Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3348: Cheng Yu's younger brother!

The Oriental Flying White took out the resources of twenty boxes and handed it to the Eastern family. When everyone saw so many resources, they could not believe their eyes.

Although it looks like only twenty boxes, in fact, there are so many storage bags in the box, and the space inside is enough for hundreds of rooms.

Seeing so many resources, the elders of the Eastern family even felt that they were going crazy.

What is the strength of the Oriental Flying White? They are very clear in their hearts. When the homeowners decided to let the East fly to the dead, the elders of the Eastern family actually opposed it.

But when the Oriental Flying White took out so many resources, everyone was crazy, just praising the East and flying white. No one said that it was a waste of opportunity for the East to fly into the dead zone.

Nowadays, the Oriental Flying White has become the Shangqing of the Eastern family. Like the Chen family, the nine major families have such rules and made contributions to the family, and they have the opportunity to become a family.

The Eastern family has so many precious resources that it is enough to train several outstanding talents for the Eastern family.

Therefore, Dongfanghong feels that this quota obtained in the last negotiation is really good. If there are more than one or two places, it will definitely gain more than now.

So every time I think about Situ Xiong’s face in the Nangong family, my heart is very angry. If he has always hindered everyone’s interests, everyone must be more than one place.

But people like Situ Xiong who didn't give face, even went to Chen Jialai in the first place, which is simply unbelievable.

"Isn't it the same as you? You are coming very fast!" Chen Tianxing said with a smile.

"The invitation written by Chen Jiazhu is unclear. Can we not come quickly? I don’t know what happened to Chen’s family. I want to gather the homes of the eight great families here?” Jiang’s side is somewhat dissatisfied. .

Like several other homeowners, after he got the letter, his heart became entangled.

I don’t know what Chen’s name means, and I don’t know what happened to Chen’s family.

If Chen Tianxing made the matter clear when he sent the invitation, he would know that he was not worth it.

It is because the information in this invitation is simple, inexplicable, and incomprehensible, so time is too late to communicate with other families. Most importantly, he still worried that he was behind.

I was afraid that I would not go, and I missed the opportunity to move forward with other family members. Therefore, thinking about it again and again, he naturally feels that it is best to come.

"This question was asked yesterday by the Situ owner. But for this matter, I still can't disclose to the two. After the eight great families have come together, I will tell you the truth and ask the two to forgive me! With yesterday's experience, Chen Tianxing seems calmer today.

Even Situ Xiong did not say that they were even less likely to force him to say it.

Even if you may have some dissatisfaction in your heart, it doesn't matter, everything will wait until the day. Otherwise, who knows if they will make a mistake.

"This..." Obviously, Dongfang Hong and Jiang Wuya do not know that this is the case.

They all thought that when they came to Chen, they knew what happened to Chen, but Chen Tianxing had to wait until the Eight Great Family came to Qi.

I heard that Situ Xiong also asked yesterday, and seeing this situation, Chen Tianxing did not tell him. So, they can only continue to wait until other families come together to know.

"Don't worry about both of them. Now I have come to three families. I believe that in the past two days, everyone will come. Everyone will know. I have arranged a residence for everyone. These days. The two will have a good time at Chen’s play!” Chen Tianxing said with a smile.

Dongfang Hong and Jiang Wuya can only shake their heads helplessly.

"Chen Jiazhu, I don't know if Hongyuan's brother is convenient, I want to visit him!" At this time, the Oriental Flying White, who had been silent for a while, couldn't wait to ask.

Since the return of the dead domain, his identity and status in the Chen family has risen. Now the disciples of the Eastern family have seen him, and all his eyes are envious and respectful, which makes him feel very good.

No one dares to look down on him now, even if a few brothers don't want to see themselves, but he doesn't care at all.

His own contribution to the Eastern family, but the father and several elders are obvious to others. As for others, it is naturally impossible to know that he has obtained so many resources in the dead zone.

As the saying goes, the husband is not guilty and bears his sin.

The most important thing is that their Eastern family is weak, and now they have got so many good things, naturally they can't let other families know.

Therefore, like Chen Hongyuan in Chen’s family, the people of the Eastern family know that the Oriental Flying White is now the Shangqing of the Eastern family. I don’t know how much he contributed to the Eastern family~www.ltnovel.com~ The Shangqing of the family, this is enough to show that the contribution of the Eastern White is not small.

However, Dongfang Feibai knows that all of this is actually given to him by Cheng Yu. If there is no Cheng Yu in the dead zone this time, then he can’t come back alive, and it’s even more impossible to bring back so many precious resources and become the East. The Shangqing of the family is respected.

So I heard that my father was coming to Chen, and he told his father the idea of ​​coming to Chen.

Now is the red man of the Eastern family. For such a request, Dongfang Hong will not refuse, and he also knows that Dongfanghong’s friendship with Chen Hongyuan is good, so that he may be more suitable.

In fact, in the Eastern family, Oriental Feibai always felt that he had to keep his own mystery at all times, which made people feel uncertain. This feeling is very tiring. It is like showing a person with a mask. It is not really a self, and he I feel that there is no freedom.

However, during the time with Cheng Yu, he felt that he was truly free.

Although many times he had to listen to Cheng Yu’s orders, it was because the situation did not allow it, which is understandable.

In addition to these, he is quite relaxed and free. He feels that he can be as free as Cheng Yu, and that is what he really wants.

No longer have to fight the whole point for such a little power.

Sometimes, he even thought, is he going to follow Cheng Yu in the future, and seeing the deep brotherhood between Xinhe and Cheng Yu, he feels very envious, and he hopes to have the same life. Brothers.

Now when he arrives at Chen, he naturally can't wait to go to Chen Hongyuan.

Said to find Chen Hongyuan, but he knows that Cheng Yu must also be with Chen Hongyuan.

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