Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3247: regret!

Cheng Yu’s appearance broke all the hopes of those people. They didn’t dare to stay in the sea on this coast. It’s better to find a safe place to hide. Who knows if Cheng Yu will Catch up.

With his strength, I really have to catch up, then everyone has only one dead end.

Many of them began to regret when they thought of what they were like.

Before, I did a stupid thing that I couldn’t be stupid. If I didn’t want to treasure, I wouldn’t take the initiative to offend such a powerful person.

However, everything has already happened, and there is no point in saying anything.

Now their only thought is to be able to get out safely, and then return to their own world in a few days, then it is completely safe.

In fact, Cheng Yu did not even chase after these people, he has not been so bored.

Although I have considered whether these people will affect their world before, there is no need to do so before everything happens.

If you really want to say that you are planning ahead, then the world is afraid that no one can survive, because any one in this world can become their enemy. Therefore, Cheng Yu can’t do that. kill.

But they don't plan to go too far now. Since those people have already fled, they will be on the coast.

As for the giant sea beasts, they did not appear again from beginning to night, which also made them disappointed.

Although Cheng Yu also received a lot of access to the mountain river map, but if there is this condition, the more natural the better.

Nothing is idle, everyone can only continue to eat and drink at the beach.

At this time, some people were very anxious at the entrance to the dead end of the nine family of comprehension.

Three months have passed, and the owners of the Nine Family have once again gathered at the entrance to the dead zone. However, apart from the three major families, the expressions of the other six family members are not very good.

In particular, Chen Tianxing, the head of the Chen family, and Dong Fang, the owner of the Eastern family.

Because the two of them personally sent their son into the dead zone, although they do not have to inherit the position of their own family, but after all, they are also their own son.

Where are the dead zones? They have not been there because they did not have this opportunity.

After all, this time the people who entered the dead zone were reforming for the first time, so Chen Hongyuan also caught up.

Although they have never been there, they also know that it is very dangerous. In fact, even if they are the three major families, they lose more than half of each time they return.

Chen Hongyuan and Oriental Feibai only have two people. Of course, the only thing they hope is that they have let the two people follow the Nangong family and the Ji family.

If there are no accidents, I believe they should be able to save a life.

But even so, they are still very worried.

After all, there is no absolute thing, and for the Ji family and the Nangong family, they are not necessarily completely reassured.

If there are enough benefits, they may even have to remove Chen Hongyuan and the Oriental Flying White. It is just that things are like this, and they have no way.

At least let them follow the two big families and go far better than their own two.

The other families, to be honest, are not very worried. After all, they are only sending out one of their disciples. If they die, they are dead. It doesn't matter.

However, despite this, they have some excitement and expectation in their hearts.

Even if they only sent one person in these families, the strength of the person sent out is still very good. They still have an expectation, and hope that they can gain something in the dead zone.

However, they also feel that this opportunity is relatively small.

In particular, the situation of the three elders of the three families of Jijia, Nangong Shijia and Situ Shijia.

When I entered the dead zone, there were some visions at the entrance, and that also meant that the danger in this dead zone increased. It’s just that they are not sure what the danger is.

It’s just that from these circumstances, this is not good for everyone, so everyone’s heart is also very anxious.

Not to mention Chen Tianxing and Dongfanghong, even if they are the three major families, they are actually very worried.

After all, they have sent 18 people to each family. Even if they are not young and promising geniuses, they are also cultivating so many resources and hard work.

The danger in the dead domain is now getting bigger. If these people don't come back, it is a very big loss for them.

And if they can't come back, it means that in the next five hundred years, they will no longer have precious resources in the dead domain.

"Heavenly brother, do you say that their two children can really come back safely?" Dongfang Hong and Chen Tianxing stood together.

For other families, he does not like it very much, and Chen’s status and strength are relatively backward in the nine major families, so they seem to have more resonance at this point.

What's more important is that Chen Tianxing's people are more reliable. Unlike those guys, it is always insidious to do things. The routine is too deep, and the rabbits are not seen.

"Hey! I don't know, and it is said that this time the dead domain has become more dangerous. I only hope that the two children will be able to return to the country and return safely!" Chen Tian’s time for these three months is basically every day. Worried about this.

Especially when he knew that the dead zone had changed, he was not even willing to let Chen Hongyuan go in, but Chen Hongyuan was stubborn.

But now, in retrospect, he really regrets it.

The dead zone itself is already very dangerous, and now it has increased the danger. It is even more dangerous to want to come back alive.

He didn't have a good rest during this time. Every day when he slept, he hoped that it was just a dream. After he woke up, everything was fine.

But the facts are after all, no matter how regretful he is, the facts can no longer be changed. In the end, he can only accept this fact~www.ltnovel.com~ The only wish now is that he no longer hopes that Chen Hongyuan can bring them to Chen. How many resources are back, he only hopes that Chen Hongyuan will be able to come back safely is the most pleasing news.

Time goes by, and the days of their return are getting closer and closer. Everyone’s heart is particularly anxious.

The more they are close, the more uneasy they are.

"To tell the truth, I have always regretted this time. Maybe I care too little about flying white, I will let him have the idea to prove himself in the dead zone. Now think about it, I really regret it!" Hong stared at the entrance to the dead field, but his face was full of regrets and helplessness.

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