Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3230: Treasures make people happy!

After the Oriental Flying White finished, you were welcome, and took ten boxes directly in various boxes.

"I have already finished it anyway!" Oriental Feibai put the last box of resources into his storage bag and said to everyone.

"That's mine!" Others were welcome, and they took ten boxes of various resources.

"Do you think that I can't afford these resources? Say that half of the treasures you found are half of you. Are you worried that my Cheng Yu is going back?" Cheng Yu frowned and looked at these people to collect their resources and said.

"Cheng brothers, we all know that you are taking care of your brothers. But the white brother said it is right, please also give us the last dignity. If you really treat us as brothers, we can only take so much! Chen Hongyuan said earnestly.

People have already done their best to the brothers. Can they still be greedy?

Originally, if it wasn’t for his own family, he didn’t even want to take these resources. After all, he didn’t have a part.

But for the family, he can only share these treasures with Cheng Yu with a thick face, saying that he is greedy, but even if he is greedy, he also feels that he has a bottom line, otherwise he will not have any dignity.

"In any case, our resources have been taken, and the rest are Cheng brothers. If you don't want to, just wait for others to come in and take it!" said the Oriental Flying White.

To be honest, he has never seen anyone like Cheng Yu who is so brother.

Even in their family, even if everyone is a family, but in the face of resources and treasures, everyone will be exposed.

Don't say that these resources are Cheng Yu's desperately obtained, even if everyone is working hard together, they will fight you and die, and want to swallow.

But what about Cheng Yu?

For the safety of all, but willing to take risks alone, every time the most dangerous thing is Cheng Yu alone.

To be honest, this feeling, he has never experienced in the family.

He only knows what is called true brotherhood until now, and he finally understands why Cheng Yu’s brothers and sisters followed him so desperately.

He admires such friendship, but he feels that he now has such friendship.

He felt that his choice of easing the relationship with Cheng Yu was the most correct thing to do in this life.

Like Chen Hongyuan, he has acquired so many resources for their family. Compared with the Chen family, the Eastern family has a lower status in the Nine National Family.

Now that Cheng Yu has the ability to get so many resources and is willing to share a resource with him, he is very grateful.

For his own family, even if he feels blushing, he still has to take these resources. There is only one limit. With so many resources, he only takes dozens of boxes. This should be a point that everyone can accept.

If it is more, it will be too much.

Moreover, there are six passages here, and they have already got the treasure of three passages. If there is no accident, Cheng Yu should take the treasures in the remaining three passages.

In this way, each of them can get hundreds of boxes of resources, so many resources, even if he is back to the realm of self-cultivation, it is enough.

Of course, although he has obtained so many resources, it is impossible to give all the resources to the family.

Although he was born into a family and grew up in a family, it does not mean that the family is everything for him.

If he does not have this experience, with his status in the Eastern family, when his older brother controls the position of the homeowner, maybe he will be thrown out of the Eastern family one day.

Therefore, he can now make some contributions to the family, and can also hand over the resources obtained in the dead domain.

However, he will only selectively hand over some.

Most of the resources are still in their own hands, even if he is really driven out of the family, at least he will not be limited by resources.

"Well, since you are so firm, I won't say much. But then, for these resources, I don't know how many lives I have almost lost. These treasures are even compensation for me!" See everyone Reluctant to take it again, Cheng Yu no longer said anything more.

Everyone has his own principle of being a man. He is the brother of Cheng Yu. As long as he feels that there is no problem with the character of this person, he will definitely not be a jealous person.

He also knows that Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai need these resources very much. Before the dead zone, these two people have been considered by him.

Many times, the two of them can actually not die with everyone. But they are still integrated into this group and are willing to live and die with everyone.

Since they have been handed over to him even in life and death, how can he care about such resources?

To be honest, their resources are really enough now.

However, it is still the same sentence, since I have such luck, I found this place in the last month, and have the ability to take these resources away ~www.ltnovel.com~ Why not take it?

Moreover, even if he does not want these resources, he is very much needed for those strange animals.

Even the beasts have been taken away by him. Will they still leave the treasures here?

Isn't this the next time someone comes again, and there is no danger at all, can you take the treasure inside?

He is not that stupid!

These resources are distributed to everyone, and he has no reluctance in his heart. But since everyone has their own bottom line, can't they force them?

"Yes, these are the brothers you deserve, should you be polite with us?" said the Oriental Flying White.

"Well, since we have succeeded in harvesting a wave, then we will take the plunge and take all the treasures inside!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

I have to say that even if these resources are really inexhaustible, it is really a happy thing to collect the treasures.

Most of these things will be taken out of the game after you have nothing to do!

Resources are the second life for a monk.

In the realm of comprehension, everyone is fighting for resources. If you let them know that Cheng Yu’s idea is to take these resources out and play them every day, I don’t know how many people will kill Cheng Jialai.

"Haha, I thought that I could receive hundreds of boxes of treasures soon after, and my mood would be difficult to suppress!" said Xinhai excitedly.

Putting all the treasures together, everyone's mood is particularly good.

Anyway, Cheng Yu has a **** tree, and even such a powerful beast has been conquered. They feel that now they are going to take a few other channels to take the treasure, without any pressure, anyway, there is only endless excitement!

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