Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3162: The trouble is coming!

There are still so many channels now, even if you want to go to other channels, at least bring everyone.

Moreover, just one channel is so dangerous, whether you have to go to another channel to take a look, we have to discuss it carefully.

No, I don’t have such an idea. After all, this is really dangerous. If it’s not a mysterious one, I’m obsessed with it, and I’m completely irritated by the dragon. I really don’t know where to go. Ran.

Experienced such a dangerous scene, coupled with the treasure inside is not so attractive to him.

Maybe the treasures of those boxes look like very few, but the fact is that this treasure is very much, because the space inside any storage bag has 20 cubic meters.

This space is not big, but it is not too small to say small. However, if such a large space is used to store Lingshi, medicinal herbs and medicinal herbs, it will show a lot.

What's more, this is more than one storage bag, so the big treasure chest, the storage bag is so small, it is a small kit, does not occupy any space, neatly arranged there, just a box can at least arrange the number Thousand storage bags.

That is to say, thousands of twenty cubic meters of space are superimposed, and this space is a bit scary.

What's more, this is just a box. In the big stone room, there are only a few hundred boxes. From the whole space, it really looks empty and there are not many treasures.

But to count the storage bag space in hundreds of boxes, the treasures stored there can be scary.

Of course, the resources in each storage bag are not crowded, filling 20 cubes, some of which occupy half of the space, some account for two-thirds, but some only account for one third.

So on average, all the storage bags can only be counted as ten cubic meters of space, so that the overall space is half.

But the rest of the space is equivalent to packed with resources, so many treasures are shocking enough.

However, so many treasures are not very attractive to Cheng Yu.

If you don't get so many holy treasures in the desert city, he may see that these treasures are really heart-warming.

It’s just that after seeing such a treasure, it’s a bit of a big deal.

And most of the resources are still the same, only a few boxes are rare resources, so the attraction and gold content of this treasure is much smaller.

Coupled with such a treasure, you need to use your own life as a bet to gamble. For Cheng Yu, it is not worth much.

Therefore, Cheng Yu does not want to go to another channel.

"Cheng Yu, what do you do with these white bone warriors? Let them stay here, let's go to pick up the sisters, aren't they just fine?" Han Xue saw Cheng Yu suddenly took thousands of white bone warriors here. Some doubts asked.

"You really want to go through all the channels!" Cheng Yu said to the other side.

Anyway, he didn't want to!

"Don't you go there?" Han Xue asked strangely.

She feels that there are treasures in it, although these treasures can not be compared with the treasures in the desert city, but the treasures there are not small, so wasteful is too pity.

What's more, there are six passages here. That is to say, there are five treasures in the six passages. So many treasures add up, even if the treasures are not as precious as the remains of the desert city, but they are also very It’s an amazing treasure!

"I really think so!" Cheng Yu nodded and said.

"Are you stupid, how many treasures are there, and you just gave up?" Han Xue said.

"I don't want to catch up with my life for this treasure. This time we can survive. It's not bad. Who knows if the Tongtian Tree will not be obedient next time?"

In case it stops listening to me again? Do we want to leave our lives here? Cheng Yu shook his head and said.

If not so dangerous, he is of course willing to take the treasure away.

But now that the **** of the gods is completely obedient, he is not sure, if not listen?

The consequences are very serious.

Everyone here is the most precious person in his life, and even those brothers and sisters. If you want to lose so many important people for these treasures, then this treasure is no matter how precious, he would rather not.

"Don't say this first, or go out and talk to the heart rhythm sister after they meet!" Xin Yao said.

"It is really necessary to discuss with the sisters and they first!" Yang Ruo-xue agreed.

Anyway, she must not be able to do the Lord, and Cheng Yu said yes, if she goes inside, she is also very worried.

In fact, as for what treasures, she thinks that there is good, and if there is no, it has nothing to do with it.

What she really cares about is Cheng Yu. As long as Cheng Yu is fine, she feels that nothing matters.

But if it is really to use Cheng Yu or even everyone's life to change, then she is naturally unwilling.

The thoughts of several other women are actually similar. As long as Cheng Yu is fine, it is better than anything.

