Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3182: They don't go in?

Almost everyone agreed to wait until Cheng Yu entered the cave and followed it up.

If there is an opportunity in the cave, then they will look at the situation. If there is no chance inside, then they choose to retreat.

In this way, everyone can at least save their lives.

Seeing Cheng Yu, they were still resting. Everyone was suffocating and decided to wait until Cheng Yu entered the cave and then appeared again, so everyone hid it.

When Cheng Yu wakes up, try not to let him discover the existence of everyone.

However, it is surprising that Cheng Yu and those companions woke up the next morning. However, they did not look like they wanted. Cheng Yu, although they woke up, did not seem to have entered the cave. .

"What are these guys doing? They have been resting for more than a day. Are they not going to enter the cave?" Someone waited for a day, but did not expect that it would be the result, and I was a little worried.

"Maybe they still want to take a break?" Someone said uncertainly.

"Let's rest again? They have been resting for more than a day. It's been a long time for them to be full of energy. I think these guys may not really want to enter the cave!"

"If they don't go in, isn't it better, then we don't have to worry about them grabbing our treasures!" Some people are very happy.

They just think that Cheng Yu will enter the cave to find treasure, which will block their financial path.

But now they don't go in, then they don't even have to wait until they are in danger. These treasures are only for them to take, which is a good thing.

After all, Cheng Yu's strength is so strong. If there is no danger in the cave, then they want to retrieve the treasure from Cheng Yu's hand, which is basically impossible.

But Cheng Yu did not go in, and no one would grab the treasure with them. Isn't this a happy thing?

"I am worried that they don't think so. Do you think that they are not three companions who have not woken up? They may want to wait until the three companions wake up and then go in!" Someone stared at Cheng Yu and said.

"Hey! I knew that it was so troublesome. We should kill the three guys at the beginning!" The three people were already in the mouth, but they finally let them survive. Now I think it is still very much. Not reconciled.

"Those guys even dare to take it all, and it’s normal to not kill them. Besides, the terrible guy is so terrible, if we really kill his companion, I’m afraid we will have no chance to escape. "Someone looked at Cheng Yu."

For Cheng Yu, everyone is still very taboo, and no one wants to fight against him. It is definitely a chance of death is greater than the chance of surviving.

"That may not be, I have to say that the strength of that guy is really terrifying. I have never seen such a terrible strength in a Mahayana period.

However, if we want to escape, it is not that he took the initiative to let us go, but he simply did not have the ability to stop us. With so many people, even if he has the ability, he will not kill all of us. If he does, he will certainly not be better.

He may understand this too, so he does not want to leave the meaning of all of us, but this can not be said that he let us go, you are simply the ambition of others, to destroy their prestige! Someone said dissatisfied.

To be honest, it is indeed admirable that a Mahayana period can achieve the strength of Cheng Yu. But this does not mean that he is invincible.

Cheng Yu didn't even kill half of the people at the time. They still had enough fighting power to fight Cheng Yu. If Cheng Yu is not willing to let go of any of them, then the rest of the people will definitely be desperate with him.

In this case, can Cheng Yu still retreat like this? This is also a very difficult question to say.

Besides, although they are not as strong as Cheng Yu, they think they will not be worse than the average person. In the case of so many masters of the same level, will Cheng Yu have no consideration?

Therefore, he feels that they are able to survive, and that is why their strength is not weak. If their strength is really weak, will Cheng Yu let them go?

They can recognize the strength of others, but they cannot deny their own strength, or they are too dignified.

"Yes, the strength of that guy is strong, but he is not invincible in the world. If we work together, there is still a way to kill him.

The last time I didn't get rid of his companions, this time we have a chance, we will solve it together with him and his companions! "Some people said very firmly.

Cheng Yu brought humiliation to them. So many of them did not kill Cheng Yu’s companions, and finally let Cheng Yu save people.

Otherwise, they may have already allocated some precious resources from those people. After all, these guys are all able to take out the elixir, so they don’t say anything else, but Xiandan definitely has it.

In their eyes, even if Cheng Yu did not enter the cave to find treasure, they have a lot of treasures.

If it is not because Cheng Yu’s strength is too strong, they have not yet thought of a better way to solve Cheng Yu, they are afraid to kill them and take out their treasures.

Of course, if their plan is successful, they will be able to get two treasures. One is inside the cave, and the other is Cheng Yu.

So now they see that Cheng Yu these guys are still not planning to enter the cave, worrying!

"Everyone calms down first. If we really have a chance, then we will not let them go. But if we don't have enough confidence to kill these people, we still have to restrain ourselves.

As long as we can get the treasure in the cave, it is worthwhile. Don't give yourself a catastrophe, it won't be worth it! The person who proposed the plan to enter the cave seemed to be a little excited to see everyone's emotions, and quickly said.

He knew that the previous point was unwilling to let go for everyone. They spent so much effort. The guys even used the elixir and finally managed to escape.

If Cheng Yu suddenly appeared, several other people may not have the way to catch it. But the three companions who are still lying there are definitely able to win.

As a result, due to the emergence of Cheng Yu, their previous efforts have all been lost. Not only that, but so many of them have been killed by Cheng Yu in the end, and this tone, how do they swallow it?

In fact, let alone they are, even he himself feels very angry, can not swallow this tone.

However, he knows that it is meaningless to fight this tone at this time.

Besides, the strength of people is there, they are still alive now, and that is the luckiest thing. Do they still have to give people a head at this time?

Since they have survived, it is necessary to do something meaningful and valuable.

Regardless of Cheng Yu, they can't enter the cave, but they have nothing to do with them.

Moreover, if Cheng Yu did not really want to enter the cave, they would no longer have to worry about Cheng Yu taking their treasures away.

But if Cheng Yu finally went in, they would follow the original plan if they were too big. It was no different from before. What is the competition?

As long as the opportunity is right, those treasures will eventually be theirs.

"But that guy didn't go in, it was a waste of our time!" Someone said uncomfortably.

I finally made up my mind to agree to enter the cave to solve these guys, but these guys did not give them this opportunity, it is really very heartfelt!

"Wait! They will go in!"

"You said, do we still want to go somewhere else? Those guys are full now, even if they go in, we don't have much chance, but we will be even more dangerous!" Looking at Cheng Yu, they are so fierce. Look, some people have started to retire.

He felt that since Cheng Yu was able to kill nearly half of them before, it is not impossible to kill them all now.

If the caves are really discovered by Cheng Yu, then they are dead.

"Go somewhere else? Where can we go now? If these people don't enter the cave, then we don't just go to other places to be seen by them?"

So, no matter if they want to go inside the cave, we can't go anywhere now. They don't enter us, they go in and we have to enter.

Anyway, the treasures inside can only belong to us ~www.ltnovel.com~ absolutely can not let them take it away! Someone said disdainfully.

They really don't want to face Cheng Yu, but now they are leaving. When Cheng Yu leaves, they are likely to meet again.

Their current plan is that they are in the dark and the other is in the Ming. But if they meet in other places, then they are all clear, they have almost no chance of winning.

"Let's wait, if they don't want to go in, they can't stay outside the cave. And we don't really want to go anywhere else now, wait until they act, then decide!" The planner again appeased Everyone said.

If you want to get the treasures in the cave, you must work together. If someone retreats, it is not a good thing for them.

Cheng Yu’s strength is so strong that they must unite. Originally, Cheng Yu has killed so many people. If they are separated, then basically there is no power to fight with Cheng Yu.

Therefore, he does not want everyone to split their hearts at this time, which is very unfavorable to the entire team!

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