Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3298: Panic Chen Hongxing!

"What do you mean by this?" Chen Hongxing frowned.

"Nothing interesting!" Chen Hongyuan was preparing to leave, and suddenly turned around and looked at Chen Hongxing: "I just don't know if Big Brother still remembers what happened in the underworld!"

However, Chen Hongyuan did not wait for Chen Hongxing to speak but left, leaving Chen Hongxing with a shocking back.

"Does he know that he is a moving hand?" Chen Hongxing was shocked and wondered why Chen Hongyuan suddenly mentioned this matter.

In fact, in the darkness of the underworld, he took the initiative to lead the ghosts out and let Chen Hongyuan fall into the siege.

He always felt that it was very secretive, and no one even found out that even Chen Hongyuan did not think he would find this secret.

But now it seems that Chen Hongyuan seems to know that he was the trap he set.

"If this is the case, I am afraid that I can't leave him!" Chen Hongxing suddenly felt that the appearance of Chen Hongyuan was too dangerous for him.

Chen Hongyuan’s existence has not only threatened him to inherit the position of Chen’s family, but may even ruin his future.

However, just as Chen Hongxing was preparing to leave, he suddenly noticed the Yuhua Peak in front, and suddenly the whole person was petrified.

"This guy won't tell you about this?" Chen Hongxing thought of a terrible problem at a time.

In fact, when Chen Hongyuan suddenly returned to Chen, he was most worried about this problem.

But what he didn't think was that Chen Hongyuan never seemed to mention this because he didn't find him because of this incident, and he didn't have any different relatives.

Therefore, he firmly believes that Chen Hongyuan did not say this. At that time, he only thought that Chen Hongyuan did not know that this was actually done by himself. He just became an accident.

But the words of Chen Hongyuan just seem to be unclear, but the result is already very obvious. He absolutely knows that it is what he did.

But what puzzles him is that if Chen Hongyuan knew this thing long ago, why didn't he tell Chen Tianxing directly when he came back, what should he wait until now?

At this moment, Chen Hongxing's look was a little flustered. He didn't know what would happen if his father knew about it.

But he feels that it is unlikely that he would like to inherit Chen in this situation.

"It seems that I can't go to Yuhuafeng again today!" Chen Hongxing thought of it.

Originally, he wanted to go to Yuhuafeng to meet his father and test his tone of his own heir.

But now he feels that he can no longer go to Yuhuafeng. If Chen Hongyuan has already told his father the truth, is he now going to vote for himself?

So he quickly left the place and went back to his Yutian Peak.

He has to send someone to inquire about the news, and he has to wait for the news himself. If Chen Hongyuan really told the father about the news, he was afraid that he could only choose to leave the Chen family.

If it is not, then it will be very serious, and it will be hard to be forgiven for persecuting your brother.

However, if Chen Hongyuan did not tell the truth, then he would not have to leave the Chen family, and he must implement his plan ahead of time.


On Cuiyunfeng, everyone is waiting for Chen Hongyuan, and I don’t know what is going on in the end.

However, it didn't take long for Chen Hongyuan to return.

"Second brother, what do you call the family to do?" This is Chen Xinran's biggest concern.

Because Cheng Yu has already had a conflict with Chen, she is particularly worried in her heart. In the morning, she said that her marriage with Xinluo was fixed, but because of Cheng Yu, the things of the two of them may be yellow again.

Chen Hongyuan was called in the past perhaps for this matter, so she was particularly nervous during this time.

"Guess guess!" Chen Hongyuan was also very excited in the heart, watching the expressions worried by everyone, could not help but sell off.

"Is it a way to ask you to discuss your love and happiness? I don't think you are so kind!" said Xin Hai.

Although Chen Hongyuan’s expression looks really happy, he thinks that Chen Tianxing is not a good person.

Otherwise, he couldn't go to the back hill to find Chen's ancestors to come out for a difficult time. Just now Chen Hongyuan was not there, Cheng Yu also said his situation in Houshan.

When they heard such a thing, they all felt that Chen Jia was too much.

They called Cheng Yu in the past, but they went directly into the illusion. If Cheng Yu’s strength is amazing, now I’m afraid it’s really been caught by Chen’s family.

And they still want to get all the secrets of the battle, which is really greedy.

Cheng Yu kindly arranged the array for them, but they wanted to master this kind of formation directly. These people really looked down on them.

What do you think is the difference between a robber and a robber?

"I haven't discussed this matter, but I think time should be faster!" Chen Hongyuan laughed.

"Second brother, do you say that my and my heart will not change?" Chen Xinran asked with delight.

"Even the ancestors have already spoken. I think it should not change any more, but the time has not yet been fixed. At this moment, I should be discussing this with my ancestors!" Chen Hongyuan thought about it.

Since the ancestors now want him to inherit Chen, this will definitely be held in the near future.

However, it is a big thing for the family to change the owner. At least the other eight families need to be notified. Therefore, in his view, although Xinluo and happy marriages will not be too long, at least half a month, or else the eight great families will not be able to catch up.

"As long as I don't have anything to do with the happy things, it doesn't matter. As for the time, I believe they will always pick one for us!" Xin Luo said with a relaxed face.

Originally, he thought that this matter was already yellow~www.ltnovel.com~ but I didn't think that this matter has not changed. This is the best news he got.

"I have already told you that Chen is not so stupid, or do you think that my banquet is going to be white today?" Cheng Yu also laughed.

Although there have been some unhappy things happening today, at least Xinluo and Xinlu have a good result, which is also a good news.

Although he can indeed take Chen Xinran directly to let them marry in the Promise Palace or Cheng Jia, but he also knows that this will be done in the case of last resort.

And Chen Xinran certainly does not want this.

However, he has already shown some strength in front of Chen's family. If they don't know the current affairs, they may only go to Chenjiahoushan and Chen's old guys for a while.

With his current strength, he has enough confidence and courage to do so.

"Since it is not this thing, what is it, Hongyuan brother, you don't sell off, you are so happy, is it difficult for you to prepare to pass the position of the Chen family to you?" Xinhai joked.

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