Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3357: Counterattack!

"It seems that this kid has really grown a lot in the dead zone!" Dongfanghong also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the oriental flying white and easily solved the swordsmanship of Situ Yongkang.

Even some delights in the heart, Situ family is a family of martial arts, compared to the simple use of the character, this sword is much more powerful.

Moreover, only after reaching the Mahayana period can you understand the sword, but the symbol is available in any realm.

It can also be seen that the sword is much more advanced than the symbol.

Dongfang Hongxin is very happy, but Situ Xiong and Jiang Wuya are not so happy.

Situ Yongkang can be said to be the pride of Situ Xiong, because among so many sons, the talent of the youngest son is actually the most amazing.

Just because the age is too big, Situ Yongkang has not caught up before.

However, after the nine-nation ratio, Situ Yongkang finally entered the ranks of the late Mahayana, and he has been like his brothers in the realm.

However, the strength may not be weaker than a few brothers who have already entered the late Mahayana.

Therefore, he is very confident in Situ Yongkang.

He knows that Situ Yongkang is coming to Chen Xinran today, but he does not know why he will fight here with the kid of the Eastern family.

However, he has absolute confidence in his younger son.

Because of this, he did not let several homeowners take action to stop all this, but let them continue to fight because he knows that his younger son will not lose.

In addition, the strength of the Oriental Flying White was clearly clear when he saw it on the Big Nine, even if he is already in the late Mahayana, but he does not think he can compare with his son.

After all, the realm is the same, but the strength is also different. Some talents have just entered the late Mahayana, but the strength is stronger than those who have been expecting decades or even hundreds of years after the Mahayana.

Obviously, his youngest son, Situ Yongkang, is such a person, but the Oriental Flying White cannot be such a person.

If he has such a talent, then it is impossible to have such a poor performance in the Nine.

Therefore, even in the latter stage of the Mahayana, his strength must be much worse.

However, now I saw that the Oriental Flying White was so easy to block Situ Yongkang's swordsmanship, and even some of them could not believe it.

Although Situ Yongkang used only the primary swordsmanship with a symbolic element, the power is not small. It is not so easy to block this sword.

But looking at the station's stable and dignified Oriental flying white, and then look at his calm and demeanor, apparently the blasting technique did not hurt him.

Adding one side, Jiang’s ginger’s face is not very good.

I heard that the Eastern family and the Situ family had been beaten up. He was specializing in watching the fun. When Chen Tianxing wanted to stop it, he also wanted to stop him.

However, he is embarrassed to open this mouth. After all, it is not the people of Jiang who are fighting. Do you want to let others know that he is here to gloat?

However, Situ Xiong, who was just arrived, stopped it. This made him happy.

The strength of the Situ family is not simple. He does not know how the kid of the Eastern family will have such courage to get into the family of Stuart.

For him, this is a good thing.

This trip to the dead domain allowed Chen and the Eastern family to enjoy the honor. Even several families believe that this may be a sign of the rise of the Chen family and the Eastern family.

However, this trip to the dead land is nothing to gain from their Jiang family. It is even more uncomfortable for him to see Chen and the Eastern family.

Because both the Eastern family and the Chen family are weaker than the Jiang family in the nine major families.

But now the two of them are alive and returning, and their Jiang family has no reaction at all, it is simply too shameful.

Therefore, he even believed that Chen Hongyuan and Dongfang Feibai really only hid in the dead zone for three months.

Otherwise, why are the two of them so clean and not hurt at all.

Of course, they also said that the two of them were separated from the Ji family and the Nangong family early, and they were two of them. Can their strength survive in the dead zone?

This is obviously impossible.

However, looking at Chen Tianxing and Dongfang Hong’s proud appearance, he has some doubts in his heart. He does not know what Chen Hongyuan and Oriental Feibai have done in the dead zone. They don’t know if they are really in the dead zone. Harvested.

It’s just that the other is not to say first, the light is the realm of the white flying of the East, and it seems that he has indeed got some benefits in the dead zone.

Because the Oriental Flying White is the son of Dongfanghong, and Chen Hongyuan is the son of Chen Tianxing, the identity of these two individuals is somewhat special.

So at the beginning, everyone clearly remembered that when the Oriental Flying White entered the dead zone, it was indeed the middle of the Mahayana, but when he came out, it was already the late Mahayana.

It seems that some of them have been hiding in the dead zone for three months.

Now I even see that the Oriental Flying White can easily block the swordsmanship of the Situ family, and my heart is even more shocked.

In the Nine-Yuan Daqi, Situ Shijia’s Fu Jianshu can be said to make all the family very jealous, even if the Ji family does not dare to look down.

However, the Oriental Flying White was so easily blocked, which is incredible. This also reflects from the side that the strength of the Oriental Flying White has indeed made great progress.

However, this is only the beginning. Compared with other families, the advantage of the Eastern family lies in speed.


I saw that the Oriental Flying White Station set the body, and suddenly the speed flashed, and it has already appeared in front of Situ Yongkang.

Situ Yongkang’s face changed, and he did not expect that the speed of the white flying in the east would become so fast, and he could not escape, and he rushed out directly.


Situ Yongkang only felt that he had received a huge force~www.ltnovel.com~ The whole person floated out.

"What?" Those who were watching the battle suddenly became shocked.

No one thought that the Oriental Flying White would suddenly turn to attack, and the speed was so fast, and Situ Yongkang flew out with a single blow.

"How has his strength improved so much?" Several homeowners can't believe it, including Dongfanghong.

Is your son so strong now?

"You guys really hide the strength!" Situ Yongkang said coldly.

Before, he had always heard his father say that Chen Hongyuan and Oriental Feibai were performing in the Nine. Chen Hongyuan's strength is not known to him, but the strength of this oriental flying white is completely different from what his father said.

Not only can he easily block his swordsmanship, but also the speed and strength, which is obviously not something that a person who has just entered the late Mahayana can do!


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