Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3174: Escape!

In the face of all kinds of attacks, Lanya clearly felt the instability of the stone wall in the stone wall.

After all, so many people attack at the same time. For Lanya, the pressure is really big.

However, because of her strength, the strength of the shield mirror has also increased, and the defense has become more powerful. Although it felt unstable around, it was never broken under the attack of so many people.

"Cheng Yu has so many people to deal with, one and a half will be afraid and it will be difficult to take care of us!" Xin Yao said.

"Let me try it, maybe I can relieve some pressure on Lanya!" Yao Na said and took out her own curved mirror.


They may not see the outside situation within the stone wall, but because of Yao Na’s shot, the stone wall suddenly broke open, and many branches were rushed out from the ground.

Each branch has a thick arm, even thicker than the arm.

These branches are intertwined, and many people are rolled up by these branches, and they are dead.


Because there are countless branches under the ground around the stone wall, many people are unable to concentrate on attacking the stone wall, and the stone walls on all sides are quickly restored to stability.

However, these people transferred the attack to these branches and continually attacked the branches, but the branches did not think as simple as they thought. The swords and the swords were cut on the branches, but the branches did not. Been cut.


Even so, they can't give up, because their bodies are entangled in these branches, and it will be difficult to get out of the way for a while.

If at this time Xinyao attacked them, these people would be in danger.

Sometimes, the world is so coincidental!

Really afraid of what to come!

Seeing more and more people being entangled in these branches, the ground began to shake sharply.

This sway is much more intense than it was just now!

"What the **** is this?" They didn't know what terrible things were in the underground, but they were now entangled in the constant branches, which really made them very angry.


The ground continually blasted, and the golden figure broke out from the ground!

"What is this?" They didn't have time to see the true colors of these golden figures, but these golden figures have already rushed toward them.


"What the **** is this?" A tough sword pierced some people's bodies. They were shocked and shocked why they were so vulnerable.

Their figure was pierced by a long gun in the golden figure.

At this moment, they finally understood the true colors of these golden figures. It turned out that these guys were actually metal people.

These metal people rushed out from the ground one by one, killing those who were entangled in the branches, and everyone was frightened.

They naturally don't want to die, so they spend their greatest strength to smash these branches.

Some people have indeed cut off these branches, but the branches that have been cut will continue to grow and wrap around them.

But they have already been there once, and where will they be there again? But I have to say that even if they have been wary of these branches, but now there are so many metal people, these people have not escaped this robbery.

"We really shouldn't be shot!" At this time, some people have already regretted it.

They thought that they could easily catch these people to threaten Cheng Yu, but they did not expect these people to be so powerful.

This one-by-one move made them dazzled. They didn't figure out what was going on here, but they made new tricks.

Yao Na's strength is now comparable to the original, their strength is not weaker than these players, and even stronger, because they have a blessing.

The number of these people is large, but they are completely disrupted by Yao Na, so they become extremely passive.

They can't solve these branches well, and there are so many metal people. The attacks of these metal people are very sharp. Even if they have defenses, they are easily pierced by them.

The branches are entangled, and the metal people come to kill. This kind of cooperation is really the end of the world for them, so a lot of people are dead under such cooperation.

Although they are beginning to regret it now, this is not what they want to come, they can go if they want to go.

After feeling the stability of the stone wall, Lanya knew that the outside situation was under control and took the stone wall back.

When they saw the situation outside, they were even more excited. It turned out that the cooperation between Yao Na and Yang Ruoxue had such an effect. Those who wanted to catch them had already folded a lot of people.

"It seems that I have to add fire!" Han Xue was very excited. He would burn out the mirror and let the fire dragons go around the branches, burning the people who were originally entangled in the branches.

Although they all have their own defensive hoods, they are tied by the branches, and the flames are directly burning against them, even if a strong defensive hood is burned.


A scream of screams continued, and more and more people died under the cooperation of several women.

Although Yao Na's curved mirrors only play an auxiliary role most of the time, they have played a huge role in defeating these enemies.

Because of the interference of these branches, many people have become shackled, and even some people have been injured by these branches. Coupled with the cooperation of several other women, they are really difficult to hold on.

Chen Hongyuan, they looked at it all, and they were shocked.

Because of the existence of Cheng Yu, in fact, there are not many opportunities for women to take shots, especially the scenes where these women use the mirror at the same time.

Chen Hongyuan has always been puzzled by the mirrors in their hands.

The Oriental Flying White feels that they have been too small to look at these women. He always thought that these women were more than just vases.

However, he did not think that so many people were actually tortured by several of them, and people were getting fewer and fewer.

If the women were trapped before, maybe they would not be so passive and the situation would not be so bad.

Judging from the cooperation of these women, this is really a tacit understanding, and the attacks between them are simply complementary, and everything is like being arranged in advance.

Although so many people can't be killed by a few women at once, but under the support of their five celestial mirrors, these people are constantly decreasing.

In particular, many people already know the power of these women, and they all know that this step is wrong. They should not be shot of these people.

Therefore, some people who have seen the situation have secretly escaped when they find the right time, so that fewer and fewer people are standing in front of them.

On the other hand, Cheng Yu’s horror has also caused too many people to be afraid, just because Cheng Yu’s one person is even more powerful and cannot take care of everyone.

Therefore, there are actually more people who have escaped from Cheng Yu. They are not going to chase those people, and it is not bad that he can kill half of them.

After all, people are also long legs, even if you are more powerful, can people still wait for you to kill?

If you know that you can't fight and you don't run, isn't that a fool?

When Cheng Yu saw someone attacking his woman, he was still worried. However, when I saw Lan Ya’s shot, I felt a little relieved.

I think that their strength has also been improved, which is also a good opportunity for them to experience, so they did not help to help them.

Now I see a few women starting to counterattack, those who fight are falling, and my heart is more assured, and he is more active in killing here.

"How could this be? How could this be!" Many people feel fear and anger.

This is for them to win the game, even if they work harder, the treasures of these people are all theirs.

However, just because of the emergence of Cheng Yu and their people, they completely reversed the whole situation.

Looking at the bodies in front of them, they are both afraid and angry.

At this time, no one of them dared to provoke Cheng Yu and his women. They are all demons.

At this moment, there is only one word in their mind, and that is to escape.

If they don't escape, they will definitely fall into the pool of blood, just like the broken bodies.

"Everyone is withdrawing!" There is no thought of rebellion and persistence. They just want to leave this place quickly.

Even if they leave the water city directly now, they don't want to face Cheng Yu anymore, because these people are really terrible.

For just a few people, so many people add up to fear that they have already passed 10,000, but these people have been killed by Cheng Yu and several of them.

Tens of thousands of people have not been able to win these people. Now that half of them are missing, can they still win Cheng Yu?

Obviously it is impossible ~www.ltnovel.com~ This time I will not run, it is really looking for death.

They clearly know that there are still many treasures in this water city, but they dare not stop, they do not want to die.

Compared with the treasure, nothing is more important than your own life. Especially after seeing so many companions dying, they feel that life is really fragile and keep one's life, better than anything else.

"Don't chase, let them escape!" Seeing that everyone has escaped, and several women's attacks are still rushing behind, Cheng Yu said.

Killing so many people has given them enough lessons. Moreover, they also need to rest themselves. After killing for so long, they still have more than half of them who have not been killed. It is also very troublesome to fight with these people.

Of course, the most important thing is that they have no trouble.

If Xinhe and Xinluo were really killed by these people, then Cheng Yu could never let them go, and even those who called out their own bone-bone warriors would kill them all!

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