Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3030: Xianjing!

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Cheng Yu's hand was marked with a hole, blood is still flowing, but when his hand was attached to the stone door, the blood flowed down the stone door, just into the huge key organs.

At that moment, the entire Shimen Gate came with a flash of bleeding.

Shocked by this blood, Cheng Yulian retired a few steps!

"How could this be?" The people naturally did not find the subtleties. They only knew that the stone door suddenly lit up.

Cheng Yu was very surprised to see this stone door, and did not expect that such a thing would happen.

However, at this moment, he seemed to understand something, and quickly came to the front of the boss, and once again forced the blood into the handprint.

At the same time, the boss also flashed with blood, and the blood on the boss was directly connected to the blood on the stone door.


That stone gate turned out to be like this!

However, the people have not come and surprises, they are drowned by the golden light shot in Shimen!

However, there is no dangerous atmosphere. When the golden light disappears, everyone is staring at the stone door.

"Do we want to go in and see?" Han Xue looked at this stone door, but he was somewhat worried.

People are like this. When you can't see the result, your heart will look forward to it. But when you see the result, you are somewhat afraid to accept such a result.

This is the case with Han Xue.

Before the stone door was opened, she always thought that there was a treasure in it. But when the stone door opened, she was a little scared. Is there any danger in it?

"Let them be advanced!" Cheng Yu once again directed the five fairy bones to go in.

After waiting for a while, everyone walked in.

Everyone's heart is excited, because in their speculation, the guardian of this stone gate should be the real treasure of the five major shrines.

When they walked into the stone gate, they were shocked again, because everything inside was completely utterly let them say nothing.

What appeared in front of them was a stone frame, which was neatly arranged, and all the books on it were books!

"Exquisite seven stars! Xuanyang swords! Dragons!"

"Cloud Thunder! Jiuding Yuheng Heart Sutra! Millennium 煞 毒 经!"

Everyone walked through these stone frames step by step, and all the books above were all kinds of exercises!

"Is this a Tibetan scripture?" Looking at the neat and tidy textbooks that were placed here, everyone was really surprised to say nothing.

With so many works of classics, if you take it back to the disciples of Cheng, the Cheng disciples will have a hard time to learn.

Moreover, these exercises are not all things at first glance. It seems that every book is very precious.

How else would they be stored here? Seeing that these books are placed so neatly, they can be seen. They also attach great importance to these books.

"There is still a magic weapon here!" At this time, Han Xue’s voice suddenly passed.

Everyone walked inside and found that there are also many shelves here, but unlike the stone frames where the books are placed, the shelves here are all made of Lingjing.

However, all these shelves are all magic weapons!

All kinds of magic weapons of swords and knives are arranged according to the shape classification and function, and they are arranged neatly.

"Even all of them are the best soul devices!" Compared with several other women, Xin Yao's eyes are more unique, and they see the key at a glance.

There is nothing in the magic weapon placed here that is below the Extreme Lv, which is really shocking.

It's so huge, so many shelves are neatly arranged, and the number of densely packed ones is unclear.

Moreover, because the Horcrux has its own consciousness, these shelves made with Lingjing have their own prohibitions, so that these spirits lay quietly.

"Let's go in and see!" Cheng Yu was very excited to see here.

Even after spending so many years in the fairy world, he did not see such a spectacular sight.

Perhaps these magic weapons are really nothing to get the fairy world, but this is just enough to shock everyone.

Moreover, the best magic weapon for the real world, in addition to the fairy, it is the best magic weapon.

However, how many of the best soul devices are there? He didn't know, but at first glance, he didn't even know how big it was.

Moreover, this is only one of the five stone gates.

If you follow this scale, does that mean that the space inside the underground city is the space inside the five stone gates?

If this is the case, then the treasures inside are really inexhaustible.

When he entered the five major shrines, he also discovered their treasure house. At that time, he was given the feeling that the magic medicine there was like a fish tide.

But there is a comparison with the place here. The things in the five major shrines are really worthless.

Although I haven't seen those exercises yet, he can feel that the exercises that can be left here are definitely not ordinary exercises.

Now that the magic weapon here is all the best, the scene is really shocking him.

It is imaginable from this stone gate that the prosperity of the original holy city. Here are just the magic weapons and exercises that store the top of these machines. It can be seen that there are more magic weapons. They may have no way to move.

Imagine that there are so many great spirits, and if other magic weapons can be brought together, what kind of scene will it be?

However, Cheng Yu will not care about this, but these magic weapons and exercises have already made him very satisfied.

With so many best magic weapons, what are the values ​​of those low-level magic weapons?

Perhaps the rest of the magic weapons have been taken away by the enemies who destroyed the holy city~www.ltnovel.com~ Although the heart is full of hatred for those people, no process Yu believes that sooner or later he will let all involved in the destruction of the holy city. Give a painful representative.

Not only will they let back the things they have stolen thousands of times, but they will also repent of the dead Al-Quds, and use their blood and soul to pay homage to those people!

"It's a fairy, it's a fairy!" Several of them kept walking inward. When they walked through all the magic weapons that placed the best spirits, there was still a platform for strange crystals.

There is only one magic weapon on a platform, but what is shocking is that every magic weapon on this is actually a fairy!

However, Cheng Yu’s eyes were not placed on these fairy instruments, but on those strange crystals.

"This is..." Cheng Yu's heart is a little excited, because this is not the Lingjing, the breath that comes out of it, it is clearly Xianjing!

М.33χs.cóм worthy of the book collector's collection

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