Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3249: Only 2 people?

Whether it is Chen Tianxing or Dongfanghong, or other family, in fact, I am worried.

Although as the three major families, they have a greater confidence in their people, but at this time, they will still be very worried.

In particular, they all want to live more than the other two families. This is a victory.

From the previous experience, they can live back to no more than 30% of each trip.

However, these people are always able to bring back a lot of resources, even if so many people die, it is nothing.

It’s just that this time is different, because their elders have told them that this time the dead zone may be very dangerous, how many people can come back alive, and their hearts have no confidence.

"Wind home owners, do you think they really can still come back alive?" Jiang Jiajia's owner Jiang Wuya also looked at the exit of the dead domain, some nervous said.

In fact, he did not have much hope for the people Jiang Jia sent out.

If it’s just Jiang’s, people can come back alive, which is naturally the best thing, but he also knows that this situation is very difficult.

Therefore, he does not feel that there is such a possibility, and it does not make sense to bear no fear.

But what he really worried about now is other families.

This time, apart from the three major families, every family has sent a person. If the people of Jiang's family can't come back, but the other family members are back, then where is his face left?

Especially Chen family, they are not as good as Jiang family in several families. If their people came back from the dead zone and brought back the resources in the dead domain, it would be really shameful.

In fact, since he knew that the Ji family and the Nangong family had formed an alliance, he had some regrets.

He followed the style of the Stuart family, after all, the strength of the Situ family is still there, even if they did not win the first place in the Nine-Big ratio, but it is not the strength of the Nine-Bigby.

The nine ethnic groups lost than the Shangsi family, but it does not mean that the Situ family is weaker than the Nangong family.

Because they want to be sent in, people are sure that the strength is very strong, it is also to focus on this point, so he will join the wind home to the Stuart family.

Presumably they have their protection, and their chances of returning alive are still much bigger.

But who would have thought that the Ji family and the Nangong family had formed an alliance, so that the Situ family would have no advantage.

If they first planned to follow the Nangong family or the Ji family, then the people they sent out would be more confident to come back alive.

At least for now, Chen Jia and the Oriental family and other families have chosen to rely on the Nangong family to have more advantages.

Therefore, he is particularly anxious now, only hope that their Jiang family are still alive, and it would be better if they could bring back some resources.

"I think if it was before, maybe they still have the opportunity to come back alive. But this time the dead domain becomes dangerous, they are afraid that it is fierce and less!" Wind is also a look of sadness.

Although it is just sending out a person, this is not a problem of life and death, but a problem of the face and development of a family.

Now they are following the Situ family, and only a total of twenty people.

But Nangong family and Jijia side, plus four families, they have forty people.

Forty people are always better off than twenty people?

If the other families came back, the people of Jiang and Jiang died, which is ugly.

Moreover, if several of their families get the high-quality resources in the dead domain, they may exceed them, and that is what he is most unacceptable to.

"I hope that Situ family will not let us down!" Jiang Wuya said helplessly.

"Maybe we should also choose the Ji family and the Nangong family!" In fact, the wind is a bit regretful.

But some things have already happened, and regrets have no use at all.

If you can know that the Ji family and the Nangong family have formed an alliance earlier, then they will not be able to find the Situ family again.

However, they had already said it to the Situ family at that time. If they had a temporary remorse, they would not only be denied the shelter of the Ji family and the Nangong family, but they would be suppressed by the Situ family.

So at that time, even if he had begun to regret it, there was no way to change it.

Just thinking about it now, I don’t know what it’s like. I just hope that they will not let down his expectations. As long as they can come back alive and get the high-quality resources in the dead domain, it’s not as good as other families, it’s not hurt. .

"It's no use now to say that. Do you think that the Stuart family will allow us to do this?" Jiang said helplessly.

"Hey!" The wind opened and shook his head and sighed.

He naturally knows that this is impossible, and the Situ family is not so good.

They have already negotiated well, and if they repent in the middle, then they still have it? It’s not in the face of the Stuart family, then they will not be better in the future.

"I see the time is almost the same, do not know when they will come out?" On the other side, the home of the Ji family and the Nangong family also looked worried at the exit.

"Don't worry, although this time the dead zone may be more dangerous, but this time it is our two companies, I believe that even if it is dangerous ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ should also be able to cope." Nangong Chengye is more confident .

Perhaps they are too convinced of their own family, and this time he has sent a lot of talent in order to get more resources from the dead domain.

He also believes that this time their Nangong family will definitely be able to make a fortune in the dead zone.

Although their elders have repeatedly stressed that this time the dead zone is very dangerous, but he also believes that he sent people.

And even if they remove the two places they have given, they still have 18 people, and the masters of the 18th Mahayana are not too small.

Besides, there are still a few people with great potential. The strength is almost comparable to that of the immortal. If you can get a chance, maybe they can break through to the fairy.

As long as one or several strengths break through to the fairy, then their chances of surviving are greater.

As long as people are still there, it is not difficult to let them bring some resources back.


At this time, the entrance and exit of the dead zone finally lit up.

"Come out! They are out!" All the people waiting for are excited, especially the three great families.

In their opinion, they have invested so many people, and they are sure to return the most!

"Only two people?" But the golden light flickered, and it wasn’t really real. They actually only saw two figures in the golden light, and suddenly everyone’s heart sank!

:. :

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