Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3239: Don't be underestimated!


When I saw someone rushing out of the city, the giant sea beasts that were constantly smashing outside were suddenly excited.

A large number of giant sea beasts rushed toward Cheng Yu. In their eyes, Cheng Yu is the best food.

However, what they don't know is that they are also the food of Cheng Yu.

Despite this, the strength of these giant sea beasts is indeed very terrifying. Just after Cheng Yu rushed out of the water city, there was even no one quietly following.

However, they did not leave the city, but looked at the gate of the city.

Because they know the power of the giant sea beasts, now they are leaving, and the giant sea beasts are their best alliance.

If Cheng Yu died under the strength of the giant sea beast, would they not have the opportunity to take those treasures from them?

But they also know that this is actually very risky. After all, whether it is Cheng Yu or those giant sea beasts, they are not good people.

If Cheng Yu is really dead, it is very difficult to grab Cheng Yu’s body from the giant sea beast and even capture their treasure.

However, in response to that sentence, the bird is a food and death, and man is dead.

Sometimes I know that it is very dangerous, but under the temptation of huge interests, they feel that it is indifferent to take risks.

Therefore, many people are careful to follow Cheng Yu behind them, just want to see if there is no chance.

If Cheng Yu left smoothly, it is really no chance. But if they really die here, there are still some opportunities, so don't miss it.

"Those people are really strong, it seems that we have no chance!" Seeing the turbulent waves in front, although the giant sea beasts are very powerful, but Cheng Yu is not weak, and many people are disappointed.

"It’s too early to say this. Their strength is really strong, but their number is limited. But the giant sea beasts are different. The number of them is simply inexhaustible. We didn’t come in when we came in. Do you have any experience?

Those people's strength is stronger, and it is not likely to be exhausted. The battle with these giant sea beasts will inevitably be a long-lasting war of attrition.

Especially in this water, who can consume with these giant sea beasts? "Some people don't look that way, they still have great expectations."

After all, when they came in, it was really fierce. I don’t know how many companions were sacrificed to succeed.

Although Cheng Yu's strength is very strong, but they only have so many people, especially when they see more and more giant sea beasts besieged, they are even more excited.

In this case, it is not a question of how strong you are, but how long you can persist.

After all, their strength is stronger, and it is impossible to surpass those giant sea beasts. However, the number of giant sea beasts has a great advantage, and those people are always tired.

As they continue to fatigue, the chances of being killed are greater.

"If this is the case, then we have to be prepared. Otherwise, their bodies may have been swallowed by the giant sea beasts, and we have no good benefits!" Some people also expected.

Although they also feel that it is difficult to grab the bodies of those people, but what is the relationship if they can get precious treasures?

"Do not worry, as long as we rush out at every time, do not make any stops, grab the body and come back, others will help us cover, everyone will get the one they deserve!" The leader said with a smile.

To be honest, it is impossible to say that a person rushes to grab a body.

If they want those treasures, then everyone must work together. Otherwise, if there are so many giant sea beasts, once they are dragged by one, they will inevitably attract a group, and no one can escape at that time, let alone share those treasures.

"Do not worry, we understand these things. If there is a chance, we will protect you. It is very difficult to kill them, but it is still relatively easy to drag them.

Moreover, there is a law in this water city, they dare not come in, as long as you enter this array, we will not have any problems! ”

"Good! Everyone should always be vigilant. Whenever they have the chance, they will rush together!" Everyone grinds their hands, and they can't wait, and I hope Cheng Yu can't hold on.

However, the more they are eager to see Cheng Yu they were killed, but the more they are disappointed.

Although Cheng Yu has already discussed with everyone, Xinhe will not shoot on the other side, but if it is really dangerous, he naturally cannot stand by.

The reason why he said that the most important thing is to let the heart and river exert their potential, and not rely on him everywhere, which is very unfavorable for their development.

Therefore, Cheng Yu seems to keep a distance from the heart of the river, but always pay attention to their situation.

Keeping a distance is to let them know that what they say is true, they can only rely on themselves.

He is with several women, and the main responsibility is to protect several women. Under normal circumstances, he will not be shot, but also let these women have a good experience.

If there is no way, he will take the shot.

However, this is very strange in the eyes of those who look at the bustle in Shuicheng.

Ever since they saw Cheng Yu, they never saw him out, and everyone was curious about what strength this guy is.

However, from the perspective of the realm, he is only the middle of the Mahayana, the realm is the lowest among these people, so many people even think that he is the least powerful of these people~www.ltnovel.com~ Especially they look at it now, it seems More like other people are protecting Cheng Yu, so they are anxious.

They only hope that Cheng Yu is the first person to be killed by those giant sea beasts.

It’s a pity, even if the women around Cheng Yu are all powerful, they are helpless and wait anxious.

"Those people have been watching our good play all the time. Maybe they will give you a dark arrow at any time. You have to cheer up, you can't let them look flat, or you can have no face!" I have been paying attention to the situation of the people, but I have not ignored the people behind.

These guys are behind them as soon as they leave. What kind of abacus they play, he can't be clear.

However, he is not interested in these people. As long as they don't come to death, he doesn't want to dirty his hands.

Just seeing the more and more giant sea beasts, the hearts of them can not help but worry about them, they can only stimulate them, let them play their potential as much as possible!

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