Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3152: A rare opportunity!

Seeing that there is not much distance from the water pool, Cheng Yu did not dare to let these fairy bone soldiers turn ice.

Because he still doesn't know if the dragon is still there, and if he completely removes the ice, they will be directly exposed to the dragon's eyes.

This is very dangerous. Even if they are full of strength, they will not be in conflict with the dragon.

All the bone warriors were taken over by Cheng Yu, and he himself carefully melted a part of the ice and saw as much as possible the situation in the pool.

However, even so, Cheng Yu still worried that his breath was noticed by the dragon.

Cheng Yu’s hand was a little trembling. He was afraid that the dragon did not sink into the pool, but stayed there. If he found himself, wouldn’t he just throw himself into the net?

And this time is different from before.

The entire passage was smooth before, but now part of the passage behind him is blocked by ice.

If this dragon attacks him again, then he will have no retreat.

Although there was only a thin section of ice left, Cheng Yu only stopped a little bit of ice and stopped again.

Because he suddenly felt a dangerous atmosphere, his heart was tight, was it that the dragon found himself?

However, he still tried to calm himself down.

It is a pity that the Bone Warriors can't make substantial exchanges with Cheng Yu, otherwise he can get enough information from those of the Bone Warriors.

"I hope he did not find me!" Cheng Yu said in his heart.

When I saw the dragon in the pool, I didn't know if this dragon was also like a fire beast. Is it subject to certain restrictions?

Cheng Yu is not sure, he does not dare to take this risk easily!

Trying to connect with the bone-bone warriors, but found that they still seem to be some kind of difficulty, which means that they may not appear in the ice.

In this way, he will be complicated to save these bone soldiers!

"I don't know if I can cope with that dragon!" Cheng Yu said in his heart.

In any case, my dragon is still very powerful. In this world, few people can compete with their own fire.

I thought that when I was in the fairy world, even the immortals could hardly resist such a fire. However, although this Danhuo has now been promoted from Fengyan to Longyan, the power of this dragonfly is still related to its own strength.

With his current strength, I really met the immortals and how can they be.

The strength of this dragon is not far from the immortal, so he does not know whether this dragon can threaten the dragon.

If this dragon does not work, he is afraid that it is very difficult to leave alive from here.

"Would you like to rush out?" Although there was ice in front of him blocking his sight, but if he thought, the ice could be removed in a short period of time.

However, he was hesitant at this time, so the consequences of rushing out might be worse than he thought.

Cheng Yu’s forehead has already seen Khan, and his heart is very entangled and he is constantly struggling.

One step wrong, all the wrong!

"Ma's, fight, since you have spent so much effort to rescue those bone-bone warriors, then you can not give up at this time!" Cheng Yu after repeated consideration, and finally bite his teeth or decided to rush out.

His own woman, her brothers and sisters are still waiting for him anxiously, he must be quick and quick!

However, he is not ready to rush to it!

In order to save their lives, once again, a thousand sacred warriors were released, and then the dragons were temporarily loaned to them.


But when Cheng Yu finished all this, there was a sound of dragons on the other side of the pool.

"It seems that it has discovered me!" Cheng Yu's face changed, and so many of the fairy bone warriors were released, the breath must not be hidden.

However, now that the arrow is already on the string, it will not work.


When Long Hao flew out of the body, he immediately turned off the ice layer in front of him, and then ordered a thousand bone soldiers behind him to rush out.

Different from the previous one, not only are there more sacred warriors released, but they also have Cheng Yu’s dragon scorpion for the time being, so the light is very spectacular from the perspective of momentum.

Cheng Yu is still hiding at the exit of the passage. He has to observe the situation first and cannot rush out blindly.

However, as he imagined, the dragon did not sink into the pool, and half of the body was still exposed to the water.

Perhaps this dragon has already discovered their existence, so they did not feel any surprise about their appearance.

It just doesn't seem to be polite. For all the creatures that appear here, they are uninvited guests.


A dragon scorpion, a water dragon roll is coming to the thousand-bone warriors.


However, this time, these fairy bone warriors are not so unbearable, and a thousand red bone-shaped warriors suddenly form a fiery red dragon-shaped shield flame.

This is precisely because of the reason why Cheng Yu gave them the dragons, these Xian bone warriors directly borrowed the power of this dragon when they resisted.

If it was before, these fairy bone warriors would be directly attacked if they were hit by these splashes.

But this time the water is not close to their body, these water flowers are completely blocked by the dragon-shaped shield.

Although these fairy bone warriors were still repelled, these water flowers were also evaporated by the dragons in an instant.

"Sure enough!" Cheng Yu saw this scene, and his heart was overjoyed.

Perhaps under this dragon's scorpion, these sacred warriors are still not the opponents of this dragon, but this is the best result for Cheng Yu.


Looking at those bone-bone warriors who are still living in ice ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Cheng Yu rushed out when the one thousand bone-bone warriors resisted the dragon.


The dragon squirts and swallows all the ice, letting it melt as much as possible!

Such a large number of dragons, this ice really can not bear, is rapidly melting, Cheng Yu saw the timing is almost, and quickly put away the dragon.

And those fairy bone warriors are not a general generation, the strength of the body's celestial elements is shocked, and some of the remaining ice is directly shattered.

"You are finally back!" Looking at the fairy bone warrior in front of him, Cheng Yu was very happy.

Although it is only a few dozen bone warriors, it is no less than a treasure for Cheng Yu.

Look at the other side, this dragon seems to be really a threat to the dragon, and then look at the cave behind the dragon, Cheng Yu hesitated.

"This is a good opportunity. Do you want to rush in and see now?" Cheng Yu knows that the opportunity is rare, but he has a lot of concerns, including the safety of his own women.

And he was worried that if they broke another part of the ice and found that he was not there, would they come here to find the dragon?

If this is the case, then the situation is even worse!

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