Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3366: Announce the news!

Although Chen Tianxing has explained the reasons for his resignation, everyone still feels unbelievable.

Don't say anything else, just like Dongfang Hong asked, even if they really want Chen Hongyuan to inherit Chen's family, there is no need to be so anxious. He can let him first accumulate some experience with Chen Tianxing. Upper position.

However, the fact is that Chen Hongyuan came back from the dead zone for more than a month, and suddenly said that Chen Hongyuan should be taken over.

Moreover, calculating the time, from the Chen family to send invitations to the major families, it takes about ten days, and they came to Chen family for ten days.

In this way, it means that Chen Hongyuan was appointed as the home of Chen Jiaxin for almost a month.

But at that time it seemed that Chen Hongyuan had just been out of the dead zone for a few days.

And before I heard that Chen’s family wanted to establish a new homeowner, but at that time Chen’s family suddenly let Chen Hongyuan go up, and this was in a hurry.

If it’s just a rush, it seems normal, but the problem is that Chen Tianxing’s old home is still good, and nothing happened. How could Chen’s sudden decision like this?

"Go, send someone to investigate in Chen's house. What happened to Chen's family in the last month or so!" Situ Xiongyi returned to Chen's house of accommodation and immediately said to the followers.

"Hey, Chen has brought you all this time. What happened in the end?" Situ Yongkang asked curiously.

He knows that the people of the Eight Great Family have come together today, and it is time to announce the great events of Chen. And when he sees his father returning, he will send people to investigate. This obviously has something unusual happening.

"After tomorrow, Chen Hongyuan is the new owner of Chen's family!" Situ Xiong frowned.

"What? You said that Chen Hongyuan two days ago? He wants to be the new owner of Chen's family. What is going on?" Situ Yongkang was also shocked.

The guy who broke his own ice-fired swordsmanship would have to become the owner of Chen’s family in a blink of an eye?

This news is really shocking, but there are no signs.

"I don't know exactly what the situation is, but the ancestors of Chen's family have already come out to announce the matter. Tomorrow is the ceremony of Chen Jiaxin's family!" Situ Xiong said.

"But isn't he the second son of Chen's family? How could he become the home of Chen Jiaxin?" Situ Yongkang was very puzzled.

Although the situation of Chen Jia and Situ Shijia is different, the eldest son is definitely the first heir. According to the truth, even if Chen wants to change his family, it should be Chen Hongxing's position to take over as the new owner.

Unless something happens to the first successor, it would not be possible.

"I heard that Chen Hongxing lost in the test!" Situ Xiong actually had some doubts in his heart.

Under normal circumstances, there will be no way to determine the position of the homeowner by means of a test. He does not know what Chen Tian is doing to do this. Is this not to make the brothers kill each other?

"Compared? They directly decide the owner by way of comparison?" Situ Yongkang is obviously also very surprised.

"Yeah!" Situ Xiong looked at Situ Yongkang and nodded.

"I didn't expect that guy to be the owner!" Situ Yongkang's fists were tightly held, and the mood was somewhat complicated.

The strength of the guy is really strong, but he did not expect that he is already the new owner of Chen. When he thought of it, he felt that he was not willing.

The family of their Stuart family has already decided, that is, his big brother Situ Yongwen, other people even if the talent is higher, the strength is stronger, it is impossible to replace his position.

"This incident is not so simple. In the days of Chen's family, I didn't hear any news about Chen Hongxing. I was afraid that Chen Jia still concealed anything!" Situ Xiong said.

He was the family who first came to Chen’s family. However, in the past few days, he heard Chen’s disciples talking about Chen Hongyuan’s almost nothing. It seems that in their Chen family, there is only one Chen Erzi, but no Chen Dagong. same.

"Is it wrong with the Chen Jiada son? So it was ruled out?" said Situ Yongkang.

"This may be known after they have completed the investigation!" Situ Xiong said.

As in the case of Situ Shijia and his son, other families are sending people to investigate the matter.

At the same time, Chen’s ancestor Chen Hongshi’s homeowner of the Eight Great Family announced that Chen’s family was about to change his home. Chen’s family finally informed the whole family of this most important news.

After all, tomorrow is the day when Chen Hongyuan took office. If the entire Chen family does not know, then tomorrow may be really all overwhelming, and this is somewhat unreasonable.

The news was released today, and at least everyone has a mental preparation.

As a result, as soon as the news came out, the entire Chen family was frying.

Although everyone feels that this news is coming too suddenly, everyone does not feel surprised, but it seems to be taken for granted.

Everyone in Chen’s family is very excited. In the hearts of many people, Chen Ergong has long been the best candidate for Chen’s new owner. This result is only in line with their expectations.

What everyone didn't think was that the news came too suddenly, and tomorrow is the time for the second son to take office, but Chen has been hiding this news for so long.

Now everyone finally understands why the people of the Eight Great Family came to Chen in these days.

Before, everyone thought that they came to participate in the wedding of Miss Xinran, but now it seems that the real purpose of their coming to the Chen family is for the second son to take up the ceremony.

They know, this time all the homes of the eight great families have come ~www.ltnovel.com~ This is too face-saving.

They also know that Chen is not the three major families, and his position in the nine major families is not high. The new family is in the upper position, even if the heads of other families are giving face, but the three great families will not give face.

Because the nine major families recently had a new home, the Jiang family, it was a few years ago, and some disciples also went.

However, they followed the elders instead of following the family, so they were very clear about the situation at the time.

In addition to the wind homes that have a good relationship with Jiang, other families are represented by elders.

But now they are the new home of Chen’s family, but the homes of the eight families have come personally. This is how big the face is.

Therefore, all Chen family members feel that the current Chen family is more and more in the family of the Nine Worlds, and the two sons are also very face-to-face.

Maybe the second son is really the new owner who can lead Chen’s rise. Otherwise, how can there be such a big face, and all the family owners have come?

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