Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3172: A terrible horrible person!

"They can't run, kill them!" Although they forced the encirclement, they were slower and slower, and some people saw this and shouted at everyone.

Others also know that Xinhe will have side effects after taking the elixir, so when they heard that they are no longer able to do it, everyone rushed up.

After all, the weakened heart and heart can be killed by anyone, not to mention that they have so many treasures, and everyone wants to be the one who kills the heart and the heart, so that they can treasure. It was taken.

"Senior brother, I am sorry, I am hurting you!" Looking at the chasing soldiers behind him will catch up, Xinluo is very sad.

It is not because he is going to die, but because he wants to die with him for him, he feels that he is very sorry for his heart.

"You and my brother are always brothers. Today we can die here together, there is nothing to regret!" Xinhe also knows that he really has no way to escape, and said to Xinluo.

Looking at the brothers in front of me, it seems to remind us of everything from small to big, the past between several brothers and sisters, from the growing children mature.

After so many years, everything is like what happened yesterday.

"Always a brother!" Xin Luo burst into tears!

"Brother, let's say goodbye, goodbye to the next life!" The heart of the river is already weak, and it is really unmovable, let alone with a heart.

Looking at the people behind him all rushed up, Xinhe closed his eyes!


A bang, Xinhe and Xinluo’s heart trembled!

"Is this death? Why don't you feel at all?" Xinhe thought that he died like this, but he did not feel any pain, which made him very confused.

"Yu Shidi, how are you here?" But after hearing the sound of Xinluo, the doubts of Xinhe were solved.

Open your eyes and see a familiar back in front of his eyes.

"Yu Shidi, are you okay?" Looking at this back, Xinhe said with joy.

"If I have something, how can I come out to save you? Didn't I tell you? Don't use the secret method easily. If I am really late, I may have to go to another world to see you!" Cheng Yu looked Two weak people said.

In fact, when I saw those people moving toward the heart and the heart, his heart was really scared.

They solved the dragon and prepared to look for the rhyme they discussed the next move.

But I didn't expect to see the rhythm. They rushed toward the passage, but they didn't wait for him to ask, and the rhyme said: Heart River and Xinluo are in danger, and hurry to save them.

When he heard this, he still had to ask about the situation and quickly rushed out of the passage.

As soon as it appeared outside the passage, it was just that the heart river and Xinluo were to be degraded.

Fortunately, his reaction and speed are fast enough, and this will catch up at the last moment, otherwise he will really regret his life.

"Haha, no matter how we die, don't you catch up?" Cheng Yu's appearance, Xinhe knows that everything is safe.

Although there are many of these people, they can only trap them. However, for Cheng Yu, the strength has reached the level of true scent, and it may even be better than the scent. These people are just a few figures.

Without life, he is also relaxed.

"Heart River! How are you?" At this time, Xinmei, they also followed other people to rush.

Cheng Yu is their reassurance. With Cheng Yu's reassurance, they have nothing to fear.

Just seeing the two weaknesses of Xinhe and Xinluo, everyone is very worried.

"Don't worry, just taking the sequelae after the elixir, some weakness!" Xinhe looked at the heart, and the heart was relieved.

"You should take three brothers to take a break, here I will deal with it!" Cheng Yu said to the person behind him.

"Cheng Yu, can you really?" Yao Na is worried about Cheng Yu's safety.

"Do not worry, this shrimp and crab will not be able to beat me, you wait for me for a while, and soon get it!" Cheng Yu waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Don't let them run, all around me!" But other people want to leave, but those people are not happy.

Especially when I heard Cheng Yu’s arrogant words, it was simply not putting them in the eye.

"I only caught two. I didn't think that you would have thrown the net and killed them. The treasures on them are all ours!" said some of the heads of the head.

Although there are a few more people in the opposite, this not only does not worry them, but makes them more excited.

Because the more people represent the treasures they can get from these people.