So everyone rushed out to the outside, after all, when everyone came in, they knew that the distance was not short and there was no danger.

Now that everyone is fine, naturally go out as soon as possible. After all, they still don’t know that Cheng Yu has been saved. Maybe they are still worried about their safety.

Therefore, Cheng Yu naturally has to consider the feelings of others, go out early and let everyone feel at ease.

In the water city.

"Sister, these guys are a lot of people!" Xinhai said to the people around him.

"Our luck is a little bad. I didn't expect to come across so many people from the tower. If Yushi is here, this is not a problem." Xinluo said helplessly.

It turned out that they had worried that Cheng Yu was trapped and there would be an accident, so they rushed out as quickly as possible.

Because they know that Cheng Yu is trapped by the beasts of the water property, their destination is the water property tower.

With the aim, everything became very fast. I found the water property tower. They used the previous experience. Although they spent some time, they finally solved the internal organs.

It’s just that they don’t know if this institution can really save Cheng Yu.

So they are still ready to go inside the channel to see if there is no effect, at least they can think of other ways.

But who knows, they just got out of the tower and were surrounded by thousands of people.

"I am even more curious as to why there are so many people coming out here. Are those people not killed by the Bone Warriors?" The heart was puzzled.

"These people don't look like those who came in before, they should come in later!" said Xinhe.

"Well, although I have only seen it once, these people really don't look like the original people, and they dress differently!" said the rhyme.

Before the pursuit of Baoguang, only Cheng Yu was alone, and the first time they saw those people was when they were trapped in the ban of the square.

Although I only met at that time, but with their ability, it is easy to remember the appearance of most people, especially some people.

But the people I saw now, their dresses did not seem to have appeared in the previous group, and their leaders did not have an impression.

Therefore, she also feels that this group of people is no longer the same person.

Besides, the people here seem to be much more than those of the original people, which makes them even more suspicious.

"Whether they were the same people before, or later came in, but our ability seems to be unable to deal with so many people? What can I do?" said the heart and worried.

"Now we are not sure if Yushi is safe, so he certainly has no way to save us, so this time it seems that we can only rely on ourselves!" said Xinhe.

"There are thousands of people here, can we really cope with it?" Xinluo said with some concern.

"Try not to know!" The heart of the sea is a lot of fighting spirit.

"Even if we can't cope with it, then we can only hold on to it. Then we haven't accepted the passing of the power? The strength is greatly increased. Should it be able to solve these people?" Xinhe is not sure if he has that ability.

But when I saw so many people, I still had a lot of concerns in my heart. After all, Cheng Yu did not face so many enemies at the same time.

"But they are so many people, there are certainly a lot of masters who are comparable to the celestial beings~www.ltnovel.com~ But we only have seven people, the pressure is not small!" The oriental flying white heart is also very anxious.

After all, this is not a joke. Once you can't play, you may have put your life on it.

"Time has come. You have considered it clearly. Is it because you choose to hand over the treasure, or do you choose to hand it over?" Those who surrounded the seven people in Xinhe saw that they had not handed over the treasures. There is nothing. Patience.

When I heard this sentence, those people were even more war-torn and ready to go to war.

It turned out that, just like the previous fire property tower, now the fire property tower has not shot the glare again, because the original organs were also relieved by the rhyme.

But the other four towers are still releasing different colors of light, and these people are directed at the blue light of the water property tower.

But who knows when they got here, the light above the tower disappeared, and they soon appeared in the tower.

Therefore, they are naturally the eyes of this group of people. Everyone feels that they are the heart of the river. They have already taken the lead and took the treasure away.

In this case, they did not directly kill each other, it is already very polite.

However, people's patience is also limited, the opportunity has been given to them, as to whether they can grasp this opportunity to see their own.

"Sister, do you want us to come first and kill each other like the last time?" Xin Luo said.

Ps: These heavenly people work in Changsha. The manuscripts are not available today. They can only use the mobile phone to code a chapter, but they will go out later, so today only one chapter can be updated, but this chapter is one thousand more than usual. Word, sorry!

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