Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3272: Red man!

Although Chen Tianwei is only a guess, he also feels that his guess is not unreasonable.

Because when Chen Hongyuan went to the dead zone, Cheng Yu and their people disappeared in the Chen family. Isn’t that too strange?

"It seems that after going back, people have to check it out!" Chen Tian thought of it.

In fact, it is not impossible to accept that Chen Hongyuan has become a surprise to Chen’s Shangqing. However, Cheng Yu’s problems made him even more uneasy.

If Chen Hongyuan really brought Cheng Yu into the dead zone, then this matter is really complicated.

But now I think that Chen Hongyuan seems to have been recognized by Chen Tianxing, and he intends to train him and Chen Hongxing as the heirs of Chen, which makes him very difficult.

Chen Hongyuan’s performance is much better than Chen Hongxing’s.

However, for so many years, he has been supporting Chen Hongxing, and even in order to enable him to get more Chen Tianxing's heart, Chen Hongxing has inherited Chen's family earlier, and even spent a lot of resources.

Otherwise, relying on the resources of Chen Tianxing, it is not enough for Chen Hongxing to achieve the current achievements in such a short period of time.

Therefore, after so many years, Chen Hongxing did not spend much effort on his work. It is a pity that he gave up Chen Hongxing.

And compared with Chen Hongyuan, Chen Hongxing obviously has to be more easily controlled by him. Chen Hongyuan’s relationship is not very close to him. Even if he wants to switch to Chen Hongyuan now, people may not accept it.

Even if he really accepted it, he became the owner of the Chen family. Will he listen to himself?

This is obviously not very likely.

On the other hand, Chen Hongxing has not completely lost the opportunity. Although Chen Tianxing seems to be interested in giving Chen Hongyuan an identity and qualification to compete with Chen Hongxing.

But this does not mean that Chen Hongyuan will be able to get the position of the owner. Compared with him, he feels that Chen Hongxing's chances are still bigger.

After all, Chen Tianxing recognized Chen Hongxing as the heir to Chen, and he has been training him for so many years.

Therefore, Chen Hongxing’s winning face is still bigger.

Of course, Chen Hongyuan has a mysterious Cheng Yu over there, which is also a trouble.

Although he and Cheng Yu have never dealt with each other positively, they know a lot about him.

In particular, their Chen family is still using the method that Cheng Yu specially created. The array is really magical. It can be practiced in any realm.

If some people have reached the bottleneck of a certain realm, use his method to forcibly break through, and the chance of success is even higher than those who broke through.

At least this array of methods has been used up to now, but those who have failed to break through can't say no, but there are very few individuals.

Such a person may have been abandoned by Heaven, or else it is absolutely impossible, because there are too many or even have not reached the bottleneck to use this array to force a breakthrough.

Therefore, this formation is really powerful. Even if someone fails, it cannot be said that it is a problem of this formation, and it is definitely a human problem.

But it is so strange that such a powerful array is actually in the hands of such a young man.

He did not even think about robbing directly from Cheng Yu, but when he thought that he was not afraid of even the ancestors, he was somewhat scared.

Moreover, is Cheng Yu really a disciple of the Promise Palace? He is very confused.

In the evening, the Chen family was a big banquet, and the vast majority was still very happy. The day of Chen’s family ended in this lively atmosphere.

In the next few days, Chen Hongyuan ran to Cui Yunfeng of Chen Xinran every day, and stayed for a long time every day.

Of course, the place where he went has always been the back mountain of Cuiyunfeng, where Chen Xinran set up a forbidden place. Except for Chen Xinran himself, only Chen Hongyuan can enter and leave at will, even those who are only in Chen Xinran. In order to get in and out.

However, when Chen Hongyuan entered the back mountain on the first day, he started the battle in the cave house that Chen Xinran used to practice.

The next step is to go back to your own Yuzhu Peak every day.

It’s just that he is now a celebrity of Chen’s family, and he has become the Shangqing of Chen’s family at once, so this identity is also very different.

Although he used to be famous in Chen's family, few people would come to visit him.

But now it is different. Everyone will come to visit every day, go to the elders of the Chen family, and even his second uncle, Wu Shu and Qi Shu, the disciples who go down to Chen’s family, even want to visit him. .

Unlike those disciples, these elders, uncles, and the like are very straightforward to visit him, because they all know that Chen Hongyuan has a lot of resources, and that all the resources are precious.

Although Chen Hongyuan has surrendered so many resources, these resources are ultimately owned by Chen, not theirs.

And they are also very sure that Chen Hongyuan still has resources, so they also hope to get some resources from Chen Hongyuan.

Although these people have never been so polite to Chen Hongyuan, but now they are all polite, and let Chen Hongyuan understand what is the rich resource.

As long as these resources are in hand, these people will go up together, even if they have nothing to do with them before.

For such a thing, although Chen Hongyuan is not too fond of it, he also knows that if he wants to become the owner of Chen's family, then these people may become his help in the future.

In particular, most of them actually support Chen Hongxing as the owner of the Chen family. ~www.ltnovel.com~ Therefore, he hopes to bring these people to his side.

In this case, the chance of his success is even greater. He did not disappoint these people for the purpose of these people's visits.

When everyone left, Chen Hongyuan took out a lot of storage bags for them.

Chen Hongyuan is not a fool. The resources in this storage bag can reach the upper half of the room. So many resources are sent out casually. It is already very generous. Can you still make him a box?

There is no need for it, at least not yet.

If it is so easy to send out a box of resources, it is really awkward.

Of course, for the two elders and seven uncles who have been close to him, he did not have any embarrassment and threw a box directly.

Because the elders have been taking care of him since he was a child, even now, he has always been very good to him, and this is the only elder he is close to.

As for the seven uncle Chen Tianming, he didn't really want to give so much, because Chen Xinran now has more resources than him, but think about it, anyway, if he doesn't have it, he can go with Chen Xinran, so it doesn't matter. .

Moreover, the seven uncles are also the ones who have always supported him, so that not only does he have no loss, but he can get more support from him.

Take out a box of resources, you can give Chen Tianming a bad music, just think that Chen Hongyuan is too sensible!

:. :

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