Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3179: The opportunity is coming?

Before they didn't think of a way, everyone didn't dare to enter the passage, and during these times, they never saw anyone running out of the passage.

Perhaps as they thought, they were afraid that they had encountered a different animal and even been massacred.

If they really have someone to live out, maybe they can get some information from them.

There is no other way, Cheng Yu can only agree to the method of flying the East, and send the Bone Warrior first. Although these white bone warriors can't convey to them what they see and hear in detail, at least they can judge whether there is danger.

In this case, if they really want to go in, they can also have a precaution in advance, and not like the last time, after encountering the dragon, all the problems become extremely complicated.

The speed of the Bone Warrior is still relatively fast, and they are not as much as human concerns, and entering the channel is simply rampage.

At the beginning, the Bone Warrior did not send a message, which made Cheng Yu still worried.

In fact, these white bone warriors are like his children, although they may have done a lot of unforgivable things during their lifetime, but now they don't understand anything. The only thing they know is to obey Cheng Yu's orders.

They are so obedient, coupled with the strength, Cheng Yu really cherishes them very much. It’s a pity that they don’t want any of their warriors to die like this.

Therefore, there has been no news inside, and his heart is also very nervous.

However, conversely, since they did not have the news, it is just that it is safe.

It’s just that they have discovered the dragon before, so to say that these passages are absolutely safe, he will never believe it.

It can even be said that they will definitely have trouble, but they don’t know when this trouble comes, which is what Cheng Yu is worried about.

What he fears most is that these white bone warriors have encountered dangers and are too savage. Many times, they are not afraid of feelings. As long as they are enemies, they will not hesitate to kill them.

If the enemy inside is not so powerful, it doesn't matter, but the problem is that every channel in it is estimated to have a different beast, and perhaps there is a channel that really has nothing.

But even so, it means that the remaining four teams will encounter a horrible beast. If these guys really fight with the beasts, they may not be able to come back.

They haven't woken up yet, their bodies are so weak, even if the situation is a little better, it will take almost two days.

At this time, everyone sat in the hole. What they most want to know is whether the white bone warriors in the passage have information back. As for the heart of the river, everyone is not so worried.

After all, they did not have any injuries, just because they forced the use of the power of Xianyuan, beyond their ability, and lost their bodies.

Just like Cheng Yu, they just have to rest for a few days and they can be restored.

Compared to them, these guys want to know if there are any other beasts in the remaining channels, whether there are treasures!

"Cheng brothers, how? Have you sent any information back to the white bone warriors?" asked the East in a hurry.

This method is what he came up with. He wants to know more about this method than anyone else.

"Which is so fast, how long they have been in. It took us a few hours before we entered that passage. Now they haven’t even arrived in an hour. We have to wait a few more hours!" Chen Hongyuan took the lead. The words.

"They really don't have the information back yet. Let's take a rest first. If there is something in it, I will tell you the first time." Cheng Yu said to everyone.

After this series of things, in fact, everyone is very tired, they really need a good rest.

He has confessed to the Bone Warriors, and if there is a danger, try to withdraw it first.

After all, they can feel the danger with their strength, and in all likelihood, they encounter strange animals.

In this case, it is the only thing that can be done to escape.

Fighting with a stranger?

That is tantamount to finding death!

Even if he is going to try, he can only hope to go to the heaven tree. If it can help again, then you can't try it anymore.

If it is not willing to help, then basically there is no need to try.

This level of aliens is no longer what they can make up in quantity. It's like the enemies they have encountered in Xinhe.

After they met Cheng Yu, the number of these people was large, but the meaning was not great.

Similarly, the horrible guys like the beasts, their number is no longer meaningful. Think about it, just the strength of the giant wolf, his 20,000 bone warriors have not been able to do it, let alone these seemingly more terrible beasts than the giant wolf.

"What about you?" The natural concern of several women is their own lover. They don't even want Cheng Yu to enter the passage again because it is too dangerous.

However, they also know that Cheng Yu has his own ideas. What they can do is to make Cheng Yu feel at ease.

"Do not worry, I will rest and rest." Cheng Yu said the three people lying down.

There have been so many things, but he is also tired, but there is no way. One thing after another happens, he has no time to rest.

Now it's just to let the Bone Warriors go to the road first. It's not that they know that the situation inside is going to start immediately.

Although they don't have a lot of time in the dead zone, they are enough to enter the treasure hunt.

What's more, their enemies are very likely to be terrible, even if they just enter the battle casually?

Take a good rest first, take the best state, so that it is possible to successfully achieve everyone's purpose, take out the treasures inside.

Some white bone warriors were released, and all of them were surrounded by them. There were white bone warriors. Who else could hurt them here?

Unless there are similar animals here, this is simply not possible.

Others saw that there were white bone warriors to protect them. They also felt at ease. There are indeed these white bone warriors, and their safety can reach at least 90%.

Everyone went into a state of rest one by one, and at this time, not far away, there were a group of people watching this place.

These people are full of killings in their eyes. They are not others. They are the people who have just escaped after Cheng Yu’s counterattack.

"These guys really don't plan to leave here, it's a little trouble!" someone said.

"Look at the guys next to a cave, they have been there, it seems they have found the treasure!"

"What about that? They are there, we have no way to go in for treasure."

"That's not necessarily, they look obviously tired, I think if we come to a surprise attack, maybe we can solve them!"

"Don't you see that they have those strange bones that are protected? How can we launch a surprise attack?" Some people shook their heads and said.

Just when Cheng Yu fought with them, he did not release the Bone Warrior, so they did not know the true strength of these Bone Warriors.

However, Cheng Yu deliberately released these white bone warriors to protect everyone's rest, presumably these bone warriors should not be too bad.

It is obviously impossible for them to launch an attack while others are resting!

"Isn't that a bunch of bones? To me, these guys just take out these bones and do it. I don't believe that these bones can still catch me?" Someone looked at the faces of these bone warriors. Disdain.

After all, these white bone warriors only look like a white bone, and at most they can still move and even hold weapons.

But in the end, these guys are just meaningless bones, and how could they be their opponents?

"Do you think it will be so simple? You can see that these white bone warriors are holding the fairy ones one by one. Do you think that a white bone with a fairy will be simple?" Some people look Very cautious.

After all, Cheng Yu’s strength has made them a little scared. If they don’t see Cheng Yu’s rest now, they can’t dare to be so close to these people.

"What do you say? I can tell you that there is definitely a treasure in the cave. If we don't take it now, there may be no such opportunity."

And more importantly, these guys now look very tired. If they don't shoot now, wait for them to come back again, we may not be able to stay in this water city!

Therefore, as far as I can see, if you don’t do it, you will solve them first. If you have a hundred, it will definitely be more unfavorable for us! "The man continued to say ~www.ltnovel.com~ Cheng Yu almost killed half of them, how can such a horrible person let him live?"

However, in the case of Cheng Yu's mental state is full, his strength may be greatly strengthened, and when the time is finished, Cheng Yu will be even worse.

Therefore, now that Cheng Yu is resting, they have only one such opportunity!

"I think it is too dangerous to do this. This guy is not injured. He is just a little tired. Now he is resting, but it will not affect his fighting.

If we take the shot now, he can continue to fight with us at any time. Do you think we will be his opponent now? "Some people are too timid, and they are not afraid to be too reckless."

"Then what do you say? Anyway, I have already said this. When we have no retreat, don't blame me for not reminding you!" The man seemed to be angry.

These guys are so small that they missed this opportunity. Do they have another chance?

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