi Linhe did not stop Lu Wen. In this case, if he did not take some measures, he would only feel more and more uneasy.

Lu Wenfei stood up and cut off the roots that had been interwoven into the net.


However, the next scene made everyone start to feel uneasy.

I saw that the long sword that Lu Wen had lifted had not yet fallen, but many roots suddenly spread out in the direction of Lu Wen.


Lu Wen obviously did not think that these roots would even resist, seeing this situation, and quickly squatting.

The best defense is attack!


However, Lu Wen is still underestimating these roots. They are not as fragile as Lu Wen imagined. As long as a sword can open this huge net.

What scares everyone is that these roots are not only not broken by Lu Wen, but his entire body is actually worn by the roots of those branches.

And soon, Lu Wen’s body was sucked into a dead body!

"What's the matter?" Seeing Lu Wen's late Mahayana just became a dry corpse in such a short time, and everyone could not help but shudder.

"That's it! It's it!" However, at this time, some people's faces become extremely fearful, just like crazy!

"What is it?" Some people do not understand.

"That's it! The murder of the palace before it was it!" Those people were the ones who lived from the palace.

They are still fresh in this way of killing, so at this moment they seem to think that the end of the world is coming.

"Don't you say that the murder in the palace is a mysterious person? How has it become a tree?" Some people wondered.

These guys have entered the palace since they came out, and the words are always upside down, and many words are even contradictory.

"I don't know, anyway, those people in the palace are so dead. It must be like this, the mysterious person is this tree, everyone kills it!" But those people don't care so much.

In their view, this big tree is no longer just a tree. The mysterious voice in the palace is exactly what it sent out.

"He is out! It must be that he is out! We are dead! Let's run!" Those who lived from the palace felt that the mysterious man was actually this big tree.

With his terrible strength, no one can survive as long as he wants to kill. Otherwise, there are not so many bones in the palace.

If this time is not running, they will definitely not have this opportunity.

Although they come from different forces, but at this moment, their behavior is the same, everyone madly ran to other places!

Others see this situation and feel that they may be really crazy.

Although this big tree did make some crazy things, it does not mean that it is the mysterious person in the palace.

And they have never seen any mysterious people, those who speak themselves are crazy, their words are really hard to believe.

Besides, since it is a mysterious person, how can it be a tree? It’s just a bang!

However, it must be said that as this big root killed Lu Wen, everyone became more and more uneasy.

"Brother, let's run, this big tree is really not quite right!" Huaiyuan was really scared.

Lu Wen’s strength is not bad, but it was so killed and turned into a dry body. This is really terrible.

"Go!" Shi Linhe also knew that this big tree was really a bit horrible. The power of this thing has already exceeded his imagination.

At least in the current situation, this tree is not what they can charge. And who dares to collect this big tree?

The person has been sucked into a corpse before he is close.

"Wei Hong, brother, let's go! This thing seems to be terrible, not what we can charge!" It is not only the Shilin River that sees this, but even the people of Tiandao see the problem.

Of course, many forces have also discovered this problem, so many forces have begun to take people back!

However, they are still underestimating this big tree. Its roots are constantly extending to this space. Is it just for good looks?


The more people who ran faster, the more they didn't have a good end. The countless roots of the trees stretched out and directly inserted into their body, and instantly became a corpse.

While some people are still resisting, they have not been able to adhere to these rounds and have been sucked into these bodies by these roots!

"Yu Shidi, what the **** is going on?" At this moment, there were screams everywhere, but none of these people escaped from the mastery of the tree.

Watching such a scene found in all directions at the same time, even Xin Luo, they only feel scared.

For the first time, they saw that so many people, no matter which direction they were running, were under the roots of these roots, and no one could escape.

One time screams four times ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ one by one, the Mahayana later turned into a one-of-a-kind corpse!

"I don't know!" Cheng Yu shook his head. To be honest, he really didn't know what was going on.

But he knows that this tree does have the power to absorb energy. Otherwise it is impossible to change from a small tree to such a big tree.

Originally he was still ready to ask the servant, but who would have thought that even when the throne stopped transmitting energy, even the entire palace disappeared together?

He managed to find this guy, but the old guy just casually perfunctored him and disappeared a few times, which made Cheng Yu's heart particularly depressed.

The only thing that makes Cheng Yu feel good is that this small tree has become a big tree with his help.

And from the current situation, the power of this big tree to absorb energy is even stronger. There are thousands of Mahayana late in the process, but in front of it, it is so vulnerable, which really shocked him!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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