Godly Student

Vol 10 Chapter 3368: Chen Jiachang Sheng!

"What good way do you have?" Situ Xiong asked.

"Hey, you taught me this, maybe you can succeed?" Situ Yongkang laughed.

"You don't want to mess around. If you say this, it is also Chen. If Chen Jiazhen has any secrets, if you are discovered, we may even be in danger!" Situ Xiong said in a whisper.

This is simple to say, but once there is a major secret inside, Chen Jia is afraid that they will not let them easily leave Chen.

"Hey, are they still daring to kill us?" Situ Yongkang did not believe it.

Now the entire eight major families know that their homeowners are in Chen's family. If they can't go back, can Chen's family take this responsibility?

"You think Chen is too simple. If he really doesn't want us to leave, he can wait until we leave Chen. Then here is Chen's site. Do you think it will be difficult for them to stop us? ?"

"Do they really dare to do this?" Situ Yongkang was shocked.

"That depends on whether we have caused a lot of threats to Chen. If there are any unknown secrets discovered by us, it is absolutely impossible for Chen to let us take this secret back.

And they are not going to be against the whole eight major families. At that time, other families know that we have left the Chen family that day. Even if we have an accident, they have enough reasons to get out! ”

"Let's say this, we won't check it?"

"Check! Why not check, but you have to be careful, you must not let Chen find it! I can give you a direction, do not go to the elders of Chen family, you can find the person who is the main pulse of Chen.

Chen is a family of refiners, and only those with the main thread can become soul refiners. Therefore, the main vein of Chen’s family is very high in Chen’s status. They may also know something, but these people are more likely to buy than the elders! Situ Xiong reminded.

If he really knows the secrets of Chen’s unspeakable people, he can directly inform the other seven major families.

Chen Jia dare to start with their Stuart family, can they dare to work on the eight major families at the same time?

If this is the case, then Chen can never exist in the world again. Because even when the people of the Eight Great Family have left the Chen family, but the people of the Eight Great Family are dead, can they have a relationship with Chen Jiaxuan?

Obviously impossible!

Besides, even if you don't inform other families, it is very difficult for Chen to want to get rid of their Stuart family and not reveal a little wind.

So he doesn't have to worry so much, but it's best if he can't be discovered.

"Well, I know!" Situ Yongkang nodded and felt that his father had seen it thoroughly.

In fact, the ritual of the new homeowner is not complicated, as long as you exchange the homeowner's tokens.

However, today's host ceremony was hosted by Chen's ancestors, so Chen's disciples were all excited.

Because the Chen family ancestors can not be seen casually, and under normal circumstances, the Chen family's ancestors will not intervene in this kind of thing. However, when their second son was in the upper position, he was presided over by Chen’s ancestors.

It can be seen that the second son became a new owner and was very much recognized by Chen’s ancestors. This shows that their second son is too powerful and has a face.

"Our two sons are really not ordinary people. I didn't expect to be a new owner so soon, and there are ancestors who came to preside over the ceremony for him. It's really a face!"

"Yeah, I heard that when the old master was in the upper position, there were no ancestors. I didn't think that the two sons now have such a face. Not only the homes of the eight great families have arrived, but now even the ancestors are coming. It is really It’s so admirable.”

"Do you want to say that the second son is our idol? Others can have no such thing!"

"Does this mean that in the future, our Chen family is also a big family in the Nine major family?" Someone asked.

"I don't know if it is a big family now, but I believe that as long as there are two sons, our Chen family will soon become a big family like the three great families, and it will occupy a pivotal position in the nine family!"

"Yes, under the leadership of the second son, we will definitely rise!" All Chen members looked at the ceremony being held in front of them, and they were very excited.

Like the tokens of most families and martial art, Chen’s owner’s token is a ring. This ring is called the soul ring, but outsiders don’t know this, and they don’t know what the ring is.

Under the witness of Chen’s ancestors and people at the place, when Chen Tianxing handed over the soul of the house to Chen Hongyuan’s hand, Chen Hongyuan finally became the real owner of Chen’s family.

"Thank you for your appreciation. From today, I am the owner of the Chen family. I swear here, even if it is exhausting my life, I must lead Chen to become more powerful and let Chen return to the family!" At the moment when the soul ring was worn on his own hands, Chen Hongyuan felt a heavy responsibility on his body.

Looking at the people on the Yuhua Peak, Chen Hongyuan's ambitions rushed out from the heart, so that he even had an impulse to sacrifice his life for Chen's future.

Perhaps this is the responsibility and recognition of Chen's family!

"The owner is mighty! The owner is mighty! The owner is mighty!" Just as Chen Hongyuan’s voice just fell, the entire Chen family was drinking at Yuhuafeng.

This sound is all over the world, making the heavens and the earth discolored, surrounded by Chen's homes, and has not been dispersed for a long time.

However, seeing such a hot scene, the faces of other families are not so good.

If Chen Hongyuan’s vows come true, then other families must be stepped on by him.

What's more, I saw that the whole Chen family's recognition of Chen Hongyuan's new homeowner is so high, and naturally it is not a taste~www.ltnovel.com~ Because even when they inherited the position of the family owner, they did not have such a high voice.

But now, they are not as good as a young man, and naturally they are uncomfortable.

As for whether Chen Hongyuan can really lead the rise of Chen, they are not very concerned about it, nor are they very optimistic.

They think it may be because Chen Hongyuan is still too young, so it is normal to have this blood just now. But when he has been a homeowner for a while, he may not have such ambitions anymore.

Even if the nine great families are weak, there are hundreds of thousands of people. One family of so many people, you can become powerful if you want to become strong.

If it is so easy, they are afraid that they will not fall.

"The new family will succeed in the ceremony, let us bless Chen family, Chen Jiachang Sheng, eternal life forever!" When Yu Huafeng again angered, Chen Hong shouted loudly.

"Chen Jiachang Sheng, eternal life forever!" Hearing this sentence, Chen family is more heated, and the sound is overwhelming!

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