Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3361: The heart is not convinced!


Chen Hongyuan and Situ Yongkang both took a hand and both of them retired at the same time. But even if he heard his father's shouting, Situ Yongkang did not stop, and once again rushed to Chen Hongyuan.

"Kang, didn't you hear me? I let you stop!" Situ Xiong saw that this little son was so disobedient, and suddenly felt that he had no face, and shouted again.

His heart is also very dissatisfied with the performance of Situ Yongkang today.

I thought that with Situ Yongkang came to Chen's family, I could make a long face for him, but I didn't think that this kid had just performed yesterday, which made him more satisfied. Today, he has to do things, even the children of the Eastern family have not defeated. This is really shameful.

"Hey, can't stop!" But after Situ Yongkang and Chen Hongyuan separated again, they were very dissatisfied.

“Why?” Situ Xiong frowned.

"Because he has something of my enemies!" Situ Yongkang pointed to the oriental flying white behind Chen Hongyuan.

When I heard the words of Situ Yongkang, everyone suddenly saw it and didn't know what was going on.

Dongfang Hong is also puzzled. The East has nothing to do with Situ Yongkang’s enemies. What is going on?

Of course, let alone they are, even the Oriental Feibai and Chen Hongyuan are a little shocked.

The Oriental Flying White is that Situ Yongkang is fascinated by his own **** water, so he will be entangled with himself.

When Chen Hongyuan heard the news of the guardian disciples before the news, it was because of the conflict caused by the potion. Since it was a potion to save people, he also guessed that Cheng Yu had given him the water.

However, the secret of this **** water is absolutely impossible to say, so he has been maintaining the oriental white, and will not let him tell the truth.

What he didn't think of was that Situ Yongkang stared at the East and kept it, but because the potion was his enemy.

In this way, he suddenly suddenly understood something.

Before, he was still discussing with Cheng Yu them about the hatred of the Situ family, but he never asked how the hatred caused between them.

But now it seems that Situ Yongkang wants to find Cheng Yu through these potions, but he can't say anything about it. If Situ Yongkang and Situ Shijia know that Cheng Yu is on Cuiyunfeng, then Still have it!

"What?" Situ Xiong is also somewhat curious.

As a monk, it is not surprising that there are several enemies that are normal.

"A special medicine water, that kind of medicine I used to see in my enemies!" Situ Yongkang said.

"What enemy?"

"It's the people who killed the rock!"

"Is it? The Eastern family, what do you think of this?" Situ Xiong was in the eye and looked at Dongfang Hong.

From the rock, he specially trained to protect Situ Yongkang. When Situ Yongkang heard that the ruins of the mirror were opened, Li Yan was responsible for protecting Situ Yongkang.

[31 novel network update soon]

But what he didn't think of was that the result of leaving the rock to protect Situ Yongkang from dying in the mirror, this incident once made him angry.

Although the rock is just a follower, but the talent is very good, even spent a lot of time to accompany him. Even if he feels satisfied with his performance in the future, he can become a master disciple of the Situ family, and he will become a sideline of the Situ family.

Of course, the most important thing is that he was cultivated from an early age, and he grew up with Situ Yongkang. He is like a brother to Situ Yongkang, and he is absolutely loyal to Situ family.

But I did not expect that such a person who made him look good died in the mirror, and still died to protect his son.

Although this is a responsibilities of a follower, it still makes him angry.

In the past few years, he has been sending people to look for these people, but Situ Yongkang has given him limited information, so for so many years, there is no news of these people.

But what he didn't think of was that there were things in these people on the white body of the East. This is very obvious. The Oriental Flying White may have something to do with these people.

"Flying white, what is going on? What kind of potion is it?" Dongfanghong did not expect to make this happen.

Although he did not like the Situ family, but the strength of the Stuart family is there, he does not want the Oriental Flying White to be implicated by the enemy of the Situ family.

It’s a side of Chen Tianxing. I have some doubts in my heart. Isn’t it that Situ’s family and Cheng Yu have a holiday? How did it relate to the oriental flying white?

However, he did not think that these enemies that Situ Yongkang said were Cheng Yu. After all, the Situ family had more than one enemy.

"It's just this potion!" The Oriental Flying White took out a bottle of syrup and handed it to the East to fly white. It doesn't matter.

"Where did you come from this potion? Really from their enemies?" The oriental white looked at the potion in the special shape of the bottle, curiously asked.

Smell, this thing has no smell, it seems that there is not much water, it is not like how important it is.

"This syrup is what I got from the dead zone. If they insist on getting it from their enemies, it is better to get from their enemies!" said the Oriental Flying White. www.ltnovel.com ~ When he took out the potion, he suddenly came up with a wonderful excuse in his mind.

Anyway, in the dead domain, what he experienced, only Chen Hongyuan knows that no one can question him no matter what he says.

Even if it is questionable, it is useless. Even if he got stuck in the dead zone, what happened!

"Nonsense! How could this be obtained from the dead zone, which is clearly derived from those people!" Situ Yongkang was the first to rebut.

He can be 100% sure that this potion is absolutely the same as those used by those people in the past, and it is impossible to come from the dead zone.

Others are also somewhat unbelievable. No one has entered the dead zone, and only two people from the dead field, such as Oriental Feibai and Chen Hongyuan, cannot be proved.

"Everyone, I can testify about this matter. This potion really came from the dead zone, because I also have this potion!" At this time, Chen Hongyuan also said that he had taken out a bottle of the same potion.

"This..." Seeing that Chen Hongyuan also has something on his body, Situ Yongkang suddenly has a stagnation. Is this guy also?

And optimistic about the potion is exactly the same, how can this be?

Seeing this scene, other people are also somewhat confused. It turns out that Chen Hongyuan also has it. Can it be said that this is really obtained from the dead zone?

The oriental flying white heart is a joy, this Chen Hongyuan will come to the event, this time I see you do not believe, and the two are unaware.

Anyway, when they were dead, only the two of them were together, even those who lived from the dead domain of the Ji family and the Situ family could not reveal them.

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