Godly Student

Vol 9 Chapter 3252: Black and white is hard to understand!

"Since the owner of the Nangong wants to listen, then I will talk about the situation at that time. Anyway, there are Chen and the brothers of the Eastern family. As far as I am concerned, they can testify for me." Ji Zhenglin said.

The Oriental Flying White glanced at Chen Hongyuan, but he saw Chen Hongyuan’s calm look.

In fact, he did not want to get involved in this dispute. After all, whether it is the Ji family or the Nangong family, they are not guilty.

However, Chen Hongyuan did not care. Actually, they were only a witness. As long as Ji Zhenglin did not tell lies, he did not have to deliberately go.

Just acknowledging that the other party is telling the truth is true and false, and they are really clear about this matter. I really have to take care of it. This is also the matter of the Ji family and the Nangong family. What is the relationship with them?

Nangong Chengye looked at Chen Hongyuan and the Oriental Flying White, and he was hesitant in his heart. Did it really happen?

If it is true that the Nangong family has done some embarrassing things, then in this case, the shame is their Nangong family.

After all, the nine great families are here, and once the people of Nangong family make some bad things, the impact is great.

However, his words had already been opened before, and he had not waited for him to think about whether he would let him continue, but the opposite boy had already opened his mouth.

"At the time we entered the dead zone, we were attacked by a group of poisonous horns. At that time, my brother, for the safety of all, took us a few weaknesses to find poisonous horns, and finally succeeded in killing a cockroach.蟒 opened the gap and all the people were able to escape.

However, my brother was also poisoned during the killing of the cockroach. In the process of transfer, my brother was poisoned and we had to stop temporarily.

Then we discussed it, and I took the two younger brothers back together to get the dirty and detoxification. As a result, when I took people back to take poison, the people of your Nangong family abandoned us and left with them. The owner of Nangong, do you think that none of your people are coming back now, what is the relationship with us? ? Ji Zhenglin said openly.

Nangong’s face was a burst of white, and he did not expect that the people of the Nangong family had turned away from the covenant at the beginning and left with people.

So, they haven't come back now, they really are looking for them.

However, he still couldn't believe the words of Ji's family and looked at the Oriental Flying White and Chen Hongyuan.

"What are they talking about?" Nangong Chengye looked at the two and asked.

"The owner of the Nangong, what he said is indeed a fact. When we have not left, the Nangong family and the Ji family have always had a squabble, so we both left when he brought people back to find antidote. As for whether there is a separation between the Ji family and the Nangong family, I will not know it!" Chen Hongyuan stood up and said faintly.

He also did not favor which side, although he can be sure that the Nangong family is definitely leaving, but he does not want to say this.

In this way, the Nangong inheritance is really no face, and maybe even remember to hate yourself, remember to hate Chen.

Therefore, if he knows something, he will not be able to point it out.

At the beginning, Ji Jiayi wanted to save people, but the Nangong family was bent on finding treasures. Let them imagine themselves.

"I have to leave the day ahead of Hongyuan's brother, so there is no separation behind them. I don't know!" said the Oriental Flying White.

The gods fight, the mortal suffers!

Although they are the same as the nine major families, their strength is still much worse than that of the three major families.

He didn't want to get involved in these family disputes, so even if he knew something, he didn't want to offend.

"So, neither of them knows if you are separated. Isn't this what you want to say?" With such an answer, Nangong Chengcheng was relieved.

Regardless of whether this is a mistake of the Nangong family, but now in the face of so many families, if they have confirmed that their Nangong family have done this kind of thing, then who would dare to cooperate with their Nangong family? .

Everyone knows that their Nangong family does not defend their allies, saying that they will abandon the alliance.

However, there is no evidence to directly prove that their Nangong family was separated from the Ji family at that time. As a result, their Nangong family is at least not so shameful, and even can be beaten!

"Since the owner of the Nangong thinks that I am lying, deliberately yelling at your Nangong family, then I will think about it with you. Anyway, I just said a fact, no matter what other people in the family don't believe, at least we know the family. I believe that the Nangong family is a man!" Ji Zhenglin was originally worried about the Nangong family. Now he sees that the Nangong family feels that he is a family in the Weinan Palace. He is also lazy.

No matter what other families do not believe, at least he now tells the truth of the matter. I believe that even if other families do not fully believe his words, the horror will not believe that the Nangong family is innocent?

"Then our people? Where did they go?" At this time, Shangguan, the head of the Shangguan family, and the grandson of the grandson family, Sun Mingde, asked in a hurry.

He did not want to know whether there was a contradiction between the Ji family and the Nangong family, but their people were entrusted to them two families.

Now that the people of the Ji family are back, the people of Chen’s family and the family of the East have returned. The people who have left their three families have not returned. Can you be in a hurry?

"I think this question is still waiting for the people of the Nangong family to come back, you ask them again. Because they followed the people of the Nangong family!" Ji Zhenghong stood up and spoke.

At the beginning, he was stunned, but when he woke up, the people of the Nangong family had already left, and there were ten family members left by him.

"This..." But Gongsun Mingde and Shangguanyi are embarrassed~www.ltnovel.com~Nangong Shijia people have not come back, who are they going to ask?

Even if the owner of the Nangong family is here, and the things in the dead domain are ignorant, can they never know the truth forever?

The face of Nangong Chengye is also a burst of blue, because the opposite Ji family is simply humiliating him.

Ming knows that they have not returned to the Nangong family, let him ask who to go?


However, at this time, the exit of the dead domain is once again a golden light!

"Is it because they are back!" Nangong Chengye saw this situation, and his heart was happy, and suddenly became very nervous.

There are only so many people in total, and now Ji family, Chen family and people from the Eastern family have returned. The rest are only the Nangong family, the Gongsun family and the Shangguan family, and there are also a group of Situ family, Jiang family and Fengjia.

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