Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3266: so much?

For Chen Hongxing's behavior at the moment, some people who originally supported him could not help but shake their heads.

After all, Chen Hongxing is still too young. Can't you see that Chen Tianxing deliberately wants to carry Chen Hongyuan out?

As the heir to the Chen family, I can't wait to stand up and suppress at this time. This not only makes people see that his volume is too narrow, but also too calm.

He is simply digging himself to jump inside!

Regardless of the outcome, for Chen Hongxing, it is a defeat!

If Chen Hongyuan really comes up with resources, isn't that just playing your own face?

But if Chen Hongxing can't get the resources, isn't that the face of the family?

Therefore, Chen Hongxing’s move is really stinking and can’t be stinky again. At this time, everyone seems to be shaking.

Before Chen Tianxing did not seem to want Chen Hongyuan to inherit the meaning of Chen, after all, Chen Hongyuan had disappeared for so many years, and everyone even thought that Chen Hongyuan had already died.

But now Chen Hongyuan is not only back, but the talent is still amazing. Although everyone was disappointed when they came back, it was still in the middle of the distraction.

But in just a few years, his amazing cultivation talent was once again fully reflected in his childhood, even more crazy than when he was a child.

After all, which normal person can reach the modern Mahayana period from the distraction period in just three or four years?

This kind of talent is enough to shock all of them, but even so, Chen Tianxing has not shown the meaning of Chen Hongyuan to inherit Chen.

Therefore, everyone just thinks that Chen Hongyuan has some pity, and he does not think about it.

But today, they think this seems to be a kind of signal. If Chen Tianxing really intends to change Chen’s heirs, then are they also prepared in advance?

Compared with the genius Chen Hongyuan, Chen Hongxing is indeed too modest.

For so many years, as the heir to Chen, it seems that there is no useful thing for Chen.

Maybe Chen Tianxing also saw this, and this has the idea of ​​replacing the heirs.

Seeing Chen Hongxing like this, even Chen Tianxing was shaking his head and sighing. He was very disappointed with Chen Hongxing.

As a successor to the family, such a move is too impulsive.

Fortunately, this time Chen Hongyuan really got something to gain. If it wasn’t for yesterday’s gift, even he would have to worry about Chen Hongyuan, and he would lose his face today.

Fortunately, he has already had a bottom in his heart. Chen Hongxing did this. The attention is to let himself face the face.

Moreover, he even has some expectations. What kind of resources will Chen Hongyuan use to conquer these people today?

"I didn't expect Big Brother to be so curious. In fact, the situation in the dead domain is far less desirable than everyone said. It can even be said that it is the land of death. If you have a little heart, you may bury yourself. Even I have escaped several times, and I came back safely!" Chen Hong is far more intelligent than his big brother. The purpose of Chen Hongxing's words is naturally clear.

However, if he did not gain anything, today is really going to be ugly. Fortunately, this time he was prepared, full of enthusiasm, Chen Hongxing doing this, is completely to give his **** help, let him more dazzling in front of the big brother.

He wants to prove to all Chen family that he is capable of leading the Chen family to glory, and even let Chen’s family stand at the top of the nine family.

"So, the second brother did not get any rare treasures in the dead zone? If this is the case, it would be a shame. After all, how many chances have this life to enter the dead zone?" However, where is Chen Hongxing? I thought of Chen Hongyuan’s curved bowels and shook his head and sighed.

He only thinks that Chen Hongyuan said this, that is to tell everyone that the dead zone is very dangerous, and it is not easy to get resources.

Isn't this what Chen Qiuhan told him? This guy may have been hiding in a place for three months. He is too excited to just have a look.

In fact, Chen Hongyuan has nothing to do. Apart from living back from the dead zone, there is no other meaning.

To be honest, what are the nine major families vying to rush to enter the dead zone? Don't you know that it is dangerous?

But obviously know that it is very dangerous, why do you have to go in?

Isn't it just for the precious resources inside?

If you just let everyone go shopping inside, look at the world of the dead world, then why should they still fight for blood?

They can find a safe place in the dead zone, and then everyone can eat and drink for three months, and everyone will come back together.

Isn’t Chen Hongyuan now like this?

Two and a half buckets of water ran into the dead zone, saying that they got a lot of precious resources to come back, and he didn't believe it.

In particular, the Oriental Flying White was still in the middle of the Mahayana. When the Nine Nationalities were compared, he also watched each other's test and was eliminated in the first game.

If such a strength can find precious resources in the dead zone, and even come back alive, then this dead domain will not be as dangerous as everyone said, but everyone can go in and find resources.

So next, he waited for Chen Hongyuan to lose face in front of everyone.

Let his father take a look, even if he has not made much contribution to Chen's family in the past years~www.ltnovel.com~ But Chen Hongyuan may not be so good.

Maybe if this thing is spread out, it will become a laughing cake for the nine family, isn’t it shameful?

"Big Brother, you may have misunderstood what I meant. I said that I didn't want to say that I didn't get anything. I just want to tell you that it's not as good as everyone thinks. It's not a precious resource that you find anywhere." I also want to warn everyone, if there is a chance to enter the dead zone in the future, you must be careful, you must not care, maybe you will inexplicably ruin your life!" Chen Hongyuan said with a smile.

"What do you mean by this? You mean that you really got a rare treasure from the dead zone?" Chen Hongxing felt that he had been beaten, his face changed, and some could not believe it.

Is this guy really getting a treasure in the dead zone, but this guy is not saying that it is dangerous? In this case, can they really get the treasure by their two?

"I don't know if it's a rare treasure, but there are a lot of things I haven't seen before. I think everyone here is also the top powerhouse of Chen's family. Whether it's experience or eyesight, it's not something I can compare. Please ask Dear elders to identify it!" Chen Hongyuan did not say much, just took out 30 big boxes, and placed them in the hall!

"So much?" The people just heard Chen Hongyuan say that the dead domain is so dangerous, thinking that he did not get much, but did not expect that there are actually thirty boxes, which is already very unexpected for everyone!

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