Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 2988: It won't run away?

Although Cheng Yu always told everyone that it will arrive soon, they still spent three days.

Just when everyone can no longer afford the spirit, Cheng Yu laughed. He knew that everyone had no confidence. This time is the time to cheer everyone up.

"Everyone is working harder, we will be here soon!"

"Get it! Yu Shidi, I really want to understand, anyway, my life is saved by you, no matter where you want to go, I have no complaints. Don't just talk to you for three days, you just run again. For three days, I am not in a hurry!" Xin Luo said indifferently.

He actually considered it a lot before, but now he is gone, he feels that everything is the same everywhere. Anyway, Cheng Yu is here, with his strength, wherever he is, it is enough to protect everyone's safety.

What if Cheng Yu really discovered a major treasure? It doesn't make sense for them to go anywhere else.

If Cheng Yu discovers that it is not a treasure, it is regarded as a experience, at least knowing what kind of place this dead zone is.

I didn’t laugh at the process, and I didn’t say anything more. Maybe I said that it was too much. I have already made everyone have no expectations.

But this time it is true. Instead of arguing with them, it is better to tell them with practical actions.

At this time, Cheng Yu’s right hand was very strong. He felt that the mysterious tree seemed to have an impulse to rush out. He knew that this place must be the place where the mysterious tree would bring him.

However, this place seems to be no different from other places, and he is also somewhat confused.

"Yu Shidi? You are not going to be here?" Xinluo turned around and looked at the surrounding environment. It was a desolate place, and there was no difference between the rest of the desert.

Is there a treasure here?

He thinks that some are unlikely!

However, when Cheng Yu had not started to reply, suddenly Cheng Yu’s right hand shot a green light, and the green light made everyone unable to open their eyes.

When the people opened their eyes again, they found that the mysterious tree appeared again. Looking at it once again in the air, everyone was worried.

Because this mysterious tree once gave them a great power, even now they already know that this tree is actually Cheng Yu, and now the tree has released a strong life, but still let them be a little scared.

They all know that although this tree belongs to Cheng Yu, he can't control it.

So everyone is really scared. If the tree is out of control and they are murdered, who are they going to tell?

However, fortunately, everyone's concerns are superfluous.

This mysterious tree once again appeared not to kill, but it suddenly turned slowly, but the speed of rotation was getting faster and faster, and the surrounding airflow began to be rolled up by it, and soon it formed a huge Wind roll.

"Yu Shidi, what does it want to do? Wouldn't it be that we want to scrape us all away?" The huge tornado is shaved on everyone's face, and it hurts, and if everyone can't hold their body, they feel like they have to Was smashed by this tornado.

"I don't know, we hurry back!" Cheng Yu pulled a few women and shouted loudly.

He only knows that this mysterious tree is definitely discovering something here. As for what he found, he did not know.

Besides, this mysterious tree will not talk to him, nor does he know what the other person is thinking.

Yes, in Cheng Yu's view, this mysterious tree is indeed thinking. Just what it is thinking, Cheng Yu has no way to communicate with it!

However, in the current situation, no matter what, they must stay away from all this, or else it is really possible to be scraped away by this tornado.

The tornado is still getting stronger and stronger, and this level of tornado is not even weaker than the strongest sandstorm they encountered last time.

If they don't rush back, they may even be in danger.

A group of people quickly quit a few miles away, and this felt safe.

"Too horror, this guy seems to be shocking every time he looks up!" The oriental white felt his own little heart was frightened by this mysterious tree.

The appearance of the mysterious tree suddenly sucked more than 2,000 people into a corpse, but now it is really terrible to make such a big tornado.

"I don't know what it wants to do. Isn't it like to help us find treasure?" Xinluo said.

"We will know when we meet!" Cheng Yu did not know what the guy wanted to do, but his heart was very much looking forward to it.

Although he could not control what it did, he was able to sense some information. He felt that this mysterious tree seemed to be very happy.

Although the current situation makes him not understand, but he does not believe that this guy came here to complete a tornado.

"Not good! It's coming over, let's run!" But when everyone is looking forward to the new tricks that the mysterious tree is going to make, the mysterious tree has moved toward them with a tornado. Everyone can start a shock, and then quickly go back.

"What do you want to do with this stuff? Is it just to play with us? We ran for three days before, and now it is so rewarding us!" The people panted and felt that they were particularly wronged.

"Don't run, it's gone over there!" But finally let everyone breathe a sigh of relief, this mysterious tree suddenly changed direction, moving with a tornado in the other direction.

"This guy is really a love and hate, and I don't know what it wants to do!" The crowd looked back and watched the mysterious tree have gone far~www.ltnovel.com~ I was very curious about what this guy is doing.

However, no one can tell them the answer at this time. If they want to know, they can only wait.

"Yu Shidi, it won't run away like this?" Xinluo looked at this mysterious tree and seemed to run farther and farther, and couldn't help but start worrying.

Although this mysterious tree looks a bit scary, it is not controlled by Cheng Yu. But at least the power of this tree is still very strong.

Even if Cheng Yu can't control it, sometimes it can help them a lot.

Otherwise, with their strength, they can not directly face the thousands of times of the Mahayana, even if Cheng Yu's strength is already comparable to the immortal, and dare not do so.

People are like this, although it is a little scary at the time, but if this mysterious tree really ran away, they still have some disappointment in their hearts!

How to say it is also a mysterious baby, even if you can't use it, you can't give it to others!

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