Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3261: Celebration feast!

Returning to Cuizhufeng, Chen Hongyuan took the mountain river map out, and everyone suddenly came out from the mountain river map.

"Cheng Brothers, Chen Jia should have a celebration party for me tomorrow, and you will join us together!" Chen Hongyuan said to everyone.

"You have a credit for all of us, and of course we have to participate!" Xinhai said with a smile.

"But in the past three months, we have disappeared in Chen's family for so long. Now it suddenly pops up. Will it not be suitable, but it will cause other people's doubts?" Xinmei said.

"I think so too, or else we will appear together, it is very easy to cause other people's doubts!" ​​said the rhyme.

"Then we are not going?" Xin Luo said.

"This should have nothing to do with it. Just say that we can just retreat in Chen's family during this time?" said Xin Hai.

"It can be, but the Hongyuan brother just came back from the dead zone, and we closed it out. Such a coincidence will inevitably lead to doubts from others.

This time, Hongyuan Brother is definitely the hero of Chen’s family. If something is not necessary, it will be very troublesome.

In particular, if you let other families know about these news, and get something from them, maybe they will bring trouble to Hongyuan brother! Cheng Yu said.

This is not a joke. It is hard to say that there is no other family work in Chen.

When Chen Hongyuan entered the dead zone, several of them disappeared, but now they have appeared along with Chen Hongyuan, which is inevitably not doubtful.

Although Chen Hongyuan brought back so many precious resources to Chen, he broke the rules first. If Chen’s situation is not that complicated, then there may be no problem.

However, if this involves the interests of some people, it is wrong for Chen Hongyuan to do so, even if this is a good thing for Chen.

Once such a thing has been modified and rendered, it can be infinitely magnified.

If it is passed to the ears of other families, maybe the entire Chen family will be trapped.

Therefore, in these few days, they are best not to appear!

"Yeah, second brother, this seems to be very small, but once it is discovered by some people, it is a big event." Chen Xinran is naturally worried about the safety of Chen Hongyuan, and does not want him to have an accident.

Moreover, she also believes that Chen Hongyuan is capable of leading Chen's family. I hope he can really inherit Chen's family. By then, Chen will certainly develop better and better.

"Well, what you said is also quite reasonable. I will go alone tomorrow. I am glad that you will follow them. I will release the news tomorrow, and I will say that you have closed together and will go out in a few days." Chen Hongyuan Thinking about it, I don’t think their fears are unreasonable.

If you really want to inherit Chen, you can't go wrong now. If this matter is passed on, the problem is really serious, and it is absolutely impossible for him to inherit Chen.

So they are very thoughtful, and tomorrow, it is best not to appear as well!

"Then you have time to take the time to go to my Cuiyunfeng back hill to see, just wait for us to go out!" Chen Xinran nodded and said.


The next day, the entire Chen family was very lively.

Nothing else, because Chen Hongyuan is back from the security of the dead zone.

Before entering the dead zone, few people knew about it except a few elders and relatively close people.

After all, the nine major families discussed the situation in which the nine tribes had to give up two places than the top three. Apart from a few homeowners, no one else knew.

Even after returning, the owners told several elders that these elders would not just pass the news out. Perhaps only those close to them could know some news, but they dare not go out and talk.

But now it is different, Chen Hongyuan has successfully returned from the dead zone, and brought back a surprising resource, which is enough to make Chen Tianxing willing to preach for this matter.

This matter spreads out, that is the honor of Chen’s family!

After all, even so many people in the Nangong family did not come back alive, and his family had entered a single person, but they still came back alive.

As for those resources, he will definitely not say it. This kind of thing is rather vague and makes people more imaginative, and it makes people feel unpredictable about Chen Hongyuan's strength.

But then again, since Chen Hongyuan handed over so many resources to him last night, he did not rest for one night.

I have been thinking about Chen Hongyuan.

In fact, Chen Hongyuan was very satisfied when he was able to return from the dead zone, but seeing so many resources made him feel so unreal.

He suddenly felt that he didn't seem to understand his little son too much, whether it was on the Nine-America ratio or this trip to the dead, it was too much for his expectations.

Perhaps Chen Hongyuan is the one who is really suitable to become the owner of the Chen family. It is just that this matter is no small matter.

For so many years, he has always regarded his eldest son as the sole heir, and the whole Chen seems to think so.

If the heirs are changed suddenly, it may have a great impact on the Chen family, especially for some people.

At the beginning, everyone knew that Chen Hongxing was the heir to the Chen family, so many people wanted to get close to Chen Hongxing, which is the beginning of interest.

If people change now, there are many people who feel that their interests are threatened. This is not a good thing.

However, even so, he can't do nothing.

Because he thinks Chen Hongxing's ability is much worse than Chen Hongyuan. Now that the younger son has returned, he feels that he may really want to give the younger a chance.

Moreover, even if the position of the home of the Chen family is still to be passed on to the eldest son, now he must also have a sense of crisis. Don't think that the position of the Chen family should be his.

If he can't make some achievements~www.ltnovel.com~ then he will lose his position sooner or later.

The news today is that he let people let it out. The purpose is to let people know that he is not only concerned about his eldest son. He must be full of expectations for his younger son.

As long as he has this ability, the door of the position of the Chen family will open for him.

So, when I knew this news, many people were not very happy.

For example, Chen Jiada’s son Chen Hongxing.

He only knew the news after Chen Hongyuan entered the dead zone, but after hearing the news, he was very happy.

Because he knows that Chen Hongyuan is simply breaking the can.

Just rely on him alone to dare to enter the dead zone, this is not what it is to find death. But this is also good, he will no longer have to worry about this good brother's threat to himself!

However, what he did not think was that he heard the news of Chen Hongyuan coming back early in the morning, and his father would also give him a celebration feast, which made him happy!

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