Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3286: The means are hot!


On the face of Cheng Yu's fist, when he was preparing to re-energize, Chen Xiude's excited face suddenly melted, and he couldn't think too much. The whole person was directly shot by Cheng Yu.

"The last time you let go, this time you sent it to your own door, this is no stranger to me!" Cheng Yu simply did not care about other people, directly followed by Chen Xiude, who was shot and rushed over.

Spirituality gathered in the year of the fist, clearly seeing the spiritual power to form a whirlpool, Cheng Yu sneered directly toward Chen Xiude's Xidan Tian.

"Don't! Ah!" I only heard Chen Xiude screaming and flew out again.

Only this time after flying out, he fell heavily on the ground, and the soft motion did not move.

"This..." Whether it is a person inside the illusion or a person outside the illusion, the scene of this scene shocked everyone.

Too fast, just a few breaths of time, Chen Xiude was directly abolished by Cheng Yu.

Yes, Cheng Yu did not kill him, but directly destroyed him.

Although after reaching the Yuan Ying period, the most important cultivation is in Zifu, which is Shangdantian. But the upper Dan Tian repair is the Yuanshen, the lower Dantian is the place to accumulate spiritual power.

Regardless of the realm of cultivation, the importance of Xia Dantian has never changed.

If Cheng Yu had directly bombarded Chen Xiude’s Shang Dantian, he could kill Chen Xiude directly, but he did not want to kill these people.

He wants to let these people live a painful life. This is the end of greed.

Destroyed the lower Dantian, he is repaired to be higher, it is also a waste, unless he can repair Dantian. However, not everyone has the ability to repair Dantian, not to mention the fact that his method was much more serious than the situation in which Wu Chang was abolished.

At least like Chen Xiude, Cheng Yu's Jutian Dan has no way to recover, so if he wants to recover, he can only find more effective drugs than Jutian Dan.

However, in Cheng Yu's opinion, if you want to repair Chen Xiude's Dantian, it is very difficult to find such a drug in the world. At least Cheng Yu can't do it now.

Because this level of medicinal herbs can only find herbs in the fairy tales, as for there is no other direction, Cheng Yu does not know anyway.

Although he is an alchemy teacher, it is impossible to know all the methods of refining the medicinal herbs in this world.

Of course, this is not a question that Cheng Yu needs to consider. What does he need to consider now? Naturally, everyone in this fantasy is abolished.

Therefore, Cheng Yu just looked at Chen Xiude with a cold eye, without any sympathy, this is their death.

"The next turn is you!" Cheng Yu turned and looked at the remaining dozens of people who had been scared.

"How did you do this?" The person who was dissatisfied with Cheng Yu had some tremors.

Apparently, Cheng Yu’s practices and means made them afraid, especially Cheng Yu’s only two punches that abolished them.

Although Chen Xiude’s strength in Sanxian is not the strongest, it is definitely at the upper-middle level. If Cheng Yu is so easy to abolish a scent, they can't insist on a few rounds.

Even if it is stronger than Chen Xiude, insist on three rounds. What is the point?

"I want to know? It's very simple. I will let you personally experience it and you will understand it!" Cheng Yu sneered, and the whole person has disappeared.

"Don't come over!" The man's face changed greatly, but he did not find the shadow of Cheng Yu.


"Ah!" This person only felt a pain in the abdomen. There was a sharp pain in Dantian, and the whole person flew out.

"What! A trick is gone?" The rest of the people feel that they are going crazy.

I thought that Cheng Yu used two tricks to abolish Chen Xiude's cultivation. It is already the limit. Even if they are worse, they can't hold on to two tricks, but who knows that only one round is abolished.

In this way, does the rest of the people have to be scrapped with only one stroke?

Everyone’s legs are shaking, it’s too horrible, Cheng Yu’s strength is really scaring them.

If Cheng Yu is a robbery period, they still have a bottom in their hearts. They know that the strength of each other is far better than them, let them understand that they will not have any luck to win over each other.

However, Cheng Yu is only a mid-May, what is his strength, no one knows.

They only heard Chen Tianxing said that his strength is between the scattered fairy and the robbery period. Despite this, it is difficult to determine between them, it may be only a little stronger than the scattered fairy, and may have been close to the robbery period.

Especially now, Cheng Yu can abolish a scattered fairy with a fist, this kind of strength is afraid that it is not far from the robbery period.

It is precisely because of this that people can't see through, everyone will feel the horror, and even feel more terrible than the robbery period.

If they saw the robbery period, they still knew that they could not escape. It was just a direct escape. But in front of this person, you seem to be able to crush each other, but the other party can crush them, this gap is really chilling.

"I...we are not here to kill you, just take you to see our ancestors!" One of them has not been a little proud.

In front of Cheng Yu, he only felt the horror of death. Although Cheng Yu did not kill people, he saw two people in the place. He felt that this result was more painful than death.

Cheng Yu just made two hands, but they didn't dare to fight again.

They come in easily, but if they want to go out, they can't do it unless the illusion disappears! But the control of this illusion is not in their hands, and they have no way to lift the illusion.

Therefore, he only hopes that Cheng Yu will not shoot again, otherwise they will be abolished!

"Is the Chen family so guts? It really makes me very disappointed!" Looking at the old man, I don't know how much older than him, but one by one is awkward, letting Cheng Yu despise.

No one wants to die ~www.ltnovel.com~ especially to their realm.

Although the disaster has been defeated once, everyone is full of expectations and dreams for the flying fairyland.

If Cheng Yu abolished them, it would be abolished along with their dreams. Even if Cheng Yu did not kill them, they feared that they also wanted to commit suicide.

"Then you promised to go out with us?" the man said excitedly.

As long as Cheng Yuken goes out together, I believe that the ancestors outside will immediately release the illusion.

"I have said that I want to go out with you? Since I came in, do you think that you want to go out and go out?" Cheng Yu sneered, these people are really naive.

When I was a young man, I thought that the good things under this day are all they have the final say?

After playing, I will fight in the dead, but I can’t beat it. Is this a child’s house?

Winning is your skill, you can't beat it, die here or be scrapped by him, that's their own life!

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