Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3210: The road is gone!

No matter how much Cheng Yu is, the time is tight, the situation is critical, and those who are in front of the shield know who can help him attract the long beast.

In case all those people have been killed, if he wants to shoot again, he can only face the beast with a hard face. In this case, let alone conquer the beast. If you can survive, it will be successful. .

So no longer dare to delay, directly put everyone into the mountain river map, a person rushing to the front.

Since the strange animal in front has just shot him, it shows that it has already appeared in Cheng Yu.

If you carefully move forward at this time, it will only delay more time, which is pure waste.

Now is the time to look at the past and never miss the time.


When everyone was included in the Shanhe map, his concerns were much less, and he was rushing toward the front with the Tiantianshu alone.


However, only halfway through it, I saw a few branches coming from the front.

Just because everyone is there, and in such a small passage, if he is flashed, then others will be attacked, especially the woman closest to him, he has to resist the stick.

Otherwise, how could his hand be hurt?

But now it's different. There are no other people around, so you don't have to be **** anymore. You don't have to entangle with these branches.

Decisively avoid the attack of these branches, interspersed in the gap.

Everything was as usual, but these branches suddenly became like a cable, all twisted together, and Cheng Yu was also twisted in.

"This stranger is not easy!" Cheng Yu frowned.

Although I already had some preparations in my heart, when I saw this situation, I still felt that this strange animal was underestimated.

The animal of the wooden nature is not the most aggressive in the five elements of the property, but even so, it is a real animal.

Its aggression is no longer strong, and it is not much more than the strength of these people.

When the two branches hit, Cheng Yu had already experienced it.

Now that these branches are so twisted, I really want to be swayed with him. He is afraid that he will be twisted into blood.

I saw the sudden rotation of the branches between Cheng Yu and the branches. Although the branches were still swaying, the branches that wrapped Cheng Yu were directly bulged.


A sound blasted, the place where the bulge was actually blown up directly, and Cheng Yu also rushed out.

The branches that were broken behind him fell to the ground, and the front branches were shrunk back toward the front.


Cheng Yu will not waste another moment, watching those people still alive now, he is going to see the situation, there is no chance to conquer this strange animal.

However, when Cheng Yu finally came to the empty place, he finally saw the situation inside.

I saw a huge tree-like beast standing in the middle of the space, and around it, all of them were interspersed with branches, and they looked like a huge spider web made of branches. .

What's even more dangerous is that there are many branches around the spider webs that are constantly being drilled around.

Because there are still a lot of people here, it is the square people who Cheng Qian forced them back. Those screams are exactly what these people are coming out of.

On those branches, many bodies have been hung, and one person has swept away, and there are already less than half of them living.

"Can't drag on any more, or else there is no chance!" Seeing this situation, Cheng Yu knows the situation is critical.

It is not that he is worried about the people inside, but he is worried that without such attraction, all the attention of the stranger is on him.

Therefore, if he wants to conquer this strange animal, then there are so many dead ghosts to start attracting the attention of the beasts, otherwise there will be no chance.

Although Cheng Yu will release those fairy bone soldiers at this time, his safety may be more secure, but there are many dangers.

After all, there have been so many powerful characters at once, maybe those people have not finished killing, and the attention of this stranger is directly attracted by these fairy bone warriors.

Therefore, at this time, Cheng Yu is best not to cause too much attention to the beast, even if it already knows the existence of Cheng Yu, but at least not let yourself become the focus.

Looking at the tragic death of human beings one by one, Cheng Yu is looking for opportunities to see if he can find the weakness of this guy, but at the same time he must be able to let himself fall back.

Otherwise, if you can't escape without a single blow, you will die.


However, in the eyes of this stranger, it is not treated differently because he is the protagonist.

Therefore, everything that enters the territory of its territory will accept its anger. Only when Cheng Yu has not found a way to approach the alien beast in the middle, countless thick thighs have already come to him.

Seeing that these branches are going to hit themselves, Cheng Yu has no choice but to flash over one side.


However, these tentacle-like branches seem to be stupid, but they are very flexible, and they have not given the opportunity for Cheng Yu to breathe too much.


After Cheng Yu’s sword was hand-opened several times, the whole person was forced into the space and became one of the giant “cobwebs”.

"Tong Tian Shen Shu!" At this time, the situation became urgent, which was somewhat unexpected.

In this case, he can only hope that the Tongtian Tree can help him, otherwise he will have difficulty accessing the beast, and it is even more impossible to conquer it.

However, it was this time, and the Tongtian tree still did not respond, so Cheng Yu could not help but worry.

"They said that they are all shit, and when they are in danger, the Tongtian Tree will help. Isn’t it dangerous now?" Cheng Yu is very angry, and the Tongtian Tree is so weak, he wants When I rushed back to that channel, it was ~www.ltnovel.com~ but the channel was already closed by the branches.

"This is to break my back!" Cheng Yu knows that the situation is getting worse and worse.

Coupled with the growing number of deaths, I believe that it will not be long before it will be left, and then all the attention of this alien will be transferred to him, and that time is really finished.

"No, since Tongtian Shenshu is not obedient, you can only rely on yourself!" Cheng Yu has never been a person who easily gave up. The more dangerous, the more he is wary.

What's more, his retreat has been blocked now, which is forcing him to go forward.

If today can't conquer this strange animal, he is afraid that he really can't live away from here. ...

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