Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3204: what is that?

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With the anger in his heart, Wei Dao led the people and rushed straight ahead.

There is no consideration, because in his heart, he does not believe in the words of the party. There may be nothing in front of this. It’s just that this guy is deceiving himself.

When the locals saw this situation, they were helpless in their hearts. Wei Dao did not believe his words. But their safety is tied together. If the Weidao people have an accident, it is difficult for him to survive.

So even if he didn't look at the Weiwei Dao, he still had to keep up with him.

The two led the way in front, followed by more than 300 people, everyone was a little nervous. Although Wei Dao people don't quite believe in the words of the people, some people think that they are more credible and not credible.

Regardless of whether there are any dangerous things in front of them, they must be careful.

After all, all of the front is black lacquered, it is hard to feel that there is no danger.

However, when they found a huge space in front of them, they were paralyzed.

They did not see the danger. The so-called dangerous things in the square population were not seen, but they saw a forest in this space.

Yes, in this underground cave, there is a magical forest, a towering tree that touches the top of the space, a few hundred feet high, amazing!

"Fang Dao, this is the weird dangerous atmosphere you said?" Looking at the strange woods in front of him, Wei Dao asked the Fangdao.

"This..." The square is also a bit embarrassed.

He did sense some strange dangerous atmosphere before, but it seems that it is not the smell of these trees. But there is a forest in this place, isn’t it very strange?

You know, if it weren't for the night light on their hands, it would be dark, without any light. But in such a dark and humid environment, the trees here can still grow so long, which is too strange, right?

Just seeing the scene in front of him, he doesn't know what to say.

Is this what I feel?

Obviously not!

"I have already told you that it is too nervous for you. There is no dangerous thing at all here!" Wei Dao people also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although I have repeatedly stressed that I don’t believe each other, I always have a guilty mind and a little truth.

It is that sentence, not afraid of 10,000, just afraid of it.

What does the 10,000 people say is true, is there really a dangerous thing that hides the atmosphere?

So, to hide tension and worry in my heart, when I saw this lush forest, he is now completely relaxed.

There is something dangerous to hide the breath, but it is just a forest.

"Maybe that thing is hidden in this woods?" Although the locals began to doubt themselves, they did not compromise.

"Since you still don't believe it, let's know when we go in and try it!" Wei Dao people saw that the party was still hard and could not help but say.

"You don't think it's strange to have such a forest in such a place?" said the Fangdao.

"It's a bit strange, but are there so few strange things that people who have cultivated the immortals? Nothing fuss, there is nothing you can say that hides the breath. I don't know."

However, I thought of a way to leave here alive! "Wei Dao people looked at this strange forest, but not only did not have any worry, but more and more excited.

"What way?" Fangdao also asked curiously.

He really worried about whether there was something terrible hidden here, but now that Wei Dao has a way to get out of here, he is naturally very curious and very looking forward to it.

"You look at this place, not only the space is big, but the best thing is that there is such a lush forest here. If we hide in this wood, then hide the breath, do you think those guys can find us?" Wei Dao laughed Said.

"You mean, can you be our hiding place here?" The party’s thoughts on the other side were also bright.

This place is really not small. If you can hide here, plus the hidden atmosphere, you may really be able to escape the pursuit of those people.

"Don't you think that you can't?" Wei Dao asked.

"This method is natural, but the strength of that guy is so strong, can we hide in the hidden atmosphere?" Fangdao people wondered.

"Don't worry, the strength of the guy is strong, but I also have my own way. To fight hard with him, we may not have a chance to win. But just hiding the atmosphere, we can still do it!" Wei Dao is very good at this moment. confidence.

Because he has his own way to hide his breath, even if he is stronger than him, it is difficult to find his existence.

Although there are more people now, this will not be affected.

As long as they are hiding in the woods, it is enough to take the opportunity to escape.

It is so big, he is not sure if there is any other way out. However, even if he found other channels, he did not know if there was a way out, and maybe even more dangerous.

It is much simpler to hide them here. As long as the opportunity is right, they can escape directly from the original road.

"In this case, let's hide it. If it is late, those guys will catch up, even if we hide it, it will be useless!" said the Fangdao.

If the time is not hidden, it is just that Cheng Yu has sensed that they are here. Even if they can't see anyone, they must have guessed that they are hiding here.

So ~www.ltnovel.com~ Since Wei Dao people have such a skill, then let everyone hide and don't show your feet.

"Good! Everyone comes with me, try to hide your breath!" Wei Dao people also know that it is not too late, and quickly bring people into the woods to hide.

It is definitely more troublesome to let everyone hide their breath and not be discovered. Therefore, everyone must try to hide their breath first, and then let him shoot, then you can better hide your breath.

"Wei Daoyou, you see, what is that?" However, it was not long before they entered the woods, and the locals once again shouted at Wei Dao.

“What?” Wei Dao was looking for a suitable hidden place and did not notice what the party meant.

But when he heard him, his heart was a little annoyed, because this guy would always have some trouble. Even if it is not true at times, but because of his words, everyone is also flustered.

"What is that?" But when he looked in the direction of the fingers of the square, he was shocked and stunned.

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