Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3274: Big elder's guess!

Since Chen Hongyuan went to the dead zone, Cheng Yu disappeared, just as the Chen family evaporated.

In fact, many people also want to visit Cheng Yu, but they did not see people. Even everyone thought that Cheng Yu had left Chen.

However, what everyone did not think is that, after a lapse of more than three months, Chen Hongyuan did not return from the dead domain, and Cheng Yu actually appeared.

This makes everyone very confused, the original Cheng Yu they are still Chen family.

Of course, there are some elders who have heard some news from Chen Hongyuan, saying that Cheng Yu and Chen Xinran are both retreating.

Now that everyone has appeared together, I don’t think much about it. I only think that they are going out.

The great elder Chen Tianwei is puzzled in his heart. Even if Chen Hongyuan said that they are retreating, he still has some disbelief, and even sent someone to quietly enter Cui Yunfeng for viewing.

However, there is a law of protection in Houshan. The people he sent out can't reach the back hill. If he enters forcibly, he will be known by others.

Until today, after seeing Cheng Yu and they followed Chen Hongyuan out of Houshan, the elders’ spies returned to report the news.

"Are you sure they are coming out from the back hill?" the elder looked at the spy in front of him.

"Master, it's true that I can't enter the back mountain, but I really see them coming out from the back!" said the spy.

"So, in these three months, they are indeed retreating?" said the elders in doubt.

"Master, I think it should be like this. I found that the realm of Miss Xinran is already in the early days of Mahayana. If they are not in retreat, this is not the case!" The spy said with some envy.

As for the strength of Chen Xinran, Chen’s family members are mostly clear, especially since Cheng Yu’s appearance three months ago, they are always together, so Chen Xinran is also particularly eye-catching.

Many people know that three months ago, Chen Xinran was just an early stage.

However, after three months of retreat, she was already in the early days of Mahayana. This is really both confusing and envious. I would like to ask, which monk does not want to have a few months or even a few hundred years. What about the effect?

In fact, it is more than him. At this moment, people who saw Chen Xinran in Chen’s family mostly thought that Chen Xinran was actually a hidden genius. Otherwise, in just three months, how could such a big change happen? a realm.

"She is already in the early days of Mahayana?" Chen Tian said with shock.

"Yes, the subordinates are clear, she is indeed the beginning of Mahayana, and there will be no mistake!" said the spy.

"Well, I know, as for your trip to Cuiyunfeng, don't spread it!" Chen Tian nodded.

"Master, please rest assured, even if I am dead, I will never mention a word!" said the spy.

"You go ahead!" Chen Tian said with a hand.

There was only Chen Tian alone in the room, but his brow was always wrinkled, and there was no stretch for a long time.

"Why is this all the reason? Everyone seems to be a genius as long as they are with Cheng Yu. This is really strange!" Chen Tian whispered softly.

He really didn't want to understand what was going on.

Cheng Yu will know the mysterious cultivation method, but he also knows that in a realm, he can only use it once.

Therefore, even if it is no longer possible, it is impossible to break through three realms in a short period of three months.

Just like the disciples of the Chen family, they only have those who are about to break through and reach the bottleneck to use the array to assist in the breakthrough.

However, after they broke through, they dared not use the array again, because they just entered a new realm, and they can only use it once in this realm.

If you use it right now, it is definitely impossible to break through again, so you must stop and practice first.

Unless the bottleneck is about to break through in a short period of time, only then will they use it again and continue to break through to the next level.

However, Chen’s so many disciples have not said that after just breaking through to a new realm, one or two months will soon be broken.

Not to mention that like Chen Xinran, he broke through three times in three months. Then you have to break through a new realm. After a few days, you will have to break through. Do she have such a talent?

Although Chen Xinran's talent is not too bad, but it is not a genius, at least she can not match his son Chen Qiuhan.

Moreover, if she really has such a good talent, she will not wait until now to break through. With such a talent, I am afraid that it has already reached the stage of the Mahayana.

It can be seen that she can break through three realms in a short period of three months. It is absolutely impossible because of her good talent, but another reason.

"Don't you say that there are other ways for Cheng Yu to break through the realm more quickly?" Chen Tianwei suddenly thought of another possibility.

Because he found a similar situation in another person, that person is Chen Hongyuan.

Since Chen Hongyuan’s return to Chen’s home in the past few years~www.ltnovel.com~ he has directly upgraded from the middle of a distraction to the later stage of the Mahayana. Originally, he still felt that this was really the case of Chen Hongyuan’s own talent. .

But now it seems that this is exactly the same as Chen Xinran's situation.

And in this way, Chen Xinran's realm seems to be even more terrible. Chen Hongyuan seems to have spent nearly a year from the beginning of the fit to the beginning of Mahayana.

But now Chen Xinran has only spent three months, which is incredible.

More importantly, both of them have a common feature, that is, they have a good relationship with Cheng Yu. In particular, the young people around Cheng Yu, who are not old enough, are all in the late Mahayana.

He also sent people to investigate them before. When these people first came to Chen, they were still in the middle of the Mahayana. Even Cheng Yu himself was only the beginning of Mahayana.

But now, Cheng Yu is already in the middle of the Mahayana, and everyone else is already in the late Mahayana.

Of course, because Cheng Yu has a reason for the formation of the law, this situation seems to be understandable. However, he did not know Cheng Yu's previous situation, nor did he know how much time they spent from the early days of Mahayana to the middle of the Mahayana.

Therefore, he can't analyze those people for the time being. Only Chen Hongyuan and Chen Xinran are the two of them. He knows the roots and knows that they have achieved their achievements in such a short period of time.

This can at least make him affirmative. This Cheng Yu is really not simple. He definitely has a better cultivation method than this one!

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