Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3232: Cheng Jiazhu?

"Where is the 36 peaks? How have I never heard of it?" asked the eastern side of the white and wondering.

He met Cheng Yu at the time of Chen's family, and he didn't know much about Cheng Yu's previous affairs and his identity.

"That is a family established by Cheng Brothers in the world!" Chen Hongyuan said with a smile.

He used to be a guest of the 36 peaks and stayed there for a while, and he was still very familiar with it.

"Yes? The original brother is still the head of the family? Cheng Jiazhu, really disrespectful and disrespectful!" The Oriental Flying White is indeed a little surprised.

In fact, setting up a family is not difficult. As long as you have enough resources and sufficient strength, it is quite common to build a family.

Especially in the realm of cultivation, however, it is easy to build a family, but it is not so easy to develop a family.

Like their nine family, in fact, they were only based on the family at first, but after so many years of development and growth, they finally evolved into today's family.

Although the family does not seem to have much difference with the family, in fact, the difference is still there.

The family is more based on the blood, more than the same family. But a family wants to grow and develop. It depends on its own ethnic group. Even if there are more people, how much can it develop?

If you want to make your family bigger, you have to introduce more talent.

However, this means that the family is no longer so pure, and new talents will join, and new blood will be added.

In the long run, the more people who come in, the more blood is mixed.

Just like their Eastern family, like his vein, it is the blood of a pure Eastern family. But in the Eastern family, there are still many people who hold power, but they are not really the blood of the Eastern family.

Some are because of the needs of the Eastern family, they must change their surnames to the East, and some even do not change their surnames.

Therefore, from the perspective of a family, the composition of the family is no longer limited to the same family, and it is very complicated.

Although every generation of homeowners try to ensure that the family's blood is pure, it is extremely caring for the main pulse.

But where do people have the right to love?

Even if everyone is trying to cultivate the immortal, in the process, people will not be able to let go of power.

Therefore, those who are outside the bloodline are naturally trying to find power, which has caused the power disputes within the family.

If the main pulse is too weak, a family will change blood sooner or later.

For Cheng Yu of Cheng Yu, he did not care too much. He felt that the family that Cheng Yu could build was just some of the clan of Cheng family.

"Fei Baixiong, although the scale of Chengjia may not be comparable to our nine major families, I believe that as long as there are brothers in the process, one day Chengjia will become a big family that can't be ignored in the realm of comprehension, and may even exceed our nine Family!" Chen Hongyuan knows that the Oriental Flying White may not be too concerned.

That's because he hasn't been to the 36 peaks, but if he goes there for a while, they will know what is the cohesiveness of a family!

Under the continuous guidance of Cheng Yu's new tricks, he has never seen a family, and the disciples of which family can be like the disciples of Cheng, so full of passion and passion.

Moreover, this time Cheng Yu got so many resources, coupled with the secret of Cheng Yu's practice of training, as long as he has sufficient resource base, he believes that it takes hundreds of years for Cheng Yu to train nine major families in a short period of time. It is not difficult to train talents.

He also valued this point, so he hoped to inherit Chen.

In his relationship with Cheng Yu, he was asked to help or cooperate with him to make some practice. It is impossible for Chen to think that it is not strong.

Although his father also got a formation from Cheng Yu, this one is really too little. With the scale of Chen, it is obviously not enough to satisfy the development of a family.

Therefore, this is also his advantage. If he can get the support of Cheng Yu, he believes that he will be more stable when he sits on the seat of the Chen family.

After all, after seeing the effects of the practice, he believes that no one in this world can refuse such a tempting thing.

Although Cheng Jia is really not a good thing now, but there are foundations that these others can't have, he feels that Cheng Jia is promising in the future.

As for him, Cheng Jiahui will be more than nine major families, and it is not simply to raise Cheng Yu and Cheng Jia.

But he really thinks so, even if the original Ji Yun said so to him.

Therefore, they will be willing to establish a deeper friendship with Cheng Yu.

As for the Oriental Flying White, he may not understand it now, and he will not believe that Cheng Yu has such a skill.

Because what he sees now is just Cheng Yu’s personal strength.

"Hongyuan brother is so optimistic about the family of Cheng Brothers?" Oriental Feibai really feels that Chen Hongyuan has too many ingredients for Cheng Yu wearing a high hat.

How long has the nine family have existed till now?

Anyway, he doesn't know, but he knows that there must be tens of thousands of years at this time~www.ltnovel.com~ A family of tens of thousands of years, which is a small family that has just been established?

"I know that you don't believe it now. If there is a chance, I might take you to see the 36 peaks. At that time, you probably won't think about it now!" Chen Hongyuan saw that the Oriental Flying White did not believe it. He also does not argue about anything.

As the saying goes, seeing is believing, and hearing is empty.

Some things, you can't see it with your own eyes, you will never believe that there is such a thing.

But when you have seen it, he will understand that it is all true.

When he got the Chen family, it is definitely going to look for Cheng Yu again. When he can, he can bring the oriental flying white.

After all, after more than two months of life and death, he felt that the character of the East is still good, at least not to hate him.

Moreover, Chen Jia and the Eastern family are the few families behind the Nine major families. They also need some cooperation.

If he really mastered the Chen family in the future, it must be also to cooperate with other families. If the Oriental Flying White also has the opportunity to win the Eastern family, then it would be better.

"If there is such an opportunity, I really want to see the family of the brothers!" The Eastern Flying White did not refuse.

In fact, his thoughts are similar to Chen Hongyuan, but he did not know Cheng Yu as far as Chen Hongyuan.

He did not think before that he would have the opportunity to inherit Chen, but these two friends and Cheng Yu get along with each other, but his heart slowly gave birth to such a desire.

If you can get help and support from Cheng Yu, perhaps the position of the owner of the Eastern family is not entirely impossible!

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