Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3234: Cheng Yu's effect!

"These people are really not afraid of death!" said the Oriental Flying White with his eyes open.

So many people wanted to **** them before, and in the end they didn't kill them, but let them run away.

Perhaps it is really because they are too kind, they don't provoke others, but they don't mean that others won't provoke them, and suddenly they will rise from the bottom of their hearts.

"The so-called birds are eating and drinking, and people are dying. They all think that if we kill us, we can get the treasure. Even if we know that it is very dangerous, we always want to take it and try it!" Chen Hongyuan shook his head.

"What do we do now? Since they are looking for their own death, I feel that we are not very polite!" Xinluo said.

Not that they are not kind, but that they are too kind.

If you kill all those people before, you probably won't have so much trouble.

"These people don't need me to shoot again?" Cheng Yu casually glanced a few times and said nothing.

So many terrorist beasts are solved by him. Everyone can have so many gains. Now these are just a group of small fish in his eyes.

If you still need to take your own shots, it would be too boring.

What's more, the strength of these people has now brought Cheng Yu any interest. After all, his strength is very different from these people.

"Do not worry, if these people are not sure, then my face is not necessary!" Xinhai excitedly stood up.

He has been ruined for a long time. If it is because the animals are too strong, he can't handle it any more, and how can he let Cheng Yu shoot alone?

He can't cope with the beast, but can't these people cope? I am really sorry for myself, and I am sorry that Cheng Yu has taken care of him for so long.

"It’s been a long time since I’ve been shot by a young man. I’ve been tickles for a long time. The last time I played it was not enough. Since they are looking for death, we can’t be too polite to them. Let’s give them a hand!” Seeing more and more people coming around them, Xinluo was a little excited.

However, some people are aware of the strength of these people, and even some people have survived from their hands and have a deep understanding of their strength.

So when I saw Cheng Yu standing there and several people came out, I couldn’t help but panic.

But seeing that there are so many people who want to find these people together this time, I seem to have a lot of confidence in my heart.

Cheng Yu may indeed be better than them, but now almost all of them who come to Shuicheng to hunt for treasures basically point their goals to Cheng Yu.

There are thousands of people here, and so many people, even if these people are even more powerful, can they still handle thousands of people?

Even if it is the case that Sanxian sees this situation, it is necessary to measure it.

Under the influence of so many people, no one is afraid, some are just excited and excited.

Because many people have been to the cave, everyone even believes that there should be treasures, or there will not be so many fresh corpses.

But now there is nothing, and those treasures must have been taken away.

During this time, everyone did not see anyone leaving the water city. If the average person, after getting the treasure, it would probably be hidden.

But what about Cheng Yu? It’s the whole thing that is doing nothing to drink and be happy here, which is simply not in line with common sense.

Therefore, everyone believes that those treasures should have been taken away by these people.

Now that everyone is working together, how can we stop these people from running, and we must grab their treasures.

"The treasure is on those people. Everyone kills these people. The treasure is ours!" I don't know who it is, shouting in the crowd, letting countless people boil, and rushing to the past with Cheng Yu.

"I don't know how to live and die. Today I will let all of you leave your life here!" They were also stirred up by the heart.

It’s too long to have an active body, and it’s time to exercise.

"Kill!" Although their number is completely different from the other side.

But this did not make them have any concerns, but they all like chicken blood.

They were also surrounded by thousands of people before, but at that time because Cheng Yu was not there, and because he was trapped at the time, there was always a worry that everyone had no confidence.

But this time it is different, because Cheng Yu is sitting behind him, they can say that there will never be an accident here.

Even if he really can't resist it, Cheng Yu will certainly save them in time.

In this case, they can say that they have no concerns at all, and they have only one emotion left at this moment.

Killing! Kill all the people!

Among the crowds, they are like killing gods, without any hesitation.

"The strength of these guys seems to have risen!" Several women and Cheng Yu did not shoot, and my heart saw that these people were so comfortable in so many people ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ heart can not help but curiosity.

The strength of these people is also relatively clear. They have been surrounded by so many people before, but their strength does not seem so strong.

But today, these people are like chicken blood, they can be brave and arrogant, killing people is clean and unambiguous.

Have these strengths soared during these periods? Did she not see these people practicing?

"This time, there are Yushi brothers guarding here. They know that there is protection in the rear. They don't have to worry about escaping. Can they not kill the sorrow? Anyway, the teacher and the younger brother will also save." The rhyme at a glance shows the reason for it.

This is actually an instinctive reaction of human beings.

When you are in danger, if you feel that you can't get through the storm, then you will first drop in momentum and confidence.

And if you know that the danger you face is big, but it is impossible to have an accident, then your momentum and confidence will rise significantly.

Then you will have no concerns, let go of everything and release yourself.

Therefore, in this case, it is not that their strength has risen, but that they have confidence in their hearts today.

"So, Yu Shidi is refreshing and inspiring morale! Giggle!" said the heart.

"If you don't want your sister to go up and try, anyway, if I am there, no one can kill you!" Cheng Yu said with a smile.

"Like this kind of thing, this is a man's business, I will not go to this fun!" said the heart and smiled.

If they can't beat it, maybe she will go up to help, but now their status looks good, why should she go to join in this excitement?

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