I had to let them out a few of them, but they were not reconciled, but now they ran out, can they let these people run away again?

"The nonsense!" However, Cheng Yu did not come to chat with them. When the voice fell, the whole person disappeared from the place.


But the next moment, the blood splashed, the man who spoke just stood there, but lost one.

I saw that Cheng Yu’s right hand is all blood!

Obviously, this person has already died in Cheng Yu's hand!

"This..." Seeing this scene, everyone is stunned.

A master who is comparable to a fairy, was killed only by a moment, how strong is this person?

"Kill! Kill him!" However, when someone first woke up, his face became pale and terrified, and quickly yelled.

Cheng Yu is too threatening to them, such people are terrible. Such a close-up tragedy is more horrible than that of Xinluo after they took the elixir.

After all, everyone in the process is clear. After they took the elixir, the momentum will rise, which gives them some time to adapt.

However, Cheng Yu’s instant shots did not give them an instant reaction time. It’s such a blink of an eye. A master who is comparable to a fairy singer dies in his hand, plus such **** and violent means of killing. fear.

These people thought that Cheng Yu was just like them, but from his realm, he even thought that he was not as good as them.

But who would think that his strength is more frightening?

At this moment, everyone knows the horror of Cheng Yu. If such people live, it is simply their disaster.

Therefore, under this loud drink, everyone regarded Cheng Yu as the biggest threat, and all killed him.


The innumerable attacks are inextricably attacked by Cheng Yu. The whole process of the people is like a ghost. In these people, there is a flash between the moments, and people can’t catch him.


However, they saw that their peers fell one after another, which made their inner fears continue to intensify.

"Devil, this is a demon!" This is the most intuitive feeling of each opponent after Cheng Yu.

They want to stop this fear, and they want to stop Cheng Yu.

However, Cheng Yu was full of killing at this time. If it wasn't for him, then Xinhe and Xinluo would die under their swords.

How can he be merciful to these people?

Even if there are thousands of people here, Cheng Yu is like cutting tofu. Without any hesitation, he does not intend to let go of anyone here. This is a punishment for them to offend their brothers and sisters and friends. .

Others who came later saw thousands of people in the battle circle who couldn’t take the next person. What’s more, this person was only a monk in the middle of the Mahayana. Everyone was shocked and couldn’t speak. .

In fact, in any world of the world, a Mahayana period is hard to come by.

What's more, there are thousands of masters in the late Mahayana, and even some of them are comparable in strength.

These people can be said to be elites from different worlds, and even some geniuses exist.

However, it is such an elite, but can not get a mid-term of the Mahayana, which brings extreme fear to everyone's heart.

"That man is terrible, are we going to leave quickly?" Some people who were originally attracted by the huge noise here, they still want to come to the oriole at the beginning, or see if there is any interest. Figure.

But who would think that in the end it has become like this, I don’t know where to come from such a horrible character.

Although there are a lot of people, it seems that the advantage is great, but in front of this crazy person, there is absolutely no advantage at all.

I even think that even if there are more people, there is no use in front of this person, only one dead road!

"The strength of this person is really terrifying, but those people may not be so powerful!" One person next to him said ~www.ltnovel.com~ Originally they actually came to see the drama, but the strength of this person is indeed too horrible They also don't want such people to exist.

Although this world is a weak meat, but the strength difference between them is not great compared with other people. At least to a certain extent, their weakness can be compensated by the number of people.

This time they actually came in a lot of people, they are also divided into different teams. But no matter which team, their strengths are not much different.

In this case, they are actually in a balance, and it is very difficult for anyone who wants to squander one's treasure.

However, the emergence of Cheng Yu has completely broken this balance.

If thousands of people are killed by Cheng Yu now, their lives will be threatened by Cheng Yu. Even if they discover the treasure, they may be taken away by Cheng Yu. This is definitely not. May be accepted.

So now I see Cheng Yu fighting these people, they are not going to stand by!

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