Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3158: Don't mess up!

"All these Bone Warriors' actions are only obeying Cheng Yu's orders, so they are not asking for help. It should be that Cheng Yu did not let them help, otherwise they would never have to obey orders!" Xin Yao said. &1t;/

"But why did Cheng Yu do this? Even the Bone Warrior does not let the help, does he think he is invincible in the world?" Han Xue said. &1t;/

Cheng Yu is also a guy who is too bold. If the enemy is not very strong, then he does not need to help but also be excusable. &1t;/

But his current enemies are so terrible dragons, the strength is comparable to the immortals, he really does not take his life seriously. &1t;/

Those white bone warriors naturally noticed the appearance of Xinyao, but because they have the atmosphere of Chengyu, they will not attack them, as if they did not see it. &1t;/

"Look there!" But when they bypassed these bone warriors, they were surprised. &1t;/

It turns out that the white bone warriors here have not moved, but there are more white bone warriors in front of them fighting with the dragon. &1t;/

And each of them has a similar flame on the hands of each soldier. &1t;/

They are not unfamiliar with such flames, because Cheng Yu used to use such flames for a while. &1t;/

However, they looked around and there was no such thing as Cheng Yu, which made people very strange. &1t;/

"Where is Cheng Yu? Why didn't he see him?" Han Xue asked. &1t;/

"We haven't seen it yet?" Several women looked at the entire empty space, and there was no such thing as Cheng Yu. &1t;/

"He won't be in danger?" Yao Na asked worriedly. &1t;/

"Should not, those white bone warriors are still using Cheng Yu's Dan fire, which shows that he is now good, just do not know where this guy is hiding at this time!" Xin Yao shook his head and said. &1t;/

The places where the white bone warriors were trapped have not seen the white bone warriors anymore, which shows that Cheng Yu has indeed saved the white bone warriors. &1t;/

But since he has already saved these white bone warriors, how can he not see him? &1t;/

"Sister, do you say that he will go to the opposite hole?" Lin Yuxi pointed at the opposite hole. &1t;/

Because in the middle of them, those white bone warriors are fighting with the dragons, so they can only see the shadow of the hole. &1t;/

Although this place is large, there is no other place to go, so the only possibility is that the hole is left. &1t;/

"Cheng Yu is so crazy? The dragon is obviously guarding the hole, he dared to go to the hole?" Others said with some surprise. &1t;/

"It is not impossible to see this dragon. It seems that the dragon is always attacking the hole. And no matter how the white bone warriors attack, it does not leave the hole. This may indicate that Cheng Yu is really inside the hole!" Said. &1t;/


"If this is the case, we have to find a way to save him out!" &1t;/

"But we don't know if he is going out now. Maybe he just got in, looking for treasure inside?" Lin Yuxi said. &1t;/

"What do you do? We look at it like this?" Han Xue said worriedly. &1t;/

Cheng Yu is not a worry for this guy, but they can't really care about him. If Cheng Yu has something wrong, she will naturally be very worried. &1t;/

And now that Cheng Yu has entered the hole, it will definitely be very dangerous. &1t;/

Even if there are so many white bone warriors holding it, it is not so easy for Cheng Yu to come out. &1t;/

"What can we do with this strength?" Xinyao said with helplessness. &1t;/

She also wants to be able to do something for Cheng Yu, but seeing thousands of white bone warriors have no advantage in front of this dragon, she really does not know what else she can do. &1t;/

"This dragon seems to be somewhat jealous of Cheng Yu's Dan fire!" said Lanya. &1t;/

"Really, if I guess it is correct, Cheng Yu should use this fire to melt those ice!" said Xin Yao. &1t;/

"But now we have no way to get these fires, we can't help Cheng Yu!" &1t;/

"Since this Danhuo can deal with the dragon, perhaps Cheng Yu has already thought of a solution. We can't go too far, don't make good intentions a bad thing. &1t;/

If Cheng Yu really had a plan, if it happened, perhaps it would make Cheng Yu timid. "Xin Yao is not in favor of this time to shoot the dragon. &1t; /

After all, the disparity between them is too great. If they can't get it, Cheng Yu will come to save people. That's really troublesome. &1t;/

Even if she was saved last time, it does not mean that they will be saved this time. &1t;/

Therefore, they are still safe to stay here. &1t;/

"In this case, then we still have to hide, don't let the dragon appear, or else it will take us as a hostage, then it will be trouble!" Han Xue said. &1t;/

"Is it so smart?" said Lanya. &1t;/

"This is not necessarily the case. The strength of this dragon is already comparable to that of the immortal. If its wisdom has not kept up, it should not be too low? &1t;/

Look at Shi Ji, her wisdom is not lower than our human beings. How can this dragon be stupid? "Han Xue said. &1t;/

"Shi Ji is not the same, she is a monster, and this dragon is a strange animal, this is still a big difference." Lan Ya said. &1t;/

"I feel that I still have to be careful, I can't let it be our existence, or else we have to trouble Cheng Yu!" Han Xue said. &1t;/

"Well, this is not a fake. If Cheng Yu comes out, we have to find a chance to leave at the right time. www.ltnovel.com~ Can't give Cheng Yu a drag, otherwise, everyone can't escape!" Xin Yao reminds everyone Road. &1t;/

A few women nodded and knew that this was a very dangerous place. Although the dragon now seems to be fighting against the white bone warriors, it does not mean that it will not be present. &1t;/

Therefore, it is still necessary to hide and not give the dragon a chance. &1t;/

It’s just that Cheng Yu’s delay has not appeared, which makes several women very worried. &1t;/

Where did they know that Cheng Yu was also full of grace, because he did not find the opportunity to go out, this dragon is really hateful. &1t;/

It knows that Cheng Yu has entered this hole, and Cheng Yu will definitely come out from here. &1t;/

Now even if there are so many white bone warriors to help him, but the dragon still refuses to leave this hole, so that Cheng Yu does not have any chance. &1t;/

"It’s very bad for me to do this. Long Yao is only temporary in their hands. Once the time drags on for too long, those dragons will eventually disappear, and then they will be unable to resist the dragon!" Cheng Yu’s heart Some worried thoughts. &1t;/

After all, these white bone warriors only temporarily borrowed his dragons, and it is impossible to continue this way! &1t;/

Ps: I recently had a voting activity on the website. I didn't ask for a ticket, but today someone still voted for me. I am very grateful, but I can't see who voted. Anyway, thank you for your support. ! (To be continued) &1t;/


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